Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 174 Return of the Abandoned Building

"Maybe, this is because you have never been beaten severely by a teacher."

I then answered and continued to ask:

"In that case, do you have some memories of leatherworking?"

"It's not just these old stories, it's about the details of leather making, the details of how a piece of skin becomes leather paper."

Miss Snake's first stage is thoughtful.

Miss Snake's second stage: thinking hard.

Miss Snake’s ultimate third stage·Give up thinking:

"If I say no, will you continue to lecture me?"

This is a good thing to say, but why does it become a sermon?

My mind was stuck for a moment, and I almost laughed angrily at Miss Snake's words:

"If you say yes, I will continue to lecture you."

Miss Snake closed her eyes tightly in pain for a moment, as if she was going to die:

"Then come on!"

"Just a few words from you will make the pain worth it now! As long as Sisi's bones can come back in two days!"

This snake lady is very different from the snake demon I imagined.

In other words, after understanding the other person's life story, I have explored her heart, and the panic I felt when I saw her terrifying appearance has disappeared without a trace.

I really couldn't hold it back, and was about to say that I was joking, but when the words came to my lips, they turned into:

"Does Miss Snake shed her skin in previous years?"

"Give me some and I'll use them to study the vellum. Then I won't have time to lecture you."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Miss Snake had her head floating, her tail wrapped around the old newspaper, and she quickly pointed me in the direction:

"Wherever the skin I shed is in that small room, I can give it to you."

I didn't hesitate, so I went directly into the small room in the basement, rolled up some shed skin and started studying it.

This research took quite a long time. By the time the door of Li's abandoned building was knocked again, about two or three days had passed.

The door creaked open, and before I even turned around, I heard a voice behind me chattering:

"Remember? I'll say it again, that snake demon is entrenched in the basement, and it uses the snake's tail to wield its powerful force. Ah Zhan and I almost met each other in the basement before, and the snake's tail swept us to the wall. So be sure to pay attention to the snake’s tail!”

"Other than that, the snake demon's eyesight is only average."

"Although we have brought Li Sisi's body, we are not sure that the weird snake demon can let us go. When we enter the basement, we will—fuck!"

Ah Shi was tapped on the shoulder by someone behind him, and suddenly turned his head to look inside Li's abandoned building.

At this time, I was kneeling on the long table in the restaurant, practicing cutting with a larger piece of snakeskin.

Miss Snake stayed not far away from me, listening to my orders with a reluctant look on her face, and handed me the tool wrapped in the snake's tail at the right time.

In addition, the original splendid decoration on the first floor has been covered with snake slough debris by me these days. Except for a cup of hot tea in front of me, there is almost no place to stay, even the head and face of Miss Snake. All of them are debris that I don’t know how to get contaminated properly.

As for the reason why the cup of hot tea was not contaminated by debris, it was because the hot tea was close to Miss Snake. As long as there were debris near the tea cup, Miss Snake would use her beautiful lips to exhale and remove all the debris that was close to the hot tea. Blow away.

But it was winter at this time, and the tea in the cup would get cold easily with such a blow, so Miss Snake had to curl her tail and boil water to make tea again.

Boiling water, blowing tea, and delivering tools, a beautiful snake works three jobs, and it has a very promising future.

When Ah Shi and Uncle Du's eleven eunuchs entered the house with solemn faces, the noise happened to disturb the beautiful snake, causing her to be burned. The reluctance on the beautiful snake’s face turned into tears in her eyes:

".Do I have to stay and work? I really want to sleep."

"I feel something is strange, but I can't place it."

And I, Tu Liubai, the descendant of the papermaker, am still using my own pua method:

"Why sleep so long when you are alive? You will sleep forever after you die!"

"Your age is the best age. How can you sleep?"

"If you work for a little while now, you will be happy when you die!"

"And can it be considered work for you now? No, this is not work, this is your opportunity to exercise. Are you not moving your tail at all? This is not good. Let me tell you, move more. If you move more, you The snake bones will become more numerous and the body will become softer. Trust me, I am an adult and I will not lie to others."

The beautiful snake hesitated for a few seconds, smiled brightly, rolled up the hot cup again, and placed it in front of me.

The people at the door were dumbfounded when they saw all this.

The Eleven Taibao who reacted the fastest opened his mouth and cursed:

"God, if you exercise, the number of snake bones will increase. And isn't the snake body very soft?"

After hearing what Taibao Eleven said, the beautiful snake hesitated a little, and I blew the smoke slowly:

"Look, let me tell you, the medical skills passed down in my family are correct!"

"Now even they can see that your snake body is soft. What does this mean? It means that my recent training on you has worked!"

Miss Snake turned her head, as if thinking about who was right and who was wrong.

The moment Taibao Eleven shouted those words impulsively, he immediately regretted it——

Now it is still the territory of the snake demon. If the trick of deceiving the snake demon is revealed and the snake demon gets angry, won't he all be killed here?

The people outside the door were obviously aware of this, and they were all a little nervous. Their hands were already touching their pockets or holding up thin threads.

The war seems to be about to break out——

What a ghost!

Miss Snake shook her snake tail, suddenly rushed in front of me, and began to swing from side to side:

"You are truly a miracle doctor!"

"It really worked!"

Several people outside the door were gathering momentum. When they heard this, they stumbled and almost fell down the steps from the door of Li's abandoned building.

Uncle Du opened his mouth again and again, but no words came out. However, Ah Shi held his breath and explored the 'snake slough carpet' with Ah Chi, who was carrying a big box, and slowly came closer:

"Sure enough, women can lie to us and it's really useless to worry about you!"

I calmly took a sip of tea:

"Routine operation, sit down, Wu Liu. Did you bring Miss Li's body back?"

Azian nodded and placed the big box in a place with fewer snake sloughs. As long as he didn't speak, he would always look that reliable, but as soon as he spoke, one word would never escape his lips:

"We ran for three days and finally got the bones."

"Sure enough, as you said, the organization that salvaged it said nothing about the gold bars. Even when we asked about the big box our ancestors were carrying at the time, they simply checked the information and told us for sure that there was none."

"Without gold bars, there is no point in living. This order is a loss of blood!!!" (End of this chapter)

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