Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 154 Seeking Death

Chapter 154 Seeking Death
  The second uncle's notes concluded that this young man named Du Sheng sadly said goodbye to his second uncle after the death of his wife and decided to travel around the world.

When the second uncle's search for traveling together was fruitless, he also knew that it was best to let the other person live alone, so he solemnly said goodbye and went to their new lives.

Du Sheng.

If this person is the driver
  No, he is the driver.

Because I once saw a message about ‘trunk’ and ‘Du’ on Ah Qian’s arm——

At ten o'clock in the evening, I went to Uncle Du's trunk to pick up cans.

What possibilities are there for a trunk other than the trunk of a vehicle?
  Besides, the only vehicle that can freely enter and leave the funeral home is the driver's car, isn't it?
  How could there be such a perfect thing in this world?

But the driver named Du Sheng, who was a life-and-death friend with my second uncle, knew that I was a descendant of the paper maker, especially my second uncle's descendant, so he had no reason to kill me.

The only possibility is that my words about bringing out Tzu Ching girls to ward off disasters are really self-defeating.

The only question now is whether the life-and-death friendship between Du Sheng and his second uncle is as important as the enmity between Tzu Ching Nv and Du Sheng later.

Is my second uncle’s kindness enough to save my life?

It's just hard to say, after all, the other party has already stuffed me into the morgue. If I were a little stupider or a little timid, I would probably die in there and not be able to get out.

It looks like he just wants to kill me, but he also wants to hold back.
  I pondered for a few seconds, turned on the screen of my phone and looked around. Then I had a flash of inspiration and took off my clothes in the corner as gently as possible. Then I took out a small piece of braided rope that I carried with me in my backpack and found a higher place. He put the rope around the corpse cabinet and used the force to build a body some distance away from the ground——

Rope loop, or hanging rope loop.

The surroundings were still quiet and motionless, and deathly silence spread in the morgue.

In the corpse cabinet that I opened, cold air with a strange smell leaked out from time to time. I took a few deep breaths, feeling a sense of despair brewing in my heart, and then slowly stretched my neck into the rope loop.

It doesn't matter what Bai Beiwang, Tzu Ching Nu, or Du Sheng are.

Since they want me to die, I will die.

After all, no one ever told me that living would be so painful.

Every day the sun rises as usual and sets as usual. It will be the same without anyone else. Time will treat everyone fairly. Why should I bear so much?

So, if you die, that will be the end of it.

My heart skipped a beat, and my knees suddenly fell to the ground, forcing my whole body weight to the ground.

With such a pressure from me, the special knot suddenly tightened, completely blocking my neck without leaving any seam.

At that moment, I realized that death is not easy.

I originally thought that people who hang themselves usually have their throats strangled with a knot and their trachea is blocked, making them unable to breathe and suffocating to death.

But when he actually hanged himself, he knew that his idea was wrong, very wrong.

I could still feel a small amount of air passing through my throat and trachea, but as I struggled, the rope became tighter and tighter, and the air flow became weaker and weaker.

It turns out that the way of death of the hanged person turned out to be a more terrifying situation: the aorta in the neck was compressed to the point of vascular occlusion, resulting in death from brain hypoxia.

In this case, death will be longer. Depending on the person's weight and the position of the aorta, the death time will be at least one to several minutes.

And within this process.
  Because it is too painful, there will be countless regrets in my heart.

Not only is the body struggling wildly, but it is also struggling to untie the noose and take a breath of fresh air. Even the whole soul will be clamoring not to leave.

But unfortunately, there is often no room for maneuver in this way of death.

The world is like a sinking sponge, and the soul lives in the pit. The fear of death and lifelong thoughts come to mind.
  I am dead.

But, the door opened.

It was obviously dark outside. The visitor was wearing a military coat and holding an old iron flashlight, and he hurriedly opened the door of the morgue.

The light of the flashlight went straight to the place where I hung myself, but in the light, I could only see a thin paper man wearing my clothes.

I walked out from the surveillance view of the morgue, took out my pen and wrote on the paper, and raised the paper:

[Uncle Du, you are a bit older than my second uncle. Please forgive me for not recognizing you before. I have come in such a hurry today. Thank you for your hard work. 】

That’s right, there’s no way I could be thinking about dying.

My enemies are not dead yet, so I can’t die!
  It’s true that their return journey is to the underworld, so my duty is to send them there!
  As long as they live, I have to hold on for one breath!
  I saw that there was surveillance in the morgue, and they were pretending to be dead to make the person panic and trick him into opening the door.

Then he must not be an enemy. He is still afraid of my death, so he must call me uncle.

As for not being able to speak, that's a small thing. I can't speak, but I can write!

Uncle Du opened his mouth, obviously a little surprised that I called out his last name, but when he saw the paper figure on the ground, he didn't know what he thought of, and his expression softened and he said:

"Second uncle? Second uncle actually told you that I was a scapegoat?"

".Paper man for death."

I nodded repeatedly, and the yes-man in my throat took the lead and repeated the question for me, which was also the answer to the question.

Previously, after I thought of the Miao border story written by my second uncle, I started to worry about it.

The second uncle used the "paper man to die" method to escape several pursuits. There is no reason why I can't!
  The benefits of using this method are very obvious to me now:

If you want to keep me, you will definitely come to save me.
  If you want me to die, I just happen to ambush you behind the door, and I can directly test the other person's attitude towards me.

By playing this game, it will become clear whether we are the enemy or not.

I continued writing scratchily on the paper, but Uncle Du smiled, paused his hands, let out a cold snort, took something out of his pocket, threw it to me, and said:


I took the thing thrown by the other party, moved my lips slightly, and found that I couldn't say the sound, so I took the thunder pill and vomited it.

As a large black meat worm with a strange appearance emerged from my throat, I was shocked to realize that my voice had returned:

"Ugh——Uncle Du——Ugh——"

Uncle Du obviously looked down on me for looking like a loser, so he said excitedly:
  "I haven't learned much about papermaking, but I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. I understand what I want to remind you with a yes-man, and I know how to fake death to trick me out."

"I see what a mess you made for the paper man. You don't even know how to wear shoes. If it weren't for the fact that the infrared surveillance only comes in black and white and hasn't been changed for a long time, you wouldn't be able to deceive even a ghost!"

"I guess you have the ability to inherit the Tzu Ching girl's reputation and rise higher and higher, so you have forgotten the skills Tu Laoer passed on to you, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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