Orfeng's eyelids twitched. When he raised his eyes and looked again, the woman could no longer kneel and collapsed on the ground.

He did not dare to ask the master why he killed someone, so he quietly withdrew and went to find out who the musician Peng Lai was.

Orfeng went from the backyard to the front yard.

He didn't dare to blatantly ask anyone he met who was Peng Lai. He just checked where those who had played the flute and sheng at the banquet had gone and quietly walked over.

He originally thought that since the master asked him to kill Peng Lai, Peng Lai must have gotten a glimpse of the master, or knew the secret of sister Puran.

So I planned to hide in a dark place, and when everyone was sleeping peacefully after dark, I would sneak into Peng Lai's bedroom and kill him.

Unexpectedly, after hiding behind a tree for a while, I heard the conversation between the two people.

One said: "I have never seen what the people of Dajing look like, but I have seen them today. Their clothes are more gorgeous and finer than ours, and each of them speaks softly. Although I can't understand Dajing's words, I can't understand them." I think their voices are nice.”

The other one sighed, a little angrily: "It's just that the skin is different, the rest is not the same as us Shengle people! People in high positions wear nice clothes, and their people are not living in the same miserable life. Dajing Haven’t you heard how many people have starved to death this year?”

They all spoke in Shengle dialect. It was a bit difficult for Ofeng to listen, but he could still vaguely understand.

I only heard the man say again: "Shengle and Dajing are the same. People in high positions eat, drink, play, sleep with women, but the people below are hungry and starve to death on the roadside. Who will care?"

Someone patted the man on the shoulder and said: "Peng Lai, you are sad to see Shu Tang being given to Nalang by the king. It's better not to say these words, so as not to cause trouble."

Peng Lai? Orfeng's heart suddenly lifted. He could not find any place after wearing iron shoes, and it took no effort to get it.

Zhengchou didn't know who Peng Lai was, but unfortunately he met him.

Listening to their conversation, Shu Tang has a close relationship with this Peng Lai. No wonder the adults want him to kill Peng Lai, because he is afraid that he really knows Shu Tang's true identity.

But it was still dark now, there were still people coming and going in the courtyard, and Peng Lai and his companions were there. Ofeng didn't dare to come out and kill people at this time, so he continued to huddle behind the big tree.

Peng Lai stopped talking. After a long time, Ao Feng heard him say: "We are all the king's slaves and we can't help ourselves. Fortunately, Shu Tang is not a heartless person. She said that she climbed up to Mr. Lang just to let Mr. Lang take her." Go to the capital to reunite with her sister, who runs a large restaurant under Mr. Lang, and she will take me there with her."

"The capital of Dajing is very prosperous. Shu Tang said that the people there can give more rewards than we make in a year. I gave all the copper coins I had to Shu Tang, and we will get married when we get to Dajing."

Ao Feng smiled bitterly in his heart when he heard this. Peng Lai was looking forward to the future, not knowing that his death was coming soon.

Although Orfeng didn't know what Shu Tang said in the ear of the master, which caused the master to order Peng Lai to be killed, it must have been Shu Tang who said something that was beneficial to himself and detrimental to others.

He waited until the crescent moon hung on the treetops and no one was around before he ducked out from behind the tree and went straight to the door of the last room Peng Lai entered.

There were several people sleeping on the long bunk in the room, but Ofeng easily found Peng Lai's position and patted his shoulder quietly.

Peng Lai woke up with a start. He couldn't see clearly the appearance of the person in front of him in the dim light coming from the window. He only felt that he was dressed like a man from Dajing.

He was about to ask who he was when Orfeng hurriedly covered his mouth with his palm and whispered: "Stop talking. Miss Shutang asked me to come to you. Put on your clothes and follow me."

Even though his mouth was covered, Peng Lai had a smile in his eyes when he heard Shu Tang's name.

He nodded, and Ao Feng let him go, walked out of the room ahead of him, and waited for him outside. Peng Lai took the animal robe covering himself, put it on his body, got off the ground and went out, and closed the door.

After arriving under the solitary lamp in the courtyard, Ofeng saw clearly that Peng Lai had a childish look on his face, as if he was seventeen or eighteen years old and had not yet fully realized what he was doing.

Ofeng casually put his arm on Peng Lai's shoulder, and the dagger hidden in his sleeve revealed an imperceptible cold light.

He looked around and saw that there was no one around, and then asked in a stiff and awkward Sheng Le dialect: "Who are you, Shu Tang?"

Peng Lai was stunned, with a look of fear on his face: "Didn't Shu Tang ask you to come to me?"

Orfeng smiled calmly, covered Peng Lai's mouth, and drew him away into the darkness.

There were guards everywhere in Tuoba Lang's house, with torches and long knives in their hands, walking back and forth, their eyes like mandrills shining with a dense light.

Ofeng didn't want to be discovered by Tuoba Lang's people. He had already walked the road in this house and took Peng Lai directly to a locked utility room.

The lock was nothing more than a broken lock. Ofeng gently hit it with his elbow, and the chain fell to the ground with a clatter.

Even though Peng Lai was trembling, he did not resist. He was pushed into the room by Ofeng, and he bravely said: "I remember you, you are the person next to Mr. Lang."

There was a vague feeling in his heart that Ofeng was looking for him.

Ao Feng closed the door from the inside. Even if there were no lights, he could see the expressions on the two people's faces clearly through the moonlight outside the window.

Ao Feng just smiled and said, "Shu Tang talks sweet words in front of us adults, but we adults can't believe it. I heard that you are the most familiar with Shu Tang, so I asked you to ask you about Shu Tang's daily character? Is he loyal to the king?" "

As he spoke, the dagger hidden in his sleeve had slipped into his palm. The cold light reflected on the blade in the dusk made Peng Lai take two steps back.

Peng Lai had a look of fear on his face. He didn't retreat to the corner until he could no longer retreat, then he tremblingly retorted: "Shu Tang grew up in Shengle, how could he be disloyal to the king?"

Orfeng slowly approached him, "Didn't she promise you that she would take you to the capital with her?"

Peng Lai dodged his eyes and hesitated for a long time before saying: "But her sister is working for you sir! You sir call our king brothers, this is not considered disloyal to the king."

Orfeng patted his palm twice with a dagger, frowned, and asked: "If that's the case, then why did she instigate us adults to assign me to kill you? Did you threaten her with the matter of going to the capital? Or did you What conflict happened between them?"

Peng Lai's eyes widened with disbelief on his face, "Did Shu Tang want me to die? How is that possible?"

Orfeng looked at the sharp edge of the dagger. He had assassinated many people with this knife over the years, and he knew the ins and outs of each murder.

Only this time, he didn't know the inside story and blindly accepted the lord's errand.

It would be fine if he didn't hear the conversation between Peng Lai and others, but if he heard it, he felt that Peng Lai was someone who shouldn't be killed.

Orfeng nodded, "We adults are new here, and we like Shu Tang the first time we see her. Naturally, we believe in her words. If you have any last words you want to say before you die, just say them. If I'm in a good mood, I will do it for you." You do it."

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