She put her arms on the table, suddenly moved forward, approached Lang Zhuo, and said slowly: "I am willing to marry you."

Even though Lang Zhuo wanted to hear this in his dreams, he couldn't believe it at this moment. He stared blankly at the person in front of him, trying to see clearly what kind of evil she was holding in her heart.

Bei Sheng was not surprised at all by his expression. He sat up straight again and couldn't help but laugh.

Lang Zhuo asked: "What are you laughing at?"

Bei Sheng stopped smiling and looked at him silently. After a moment, he said calmly: "You asked me to marry you, but I agreed but you didn't dare. I am timid and you are not upright enough."

His thoughts were seen through, and Lang Zhuo was speechless.

He desperately longed for Beisheng to favor him, but when the words came out of her mouth, they didn't mean what he wanted.

Even if his desire to marry Bei Sheng remains unwavering, his sincerity cannot be trampled upon by her.

Did she really think she couldn't see through the charlatan in her heart? In front of Lang Zhuo, she didn't dare to admit that she had such ability.

I just want him to understand that he is not worthy of him. If he doesn't want to get hurt, he should stop as soon as possible.

Seeing that Lang Zhuo only looked at her without speaking, Bei Sheng stood up suddenly and gritted his teeth and said: "I will give you ten days. If you figure it out, I will come to propose marriage in ten days. If I can't wait for you in ten days, you will never be able to wait." It’s my turn.”

She resolutely went out and went downstairs, regardless of how Lang Zhuo looked at her behind her.

The horse he rode was tied up in the backyard of Yu Linglong Pavilion. Beisheng untied himself and left through the back door.

She still had someone to take care of and had no time to stay with Lang Zhuo.

We took the familiar route to Luoming Lane, where Ren Yuanzhi and Wen He lived.

She only gave Zhao Shu a word, and Ren Yuanzhi was retained. In just half a month, he became the Secretary General of the Department of Criminal Affairs.

Luoming Lane is extremely remote, but it is a gathering place for low-level officials.

If Zhao Shu hadn't helped with the resettlement, Ren Yuanzhi and his wife wouldn't have been able to live in a place like Luoming Lane.

However, Ren Yuanzhi's family background does not look shabby, and there is a plaque on the top of the door that reads "Gong Du Di".

Bei Sheng looked at it and smiled lightly. Ren Yuanzhi came from a poor family, but he did not forget his roots.

She got off her horse and tied it to the horse post in front of the door before knocking on the door.

A vulgarly dressed maid came out when she opened the door. She looked Bei Sheng up and down, and felt that the girl opposite didn't look like she was dressed as someone with a simple status.

The maid hesitated for a moment and asked softly: "Who are you looking for, girl?"

Beisheng said: "I'm looking for Mr. Ren, is he here? If Mr. Ren is not here, please send a message to Mrs. Wen. She recognizes me."

Bei Sheng guessed that Ren Yuanzhi was not at home at this time, so she happened to go to Wen He to find out Ren Yuanzhi's direction.

The maid said: "We adults are here, but my wife has something to do and has returned to her parents' home. She won't be back until the day after tomorrow."

Bei Sheng didn't expect that Ren Yuanzhi was at home. Isn't the Department of Justice and Justice busy?

The maid stepped aside, asked Bei Sheng to come in, and then trotted to deliver the message.

The courtyard is not big, but there are countless tall and short green plants. The whole courtyard looks quiet, but the passage into the house is extremely narrow.

Beisheng stood in the courtyard and waited for a while before Ren Yuanzhi came in a hurry.

When the maid reported that there was a girl asking for an audience, Ren Yuanzhi was still a little surprised as to who would be looking for him.

After passing a tall oleander tree and seeing clearly that it was Beisheng, his eyes paused for a moment. Then he turned around and asked the maid to prepare tea. After the maid retreated, she saluted Beisheng and said, "I wonder if the two girls are here. What can I tell you?"

Ren Yuanzhi had long lost the dejected look he had when he came out of prison, and now he was in a high-spirited state. Even though he was tall, he still had to lower his eyes to look at Bei Sheng.

Beisheng looked at him, smiled, and said, "I heard from the young Marquis that you were promoted to work in the Department of Administration, so I came to see you. I came here on a whim and didn't prepare any gifts. Please don't be offended."

Because Beisheng had saved his life, even though he didn't want to accept the kindness, Ren Yuanzhi still kept his attitude very low: "No, no, the second lady said this and went out. It is right that my wife and I should go to the Duke's Mansion to pay homage. The second girl is afraid of humiliating the palace of the Duke, so I asked the second girl to come to my place."

Beisheng smiled, she had long known that Ren Yuanzhi was just a servile and servile person.

If there is no benefit, it cannot move his heart, if there is no power, he cannot move his ambition, if you want to drive people like Ren Yuanzhi to use them for your own use, the only word "right" can be used.

Beisheng said: "I have something and I would like to ask Master Ren for help."

"The girl came into the room and said."

Ren Yuanzhi invited Bei Sheng into the main room with a polite attitude. After the maid served tea, Ren Yuanzhi sat on the chair under Bei Sheng's head.

He glanced sharply at Bei Sheng, suddenly stood up and knelt down towards Bei Sheng, cupped his hands and said: "The second girl and the young Marquis have saved my life. Your business is my business. From now on, Ren will be my business." The second girl and the young Marquis will follow suit and will not give up even if they die!"

Bei Sheng pretended to be moved and said, "Master Ren, I got up to speak. I came to Master Ren for help because I was desperate. I had no intention of repaying any kindness."

After Ren Yuanzhi sat down, Bei Sheng continued: "This is done, and it is a great achievement for Lord Ren. It is possible to be promoted to several levels, but if we fail, not only me, but also Lord Ren may be killed." disaster."

Good fortune and misfortune happen in an instant, the introduction has been thrown out, it depends on Ren Yuanzhi's choice.

If he keeps silent, Beisheng will retreat. If he is willing to take the risk, victory is in sight.

But Ren Yuanzhi is a reckless person. As long as it is profitable, what is there to be afraid of?

He was a person who had died once before, and he was promoted by the Young Marquis before he entered the Department of Criminal Affairs. As the saying goes, wealth can be obtained through danger, but what kind of fame and wealth cannot be obtained through danger?

After only a moment's hesitation, Ren Yuanzhi said, "Young ladies, it's okay to talk!"

Beisheng said: "The people who chased me in Fengyang a few days ago are the same people who murdered the prince in the first month. They are people from Meihua Pavilion under King Xiaoyi of Leping. The case has been handed over to the Ministry of Punishment. I guess Pei from the Ministry of Punishment Qin will not touch them for the time being. If you can attack the Plum Blossom Pavilion by surprise, in front of His Majesty and the Crown Prince..."

Beisheng didn't say the next words, and Ren Yuanzhi also knew that this was a matter of becoming famous.

Ren Yuanzhi immediately said: "Even if this matter is not for the girl and the prince, I will pull out King Leping's minions for my own sake! It is really hateful that he insulted my wife! Don't worry, girl, this matter will be taken care of by me."

If Xiao Yi was still in the capital, Ren Yuanzhi would definitely be wary. Now when Xiao Yi heard that the prince had returned to the capital, he was so frightened that he ran away. What else was there to be afraid of?

Even though Ren Yuanzhi had this ambition, Beisheng was still a little worried and continued: "King Leping still has a group of followers in the capital, including the Gaoyang Marquis Mansion. Sir Ren should be more cautious."

Ren Yuanzhi's expression froze and he stared at Bei Sheng, not believing it for a moment.

His ability to enter the Secretary's Office was entirely dependent on Gaoyang Houfu. If he touched Xiao Yi's people, he would also indirectly fall out with Gaoyanghoufu.

Beisheng wanted him to know the involvement, and then make a choice based on his heart, and continued: "The young marquis and King Leping are cousins, and the Marquis of Gaoyang is the uncle of King Leping. What King Leping did is not inappropriate for your majesty and the prince. I know, but because Marquis Gao Yang didn’t dare to touch him.”

After Ren Yuanzhi was silent for a moment, he closed his eyes slightly and asked, "So, whoever dares to touch Prince Leping will be the hero?"

Beisheng nodded, "He is also the one who is roasted on the fire."

Ren Yuanzhi waved his hand and then said: "Girl, there is no need to say it. I know it well. King Leping murdered the prince. If I have the ability to help the future prince, I can only feel sorry for the young marquis."

If a person doesn't do it for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. Perhaps his rise to fame should be due to this matter. How could he miss it?

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