A suspicion suddenly arose in Tuoba Lang's heart, and he thought with his toes, how could Dajing be willing to share the world with Sheng Le?

In other words, how could the country of Dajing be allowed to be invaded by foreigners?

How could Lang Zhuo not know his worries? Lang Zhuo changed the subject and analyzed the pros and cons in a different way:

"Of course, it is also a way out for the king to rely on King Leping to choose him, but King Leping is treason after all. Dajing has laid a dragnet waiting for him. He can just stay still. If he moves, he will be captured. At this time, How could I look at Sheng Le and see my brother fall into the cliff with King Leping, so I volunteered to come to the king on behalf of Dajing."

"Perhaps Emperor Dajing had other ideas when he proposed that Princess Shengle be a candidate for Crown Princess, but with my official mediating everything, Princess Dajing must belong to Princess Shengle!"

Tuoba Lang stared at Lang Zhuo, with an incomprehensible smile hidden in his eyes, "With my brother here, I am naturally relieved, but I have already made a promise to King Leping, so it is not good to break a promise."

Langzhuo's expression was very peaceful and natural. He took a mouthful of wolf meat and said: "This is what the king is thinking about. I just provide the king with another better way. No matter how the king chooses, the purpose is actually the same. Yes, one is taking the path of rebellion, and the other is taking the path of reconciliation. Even if King Leping succeeds in his rebellion, there is no guarantee that King Leping will not be a cunning rabbit and a lackey."

"Even if Prince Shengle cannot become the Crown Princess or Queen of Dajing, Dajing and Shengle can still live in harmony. Besides, when I came, the Holy Father also promised that if King Shengle is willing to send the princess to Dajing to run for election, Crown Princess, Dajing will also send a princess to Shengle to marry, and the princess’s dowry will not be shabby, and the dowry for marrying a princess in the future will not be shabby either.”

Tuoba Lang's eyes finally brightened. What did the dowry and betrothal gift in Lang Zhuo's words refer to? Tuoba Lang had already imagined that this was indeed a business that would not lose money.

He toasted Lang Zhuo with a glass of wine and said: "Since this proposal was made by Dajing, I am still a little worried. If Dajing can send the princess over first, after I get married to the princess, I will Then send the princess there."

Tuoba Lang is really cunning.

Lang Zhuo shook his head without even thinking about it, "I'm afraid the Holy Emperor won't agree. It's best to send it to both parties together. If the King is still not at ease, he will hand it over in Baoding."

He changed the topic and said: "Please don't worry, my dear sister, the throne of the Crown Princess has not been stated explicitly, but has been secretly promised to me. He said that as long as Princess Shengle has a dignified character, she can choose to do so." Crown Princess. I have seen Wang sister when she was little. She is smart and eager to learn, has a generous and generous temperament, and has a beautiful appearance. After arriving in the capital, she will be taught more and she will not be a problem to become the Crown Princess. "

Lang Zhuo's assurance made Tuoba Lang feel hot in his heart.

If his sister marries the prince in the future, why would he spend so much manpower and material resources to make King Leping happy?

Even if King Leping succeeded, he still could not turn his gun on Sheng Le. If he didn't succeed, he would have suffered enough from Dajing. In the past, Duke Anguo marched straight in and beat Shengle. There is no guarantee that Dajing's people will not come to take revenge in the future!

Tuoba Lang's heartbeat was racing, and he already had an idea in his mind, so he said: "I will remember what my brother said, but I will give him some time to discuss with the ministers. My brother came from a long way, and my brother will accompany him to get drunk." "

What Lang Zhuo said today was very sincere, and Tuoba Lang would not be unmoved.

But in the first half of the year, Tuoba Zhao did not return to Shengle alive. Tuoba Lang had already become suspicious of Lang Zhuo, and it was normal to have concerns.

After this banquet, no one in the room discussed official matters anymore. The people in Shengle talked about the customs of Shengle, and the people in Dajing talked about the customs and habits of Dajing, which was considered a pleasant experience.

During the banquet, some people from Shengle were also drunk. They staggered up and came over, holding a wine cup to propose a toast to Lang Zhuo.

Lang Zhuo had already drank a lot. During this period, O Feng took advantage of the situation and added water to the jug.

Therefore, Lang Zhuo was a little drunk, but he was not drunk. He was a civil servant. Compared with the rough men in Shengle, he was delicate, elegant and steady. Compared with the men in Dajing, he had a bit more heroic spirit in his brows.

In short, he was different, and his behavior attracted the actors and dancers around him to look at him frequently, with affectionate eyes and interesting thoughts.

But Lang Zhuo turned a blind eye.

When others toasted him, he also returned the toast. In short, he was friendly and calm, and he did not make Shengle people feel that they had lost face. Tuoba Lang kept hooking Lang Zhuo's shoulders. Seeing people coming one after another to persuade him to drink, he said carelessly: "You go and drink for yourself. Don't pester Mr. Lang all the time. We brothers have many things on our minds that we haven't yet expressed." By the way, what will happen if you get my brother drunk?"

Lang Zhuo waved his hand nonchalantly, indicating that he could drink more, but those people had already been driven away by Tuoba Lang, and Lang Zhuo was speechless.

He suddenly fell on the chair and fell down on the table in a flash, saying in a confused voice: "I'm happy to meet Shengle people... I respect you all,... I respect you all..."

Tuoba Lang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, you and I are connected by blood, and we cannot break it after all."

Lang Zhuo frowned slightly and smiled, "Brother Lang is right, we are connected by blood. I am from Shengle..."

Tuoba Lang waved to a woman in red playing the huqin on one side, and the woman in red put down the huqin and came over.

The woman in red had been looking at Lang Zhuo for a long time. Tuoba Lang called her over, but her eyes were always fixed on Lang Zhuo.

The woman's exquisite Shengle makeup and disc-like face were still a bit charming. Tuoba Lang said something in her ear. The woman's cheeks turned red and she lowered her eyes shyly.

The other girls also looked at her with envy on their faces.

Tuoba Lang gave instructions to the woman in red, then whispered in Lang Zhuo's ear: "Brother is drunk, I'll have someone help him down to rest."

Lang Zhuo was so drunk that he only made a "hmm" sound in his mouth.

The woman in red was slender. She leaned against Lang Zhuo softly and said in a bad Dajing voice: "My lord, I will help you to have a rest."

Lang Zhuozui glanced at the girl in confusion, smiled with satisfaction, then leaned on the girl's shoulder, stood up with weak legs, hooked one hand on the girl's back, and staggered out through the crowd.

Qingyang and Orfeng were outside the door. When Lang Zhuo came out, they followed immediately. However, they did not separate Lang Zhuo from the girl, and only followed slowly.

When they arrived at a courtyard in the back house, the woman turned back to look at Qingyang Ofeng and said, "You two, please don't follow me. I will take good care of you."

Qingyang and Orfeng smiled at each other and stood guard at the door. The woman pushed the door open and sent Lang Zhuo in, and soon closed the door.

Qingyang deliberately said loudly to Orfeng at the door: "We, adults, have been alone for many years and have always looked down on the girls in the capital. It turns out that the girl in our hearts is the girl Sheng Le."

Orfeng also followed the words and said: "My lord is from Shengle after all, and he always thinks about Shengle in his heart. Otherwise, he would not have declined the noble girl introduced by the eldest princess and vowed to marry a girl from Shengle."

Qingyang smiled and said, "In my opinion, if Sheng Le and Dajing are getting married this time, it would be better for King Sheng Le to find a match and take care of your life-long affairs."

Ao Feng said: "I think it's okay. I'll mention it to you and King Shengle some other time."

...(End of chapter)

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