Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 160 Li's Mansion

Chapter 160 Li's Mansion
  In the dead silence, a sudden creaking sound was actually quite creepy.

There was obviously no cold wind and no chill, but at the moment when the door of Li's abandoned building opened, the sunshine that originally fell on me with some warmth had completely lost its temperature.

I instinctively felt something was wrong, so I heard Ah Shi at the front suddenly curse in a low voice.

He was actually taller than me, and with the surrounding weeds blocking me, I couldn't see what was going on in front of me for a while, but I could tell that Ah Shi's swear words were extremely dirty.

Judging from everyone's evaluation of Ah Shi and his brother's acknowledgment that Ah Shi can take the lead, Ah Shi's strength is definitely not weak.

But what did he see that caused him to react like this?
  I turned my head slightly and looked inside from Ah Shi's neck. With just one glance, I cursed.

Inside the door, it looks like Li's abandoned building, or Li's foreign-style mansion!
  Yes, that's right!

It's not an abandoned building, it's a foreign-style building.

The decoration inside the door is exquisite and gorgeous, and the high-quality imported wallpaper on the walls is not even mottled. The exquisite and complicated patterns make people involuntarily indulge in it.

The sofas and chairs are designed and handmade by famous designers. They are made of solid wood and look calm and majestic. Every detail has been carefully carved and polished, making them look sturdy and comfortable.

The smooth surfaces of the dining tables and chairs in the hall reflect the light from the glazed ceiling, elegantly reflecting in the air.

Every corner of the building is filled with a unique petty bourgeoisie lifestyle.

There is no desolate or dilapidated scene.

Separated by a door, it seems like a world apart from the world outside.

Ah Qian, who was behind me, obviously saw what was going on in the house, and the three of us fell into a strange brief silence.

It took a long time before the three of us spoke at the same time——

Azian said: "This family looks quite wealthy."

Ah Shi said: "No wonder those men only had their tongues picked out and thrown out after coming for two or three days. Apparently they had enjoyed enough blessings after staying here for a few days. In the 'Dahuai'an Country' you mentioned earlier, the men were living in ant holes." General, after waking up from the dream, everything will be in vain, is this what it means?"

And what I said is:
  "Didn't Uncle Du say that the time has been calculated? It's so weird, how can it be said to be a good time? And isn't it daytime? Why is it like this in the abandoned building?"

The three people focused on three different points, but there was no tacit understanding at all.

After listening to Ah Chi's words, Ah Chi and I ignored Ah Chi in a tacit understanding.

Ah Shi took the lead in answering my question in just three words:
  "do not know."

When I looked at the situation inside this abandoned building, I felt an indescribable feeling of discomfort in my heart. I thought of Ah Shi’s mention of ‘Dahuai Anguo’, so I thought about it and said:
  "I only know the story of the shadow puppet show in Dahuai Anguo. When we discussed it at the time, we thought that the general's experience was just a reflection of the Li family's son-in-law. Who would have thought that it would be like this in the abandoned building?"

But now this situation can be considered to explain why the woman can lure the man to come to Li's abandoned building by calling.

If it were as deserted as the outside, who would dare to enter the abandoned building?
  After all, at first glance, it looks like a haunted house.

I thought of this and said in a deep voice:

"Maybe Uncle Du is right."

"The time when we came in was indeed the best. It's daytime, and the inside of the abandoned building is so weird. If it were night, then even the courtyard and brick walls outside would have been changed to better lure people in."

Ah Shi first nodded in agreement with my words, and then tilted his head towards the door.

I nodded in agreement, and Ah Shi took the lead to step into Li's abandoned building. Since he had already gone ahead, I didn't hesitate and walked in too. As I walked, I said to Ah Qian behind me:

"By the way, be on guard. Use something to block the crack in the door. If the door is closed, you won't be able to hit—"


Ah Qian closed the door smoothly:

"What door?"

I took a breath of silence and said:

"See if the door can still be opened?"

Ah Qian opened the door again, and the weeds outside the door were still blowing in the wind. Ah Qian's originally expressionless face became more and more confused.

Sure enough, I have said that this is not a TV series, and life will never be based on common sense.

Ah Shi did not participate in our small discussion. He looked up and down the interior of the foreign-style building several times and touched the wall. His face, which was always smiling, became a little more solemn after entering the foreign-style building.

"Where do we start exploring now?"

"For such a big foreign-style building, if there hadn't been an accident that turned the building into a foreign-style building, we could have taken separate actions and explored it. The time would have been enough for us to go out before noon."

"but now"

But now it's obvious something is wrong!
  I don't know what their experience is, but based on my knowledge, I have never seen a female ghost with such an exaggerated range of shelter.

Although most ghosts have blind eyes and the ability to fabricate some illusions, most of them only affect individuals.

It's really rare for a virtual reality like this that covers the entire building to affect three people at once, and they go to work in broad daylight.

I pondered for a moment:
  "If we don't separate, we will definitely not be able to complete the investigation at one time, but if we separate, there will probably be danger."

"I have an idea. The two of you can work together and I can do it by myself."

As soon as he said this, he immediately received disapproving looks from the two people opposite him.

I didn’t have any big reaction:
  "Whether it's Dahuaianguo, Miss Li's family affairs, or the way the deceased died in the past few months, in the final analysis, it's all about men."

"I was able to receive the call, but I was not pestered. Most likely because the phone I used was my second uncle's real name. After all, when the call was connected, the other party was not very happy to hear my voice."

"Actually, I think it's you two who are in danger."

"If one of you two is alone, even if it's daytime, it will be very dangerous."

"Because in the past few months, men may not always come to this abandoned building at night. There must be some who come here during the day, but they are now put in jars and turned into voluntary labor in the funeral parlor. .”

This was said in a rough and unreasonable way. Ah Qian was confused and didn’t have any particular reaction. However, Ah Qian frowned, glanced at Ah Qian, and responded immediately:
  "Okay, then I'll go with Azian and you can pick a floor first. We'll stagger the searches. We must gather at the door before noon."

I thought about it and replied:
  "Okay. The general layout of this small three-story house is the lobby and dining room on the first floor, the guest room and study on the second floor, and the master bedroom on the third floor."

"I'll be cautious and go to the second floor first. There's no big problem. I'll check the time and see if I should go to the third floor."

(End of this chapter)

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