Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 131 Qin’s 3rd move

Chapter 131 Qin Sanshou

Thoughts were running through my mind. When I looked at Ah Qian again, I kept an eye out and glanced at his hands a few more times.

Ah Jian was surprisingly thin and tall, with deep-set eyes. Not only was there no flesh on his cheeks, but even the exposed collarbone on his neck could not hold up his collar.

But the fingers of his hands were unexpectedly plump, white, narrow and slender.

It is a complete manual control benefit.

I looked at the other person's hand a few more times, and each time I felt something was wrong, I couldn't tell what was strange.

So I had to stretch out my hand for comparison. When I saw it, I suddenly realized——

There are no fingerprints on Ah Chi's hand.

No, not only are there no fingerprints, but there are no palm prints or slightly larger pores.

I have heard before that people who do certain jobs will wear out the lines on their hands if they use their hands too much. But with such a large area of ​​wear and tear, how much work did it take in the past?

I had some guesses in my mind, but Ah Chi came over with a calm face:

".Are you listening to me?"

I immediately came to my senses:
  "Yes, I'm taking note. Just keep talking. The next one should be the fifteenth eunuch, right?"

Azian was silent for several breaths, and then said as if out of anger:

"Stop talking, I'll give you the money back."

I didn’t know what this ‘professional killer’ was up to, so I could only reply:
  ".Why, you've already talked about half of it, but you're only a little short of getting the money?"

Ah Chi snorted coldly:
  "You didn't praise my godfather, and you were distracted all the time. You weren't listening at all."

"My godfather said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. If she met her, she would fool me right down to her pants. You are indeed lying to me."

I only felt my temples twitching, and it took me a long while to try to explain clearly:

"You still have your underwear on, and I didn't lie to you at all, so tell me quickly, I'm just waiting to hear about the fifteenth Taibao."

Ah Chiang hesitated for a moment, groping his whole body, then he felt relieved and continued:
  "The fifteenth eunuch is the only female eunuch among the six existing eunuchs."

"Her reputation in Changzhou is even worse than that of several other Taibao."

"It's just that it's not a good reputation, but a bad reputation for robbing homes and robbing men."

"She loves her first love deeply, so it is not a secret in the whole of Changzhou that she looks for a lookalike substitute. In the early years, she relied on her own skills and the power of her brothers to be unscrupulous. Later, she experienced some things and became a little restrained. .”

"I heard that in the early years, there were carriage drivers or beggars who took money from various families and stayed in front of her hall."

"As soon as she goes out, all the young men with a little bit of talent and status will hide away or not go out at all."


Azian frowned deeply and seemed a little confused:
  "It's just that she doesn't seem to like any young men. She has never heard of anyone actually robbing a rich and powerful family. The fifteenth Taibao seems to prefer ordinary people with less outstanding looks, and most of them are ordinary people. A person with a family.” I frowned, and then Ah Chiu continued to say with his fingers:

"There seems to have been a rumor in Changzhou that the fifteenth Taibao seemed to have fallen in love with a married man, and then she failed to keep that man, so she kept looking for someone who was similar to him."

"She seems to like coercion and inducement. The usual process is to give the other party an offer that cannot be refused. Where have those common people seen this? They usually make up their minds to abandon their wives and children and want to make a living with the fifteenth Taibao, but After eating it for a few days, those people will disappear inexplicably."

"If the other party does not accept her conditions, or simply offends her, she will take action herself."

"Then the action is of course ruthless and ruthless. Those wives and children usually don't survive, so there is no need to say more about this."

This is pretty much what I know.

Bai Beiwang was an ordinary man who couldn't resist the temptation. After meeting the Tzu Ching Girl, he slowly gave up his conscience and humanity and made the Tzu Ching Girl watch a big show.

But something seems not quite right.

What's wrong is naturally not about Bai Beiwang, but about the things I saw about his friend in the second uncle's notes.

With the Tzu Ching girl's eccentric character of leaving me alive and waiting for me to come to Changzhou to kill her, it must be that the more complicated and difficult the situation, the happier she will be, and the more she will want to break through the opponent's defense line bit by bit and conquer the opponent.

But what the second uncle said was that when his friend returned home after eating at the banquet, his friend’s wife and two sons had been hanged, and there were also traces of the Tzu Ching girl.
  It all happened incredibly quickly.

I pondered for a few seconds and guessed a possibility——

The friend of the second uncle had already sternly rejected the Tzu Ching girl when they were leaving the party. Of course, the scene was not that simple, but that was probably the meaning. Later, the Tzu Ching girl saw that her usual methods were useless, so she chose to kill someone.

Just make a date——

‘You care about your wife and children, but now that they are gone, you can always be with me, right? ’

But if the second uncle's friend really rejects the Tzu Ching girl first, then he is loyal to the family and has no good impressions of the Tzu Ching girl.

Why did the Tzu Ching girl kill someone, but the second uncle's friend came to persuade the second uncle to leave and marry the Tzu Ching girl?

I pondered for a few seconds, ignored Ah Qian's "Look, I knew you were distracted" expression, and asked:
  "Did you know that a Tzu Ching girl had a husband who was already married more than 20 years ago?"

"That man should also be somewhat famous in Changzhou. His wife and two sons were killed by a Tzu Ching girl, and then he was forced to get married?"

Being able to invite all the Taibao to attend the banquet must have some tricks.
  But apart from what I have said, I don’t know much about other information about my second uncle’s friend. I can only give a general idea, trying to get some information and alleviate the doubts in my heart.

But I didn't expect that after I asked this vague question, Ah Qian immediately understood the information I wanted to find out, straightened his expression, and said:
  "I know, Qin Sanshou!"

"He is the one I told you, the only one who asked a Tzu Ching girl to kill his wife and daughter directly. The rest were basically coercion and inducement, followed by slow torture. This one is more special."

"I told you earlier that the Tzu Ching girl changed her temperament and became more restrained. It was this person who did it."

"This man is also a ruthless man. After his wife and son died, he married a Tzu Ching girl, lurked for two years, and then seriously injured the Tzu Ching girl."

"When Qin Sanshou was young, he was able to defeat half of the southern region with his three-stroke palm skills. It is said that the Tzu Ching girl is still seriously injured and her strength is less than half of what she was back then."

 Liu Bai has walked the path that his second uncle took, experienced what his second uncle has gone through, and will still be innocent of the past. Who knows this feeling!!!
    Just like a railway track, moving in parallel in different time and space, always accompanying each other QAQ
  (End of this chapter)

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