Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 105 Knocking on bones and sucking out marrow

Chapter 105 Knocking on bones and sucking out marrow

My heart tightened and I tried to keep my voice steady:
  "Don't be anxious, speak slowly, what happened next?"

"They took all the money and stuff, right? Then they beat you and didn't let you go to school?"

"But when I took you to re-contact the school last time, didn't I already discuss it with your school teachers?"

"I've already told you that you are a child from a special family and ask them to take good care of you. If you don't go to school, go to the Women's Federation or call me, but why?"

Why is there no movement at all?

I had to recruit someone from Pingyang County to find out about her.

Zhaodi's already red and swollen eyes were once again filled with tears. Her voice was exhausted and trembling:

"elder sister."

"If someone really cared about my affairs, I wouldn't have stopped going to school two years ago."

"After my parents were released from prison yesterday, they came home and found that Yaozu was the only one in the house who was skipping classes. When Yaozu said that I was in school, they went to the school to arrest me."

"There were many classmates and teachers in the school, but they just watched my parents grab my hair and take me away."

"They are my parents!"

"No one will care if parents beat their children. The teachers are very good, but they are also afraid that my father will beat them, aren't they?"

"My parents won't let me go to school. If I go to school, there will be one less person in the family and no one will work."

"They wanted to beat me to death, but I wanted to go to school."

Zhaodi was crying and talking, with big tears falling from the corners of her eyes. Her words were a little confusing, but I understood what she meant -

I was too naive.

What is the county seat nearby? How many understanding people can there be?
  If they were all really good people, then those abducted women wouldn’t have to be bullied by those beasts.

Looking at Zhaodi's current condition, the clothes I bought for her had a big tear on her arm, and the collar of the cotton-padded jacket inside was also torn in half, and couldn't withstand the cold wind at all.

The legs of his trousers and the toes of his shoes were covered in patches of mud, his hair was in a mess, and there were some dark red blood stains close to his scalp, which were obviously traces of the scalp being pulled and torn.

On her exposed skin, there were bruises the size of fists, as well as long, thin cuts, which looked like they had been whipped with the tips of moso bamboo.

This person really suffered a serious crime and had to risk his life to escape from home and come to me!

I took a deep breath, pulled Zhaodi into the bathroom, changed her clothes, gently washed away the dirt and blood on her body, and took out a few clothes that I hadn't worn yet and told her to change. superior.

Zhaodi rubbed her face and shook her head, not daring to answer.

I helped her put it on myself and coaxed her in a low voice:

"You can't keep walking around in those rags."

"Let me ask you, when you came here, did your parents know about this?"

Zhao Di held back her tears and nodded:
  "Yes, they know!"

"When they beat me, what they said was, 'If you have the ability, go to your sister again and see how she can help you. She can't protect you forever. When she leaves, they will beat you to death.'"

"I'm young, but I'm not stupid. They said this because they know that my sister loves me, and they want to force me to come to her, and then threaten you." I caught Zhaodi when she wanted to kneel down. The eyes were already bloodshot, and they were so red and swollen that they could no longer shed a single tear, but they still cried miserably:
  "But I don't know where I can go. I'm sorry sister, I, I"

A little girl who has suffered a lot at home since she was a child is frightened like this. Even if she knows the great truth, how can she not be afraid?

I didn’t mean to care so much, so I felt soft and said:

"It's okay, if my sister is here, she won't let them do anything to you!"

Although I knew that my help with Zhaodi might not be hidden for long, but this was too fast!
  In my expectation, I contacted the police and helped Zhaodi go back to school. I should be able to postpone it until Zhaodi's high school entrance examination half a year later. Then I would find a way for Zhaodi to secretly go to high school. By then, I would be able to secretly take care of Zhaodi.
  But it had only been fifteen days since Zhao Di returned to school, and this happened, almost beating Zhao Di to death!

Can I still stay at this house? Not even a day!

Get out of the way with all this nonsense about sneaking and secretly supporting people!
  I couldn't save those women in the cave before, can't I save Zhao Di now?

With the faces of those people, they just don’t regard their money as their biological parents. So no matter how much money I spend, can’t I just ‘buy’ Bai Zhaodi? !

I made up my mind, quickly arranged for Zhaodi to lie down and rest, and told her not to go downstairs if there was any noise. Then I went downstairs again and opened the door.

Sure enough, not long after, the Bai family of three came over slowly.

When they saw the small muddy footprints in the shop that I had not yet wiped away, these people looked at each other with a proud smile on their faces.

This time they thought they had a handle on me and were not in a hurry. They looked around for a while, then in front of me, they raised a paper figure and turned off the camera, and then slowly spoke.

Just my uncle's first slow words made my blood pressure soar:
  "Give this store to our family and forget about it."

"We can still let Zhaodi continue to go to school."

I gritted my teeth and remained silent.

The tall and thin aunt, who had a mean look on her face, saw that I remained silent. She looked at each other and let out a few giggles:
  "Hey, what's wrong with this?"

"As a sister, don't you feel sorry for my sister? You give me money and buy things. If a neighbor hadn't told me, we wouldn't have known how much that big down jacket was worth!"

"No wonder girls know the difficulties of girls! You love Zhaodi so much and even arranged for her to go to school. Are you going to ignore it now?"

"Okay, then forget about it. Just hand over Zhao Di and come back with us, and this matter will be over."

It's over, okay?

I think it’s over, it’s over!

This is obviously because I won't hand over Zhao Di, so I am retreating in order to advance!
  I looked at these three people with cold eyes and smiled smugly for a long time. When they couldn't laugh anymore, I snorted coldly and shouted:

"Little forty!"

No matter what monsters and ghosts he is, if you want to negotiate, let's get out of this bad mood first!

Little Forty moved in response, and a small black shadow jumped out from the lotus porcelain altar on the altar table in the back hall. Following the direction of my finger, it rushed towards the three people in front of them whose faces changed drastically!

My aunt was the closest to me when she was angry, but now she was the first to be slapped in the face!
  This time, the little forty-year-old was no different than before. He opened his baby teeth that he had cultivated very beautifully these days, and bit down hard on his aunt's ear!

This time, half of her ear was torn off!

(End of this chapter)

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