Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 157 Li’s Abandoned Building

Chapter 157 Li’s Abandoned Building
  On the dimly glowing mobile phone screen, the call history clearly showed that the latest call was connected for eleven seconds.

But it was a phone number without an address. I even discovered now that when I called the police, I entered the phone number incorrectly.

The number to call the police was '110', but when I pressed 0 for the number I dialed, I had just crawled out of the freezer and my hands and feet were cold. I accidentally clicked on a small # number and entered it as '110#'.

Logically speaking, this phone cannot be dialed.

But not only did I successfully dial, I actually heard a woman's voice.

Uncle Du was stunned when he heard what I said. He looked closely at the phone for a while. His face looked a little solemn at first, and then he felt relieved:
  "It seems that this is God's will to get you involved in this incident."

"Come on, let's go. I'll take you to find Ah Shi and look at the corpses brought back from the abandoned building today. Let them tell you what's behind."

I nodded and followed Uncle Du.

Uncle Du was already quite old, but his walking pace was not old-fashioned. After a while, he took me to the door of a house. Before I even entered the door, I heard Ah Shi's noisy voice coming from the house:
  "I told you not to touch it! Stinky Ah Chi, can't you just listen to me?!"

"I have old clothes on me, and they get dirty when they get dirty. You have new clothes on me. Do you understand that new clothes are valuable?! Can't you just stand aside and don't do anything, and just watch me and the owner of the gym work? ?”

"I'm going to be so angry with you!!!"

The two of us raised the curtain and went in, and happened to see Azian, who had a sullen face in Wannian, who seemed to be unable to hold his head up after being scolded:

"Just wash it off."

Ah Shi stood next to the coffin in the middle of the room, covered in blood. After hearing what his brother said, he was so angry that he jumped:

"Then I'm not going to wash it for you!"

"I washed your whole body, clothes and underwear. Didn't you wash your own clothes for a day?"

The two brothers were quarreling wildly on one side. Next to them was an old man with white hair and beard, a sad face. He stretched out his hand and moved his lips as if he wanted to break up the fight, but he didn't know how to speak.

Ah Shi is now like an angry little leopard, biting anyone who stops him. When he sees the old man coming to break up the fight, he turns around in anger:
  "The owner also wants to be scolded?!"

The old man immediately gave Ah Qian a wish-for-good-for-you expression, silently found a chair and sat down.

I felt like I had eaten a big melon at the door. It wasn't until Uncle Du heard the whole story and Ah Shi finished cursing a paragraph that he coughed a few times to show his presence.

Only then did the three people in the room discover our existence. Uncle Du first introduced me to the Eleventh Taibao, and then truly introduced me to everyone in the Eleventh Taibao hall:
  ".My brother's niece is also my distant relative."

"She also dialed that number. I thought since we were destined, I would bring her here to see her, which would also be considered as an experience."

"Don't worry, if she gets money, she won't give it to you, she just wants some materials to make paper figures."

"I only told her a little bit. If everyone is willing, it will not be too late to share information with her."

Uncle Du's last two sentences were obviously not only telling everyone, but also reminding me.

They have been following this matter for several months, and they definitely know a lot. Now it’s time to share the results. I’m obviously taking advantage of others by joining now.

I made a prompt decision and expressed my position: "Please give me a chance from the 11th Taibao and everyone. I am not asking for money, just experience. If you feel bad, I will pay for it myself and give you some tea expenses."

The Eleventh Taibao and Uncle Du were obviously old acquaintances. After a couple of eyebrow-raising lawsuits, they nodded as acquiescence.

The two brothers Ah Chi and Ah Shi didn't have any particular reaction to the extra person who didn't pay anything and even paid for the tea.

Ah Qian has always been a first-class person in gathering information. In front of the two elders, he did not dare to say anything like offering money in exchange for information. After listening to Uncle Du and me telling me about the information I now know and the phone call I received, I thought for a long time before saying :
  "Fortunately, your big wallet was not deceived. Oh no, I mean, actually the matter is not complicated."

"We later followed the clues and found out that the owner of the abandoned building was the ancestral home of a wealthy man named Li during the Republic of China."

"The rich man made a fortune by doing small business, and he also accumulated a large family fortune. But this family fortune is destined to be difficult to maintain, because he only has one daughter in the family."

"As the rich man got older, his health became worse, so he found a son-in-law for his daughter who was academically successful and good-looking, hoping to have descendants."

"It's just that although this rich man has the fortune to make money, he doesn't have a good eye for people. He finally breathed his last and watched the young couple get married before he passed away. Less than two years after his death, the husband-in-law took Miss Li away. This wife has forgotten all about it. She spends her days out drinking and drinking, and even brings her little wife to the house, which actually makes her angry to death."

"The surrogate son-in-law was very happy when he saw that his father-in-law and his wife were gone. He thought that he could inherit their family's business. But he didn't expect that his father-in-law had buried the trouble long before his death. After sorting it out, he found that there was no property at all in the family."

"The son-in-law was so angry that he inquired about many things and found out that many of the properties were sold by his father-in-law before Ms. Li's marriage. They had already been converted into gold bars."

"Many people knew about the redemption of so much gold at that time. Some people also asked about its use. They got the answer from Fuhao Li that he should leave it to his daughter and take it out if his son-in-law is good to his daughter."

"From the beginning to the end, only the stupid and poor scholar's son-in-law was kept in the dark."

"The son-in-law thought that once his father-in-law died and his wife died, there would be no constraints, but his wisdom was mistaken for him. He got nothing, and even the young wife who was going to elope with him took all his last money and ran away. , making him completely a loner."

"The man went crazy not long after. He kept wandering around the Li family's abandoned building and told everyone about it. This is also the origin of our information."

Ah Chi said, "Smash it, slap it." With a reluctant face, Ah Chi poured a cup of tea for his brother.

I peeled off the whole thing and asked softly:
  "So you think the gold bars are still in Li's abandoned building and you're going to get them, right?"

Ah Qian nodded repeatedly:

"That's it."

"My information network is actually very reliable. According to the event flow that I have sorted out, the incident of Miss Li being angry to death is the least credible. After all, it was this son-in-law who arranged Miss Li's funeral."

"In addition, the voice that called people to lure people to Li's abandoned building was a woman. Miss Li's death is definitely not that simple. No, it is actually quite simple for a son-in-law to kill his wife."

"Fuhao Li sold his business in exchange for gold bars. He had no other place to hide his money. In addition, although the gold bars he received in exchange were not given to his son-in-law, they must be given to his daughter."

Azian and I said in unison:

"It's most likely that the gold bars are still in Li's abandoned building."

(End of this chapter)

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