Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 101 Wild Dog Eats Corpses

Chapter 101 Wild Dog Eats Corpses
  The elderly were not allowed to have their funeral services at home at all. How resentful is this?
  And why did the spirit stop for two days and then come back to get old clothes?
  If it's correct, the old clothes Zhao Di mentioned should be the old clothes I saw in the coffin, right?

Something must have happened on the hills, and it was something that my uncle didn't expect, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed home to pick up the old man's old clothes.

He must have been prepared to stay outside for seven days before being buried.

What about the body? If you use clothes to replace the body, does it mean that the body and clothes are gone?
  If such a big body can be saved, could someone still steal it?
  Who would steal a body?
  Moreover, my uncle was so excited that he scolded dogs and beasts.
  Wait, a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred in my mind, and I had a very bad idea——

Dog bastard, dog bastard, may not be scolding Bai Zhaodi.

Maybe he was just scolding the dog.

I have been to the hills over there, and it can be said to be a real wilderness.

Moreover, according to Bai Zhaodi, the old man died between June and September, the hottest months, and the body would soon rot, and stray wild dogs loved carrion most.

When I think about it, it all makes sense.

Judging from the attitude of the uncle and aunt during the previous quarrel, it was obvious that the old man had done something that made people hate dogs before he died. As a result, no one went to the wake, but he happened to be left in the wilderness and was devoured by vicious dogs.
  Why did the paper man lead me to the tomb, but there was no body in the tomb?

Because the pieces of the body are really in front of the tomb.

No wonder he has so much resentment and can become something I can’t even guess.
  Who wouldn't be resentful if he was devoured by wild dogs two days after his death?

Then the zombie I deduced earlier is probably wrong.

Zombies, zombies, at least have corpses.

The corpses were not well eaten and buried, so there must be nothing left, so what kind of zombies are there?

I changed my mind again and thought about it for a while, but still had no idea.

Bai Zhaodi looked at me thinking deeply, hugged me gently, and spread her heat to me:
  "Sister, why are you shivering? Is it cold?"

I came to my senses and asked one more question:
  "It's okay. By the way, how does your grandma treat dogs?"

I asked casually as a test, but unexpectedly I saw Zhaodi shuddering herself:
  "not good."

"very bad!"

"Although our family owns a butcher shop, everyone who runs a small business knows that the more you sell, the harder it is to eat, because you have to give it to the customers first. If you can eat some of the food, it will be good."

"And grandma, when she couldn't eat meat, she would take some leftover food and go hunting dogs."

Beating a dog is obviously not really beating a dog.

Because Bai Zhaodi seemed to have thought of something terrible and continued:
  ".Then, eat dog meat."

This is a closed logic loop.

According to what Bai Zhaodi said, the old man beat and ate dogs during his lifetime, and he also had a grudge against the dog.

It’s not necessarily as I thought, it was a passing hill wild dog that ate the corpse, or it could be that it ran that far just to eat the corpse!

Therefore, people should really do less evil during their lifetime.
  I sighed helplessly, finally got some ideas, and looked at the time on my phone again:
  "I suddenly remembered something, so I'm leaving now. I'll see you another day. You go to bed early." Bai Zhaodi nodded vigorously, and I said goodbye to her again. I didn't go back to Zimaxiang Shop, but found a more regular hotel. I stayed, thought about it, and called Boss Hu again.

The phone rang for more than ten seconds before it was picked up at the other end, and it wasn't the Boss Hu I thought it was, but Hu Xiaowu's slightly frivolous voice:
  "Miss Tu, do you miss me? Why do you have time to make a phone call today?"

I was originally a little entangled in the matter of Mr. Hu using the 'fake longevity pottery urn' to treat my daughter-in-law. I had always been afraid of hearing bad news. Now when I heard Hu Xiaowu's voice, I suddenly had a bad feeling and subconsciously asked:
  "Why are you? Where is Boss Hu? Where is Boss Hu's wife? What happened recently?"

Hu Xiaowu was smacked in the face by my series of questions, and a somewhat depressed voice came from the phone:
  "My brother gave me his cell phone number!"

"Sister-in-law is getting better. My eldest brother was frightened by the sudden deterioration of my sister-in-law last time. He is not planning to run away, but is preparing to retire. Now they want to hand over all the family business to me. There are many important people with this phone number. As for your number, of course you can’t handle it casually.”

It turns out, it's better
  I breathed a sigh of relief, and listened to Hu Xiaowu feeding me a few more times to confirm the signal, and hurriedly said:
  "I'm calling because I have something to ask. If it's convenient for you now, can you listen to me?"

Hu Xiaowu became happy as soon as he heard this, and started to talk nonsense again:

"It's okay~ If something happens, I'll stay close to you, little girl~"

"Tell me, tell me, what could have caused you to make such a call?"

I told all the stories about the dead people I saw, how I dug graves but found no corpses, and how I suspected that the bodies in front of the graves were eaten by dogs, and finally added:

"Now I actually think about it. At first glance, the dead people I saw that day looked like whole people. They didn't look like they had been dismembered by wild dogs and couldn't be buried."

"So I want to ask you, who is familiar with all kinds of immortal methods, is it possible that some wild dogs or spirits of some climate hollowed out the old man's body and then got in to become an 'adult'?"

"After all, I thought about it again and again. The head is indeed a dead head, but there is breathing in the chest and abdomen. It is really difficult for me to understand."

"In addition, the old man had a grudge against dogs before his death."

I clicked until I clicked, and then Hu Xiaowu on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then he said:

"It's not possible. If it's like you said, it's almost certain that a dog will take over a human body."

Perhaps because the matter was serious, Hu Xiaowu also stopped joking and said in a calm and firm voice:
  "It's just that you said something wrong."

"Dogs, especially those common in rural areas, are not small enough to be transferred into a human body and then control the dead person to continue to 'live'."

"As far as I know, there is only one immortal who can turn around and control people for so many years, Wong Tai Sin. They are petite and good at controlling their minds. They can also slightly change their appearance to confuse those who see it, making people think that the corpse is still the same. Living people.”

"Others are either not big enough, or they are not good at confusing others."

"Dogs are even worse, so I have a more radical guess——

If my guess is correct, the 'person' you saw may only have a human head. "

"Under the neck, it's a dog."

"Many wild dogs devoured the body, and then a smarter dog took away the head, put on a coat, and began to hold the human head on its head, pretending to be a human."

"If I'm not wrong, the reason why it is standing in the wheat field is because its feet are basically dog ​​legs."

 The last two words are a bit funny///
  (End of this chapter)

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