Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 138 Don’t think twice about it

Chapter 138 Don’t think twice about it

[If you don’t tell her directly, will I still stay here? 】

The female ghost slowly shed two lines of blood and tears. I read it again to make sure the sentences were smooth before sending the message:
  "If you were an ordinary person, and one day a stranger told you that although your sister died, her soul still remains in this world, would you believe it?"

"It's better to just use your mobile phone and your tone to set a 'scheduled' message and then deceive the person first. After all, you do have money to give her."

I put down my phone, thought for a moment, took out the tool bag I carried with me, twirled my fingers, and started making paper figures:

"I'm not sure when your sister will come, but I will make a paper doll for you first. When she comes, I will use your remaining blood to add eyes to the paper doll, and let you borrow the paper doll's body for a short time. You appear in front of your sister and have a brief opportunity to communicate."

"I'll talk about the uglification first. This method of possession is like the last bowl of ginseng soup before death, which can bring back the soul. Although it has the effect of briefly restoring the soul, the price is that you have to consume your own soul. "

"You have died a long time ago, and you should have waited in line slowly, waiting for ghost messengers to seize your soul and send you to the road to death. But using this method is like tearing your soul into pieces and throwing it away. Just playing and attracting the attention of ghosts."

"No, let me put it another way, using an analogy you can understand, that is, after a person dies, his or her household registration is canceled, but the identity information is still traveling around, which will definitely lead to inspection by the relevant departments."

"This will take about half an hour at most. During this time, you need to remember two things -

One: Let her take away your bones.

Two: Advise her to leave Changzhou. "

"do you understand?"

Yu Bingqing was stunned when she looked at my familiar movements. She lowered her head and looked at the paper and ink in her hand that could communicate with femininity. Then she looked carefully at the paper man in my hand that was obviously taking shape. She obviously understood something.

She nodded repeatedly, as if she was afraid that I would regret it, so she quickly wrote:
  [No wonder you are not afraid of me, and you still need my teeth. It turns out you are an expert in this world!

Don’t worry, I understand all this, and I will definitely be able to persuade Ajie!

Chen Qingyi and his first wife are both powerful in Changzhou, and I know it myself, otherwise I wouldn't want to take revenge.

I only asked her to take away the money and my bones and persuade her to leave. I didn’t say any unnecessary words and I won’t drag you down! 】

So much the better.

After all, from beginning to end, I didn't want to worry about anything else except my own revenge.

I quickly tied up the paper figurine and waited for a moment. Sure enough, I heard some noises outside the door. The familiar sound of heels tapping surrounded the flower shop's rolling shutter door. Yu Jie's slightly complaining voice sounded outside:
  "Why are you so dirty? I'm so annoyed."

That being said, Yu Jie was still trying to open the door.

She seemed to have the key to this flower shop. Through the rolling shutter door, I also heard the jingle of the keys in her arms.

I quickly dipped a piece of bamboo into the blood from the female ghost's body and touched it on the tied paper figurine.

The paper man came back to life in an instant. This was different from the previous time when the paper man's eyes were dotted with living blood. The paper man could run and jump and looked like a living person.

The eyes of the paper man were dotted with dead people's blood. The moment the eyes were dotted, the surroundings of the paper man became cold, and then a layer of hazy and cold mist enveloped it.

I quickly took off the blank paper from one eye and saw with my own eyes that layer of mist dispersed and slowly condensed into what Yu Bingqing looked like before he was alive.

It turns out that the eyes are decorated with dead people’s blood, and what ordinary people see is this kind of paper man.
  I paused for a few breaths, no longer hesitated, quickly opened the rolling shutter door, held the door with one hand on my waist, and used the other hand to study the person opening the door, and pulled me closer to the flower shop.

My movements were so fast that it took less than fifteen seconds to open and close the entire rolling shutter door. Of course, Yu Jie, who was still trying the key, did not react. By the time she did, I had already pulled her closer to the store. Yu Jie's eyes suddenly went from a bright place to a place with insufficient light. In addition, my movements were so fast that she didn't seem to see me clearly at all, and she could only scream loudly:


"Help! Don't kill me, I have money, my husband has money!"

"My husband is the sixth Taibao among the Thirteen Taibao in Changzhou! Don't kill me, I'm pregnant with his son! If you harm me or his biological son, you won't get anything good!"

When I heard what Yu Jie was screaming, my heart suddenly sank. I raised my palm and slapped her hard on the face:
  "Don't scream, you need to see clearly who we are first!"

Yu Jie was slapped across the face by me. After a brief moment of blinding eyes, she immediately came back to her senses and stared at me:

"why you!"

"I've long seen that you little bitch is unhappy! You were going against me on the train and didn't give me your bed. Why are you in my sister's shop now!?"

"I know. I just received a call saying that my sister is not dead. Did you also call me?!"

"You liar must have researched my information and then tricked me into coming here."

"I understand. My husband said that his ex-wife has a bad temper. You are Liu Ajiao's man. Knowing that I am pregnant, you are here to harm me! You little bitch!"

Yu Jie got angry and raised her hand with colorful manicure to slap me, but I grabbed her wrist and slapped her hard on the left and right:

"I won't say it a third time, let's find out who we are first!"

This woman really has no brains at all!

And looking at Yu Jie calling "Sixth Taibao Chen Qingyi" one after another, "my husband" -

I'm probably encountering the worst-case scenario!
  It's really too bad. We have already inferred that the other party is a person who is obsessed with money, but we still gave the other party a chance.

Now that everyone has arrived, what should we do next? ?

I was extremely irritable. Yu Jie was slapped twice by me, and despite her swollen face, she unexpectedly calmed down. In other words, her expression was more like falling into an ice cave:
  "Ah, sister...?"

Yu Bingqing obviously doesn't know how to control the paper doll. In my eyes covered with paper, her body was trembling with flesh and blood, but in my other normal eye, there was no movement on her body.

Her expression was no better than that of Yu Jie, especially after hearing clearly what Yu Jie had shouted along the way, tears were streaming down her originally beautiful face:

"Ajie, you, why did you call Chen Qingyi husband?!"

"Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?"

"What about your ex-wife, what about your biological son? Why did that beast Chen Qingyi lie to you? Why are you so confused?!"

With tears on her face, Yu Bingqing stretched out her hand with difficulty, as if she wanted to hug this beloved sister.

Yu Jie couldn't care less about why her long-dead sister was here, and retorted almost subconsciously:
  "Lie to me?! He didn't lie to me!"

"You can't unseat your first wife yourself, don't think I can't do it!"

 It's a little too late today. If I had saved my manuscript, I would have posted it at 9, 1, or 6. If I didn't post it this way, it means I didn't deposit it. I've been too tired recently. I'm still tired after working twelve hours a day. I want to go I went to the hospital for a checkup, but I never had time to go to QAQ.
  (End of this chapter)

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