Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 182 Who do you love?

I looked at the obviously empty spot on the ground and asked:

"Where is the person originally placed in this position?"

The old domestic tradition is to count people in pairs.

Thirty-five clay pots, plus a missing position in the middle, clearly indicate that something once existed here.

Although there are no obvious indentations on the ground, it is possible that someone came to clean it.

Da Zi had been standing not far away, waiting for my words, and immediately said:

"When I go back to my little boss's house, the clay pot has been gone for a long time."

"The jar originally contained a dead man, but the owner may have felt angry after looking at him, so he destroyed it."

Not Bai Bei Wang?

Bai Beiwang did not directly turn into a jar, nor did he appear in the eyes of the Tzu Ching girls. Could it be that he was not brought back at all?

But that's right. With Tzu Ching girls' temperament that doesn't follow common sense, everything is understandable.

I have always regarded her as a thorn in my side. If I came to check, I would definitely come here. If it hadn't been for this, I would never have thought that Bai Beiwang was not here at all.

I felt a little regretful and asked casually:


"Why is Master angry? The person in the jar has offended her?"

This time, he didn't even say anything for a moment. I glanced over and he forced a smile and said:

"Does my little boss know what happened to my boss's ex-husband more than 20 years ago?"

"That was a man named Qin Sanshou. His boss treated him with all his heart and soul. But it turned out that the man was still ignorant and wanted to attack his boss. Then he was killed by other Taibao."

"The owner was so angry that he didn't even spare the man's body. He cut off the limbs and stuffed them into a jar."

"The jar must have been there for a long time, I can't remember. Then one day I came down to feed the food and found that the jar was gone."

Qin Sanshou is another old friend of this second uncle.

The mutilation of corpses is the most extreme method of revenge in the underworld industry. If some methods are used, it can make people live without peace of mind.

The Tzu Ching girl seemed to hate Qin Sanshou very much.

But I always felt like something was wrong.

The strange feeling about this matter came to my mind again, and I asked again:

"Are all the people my master arrested here?"

"Were they captured after they were dead, or were they captured before they were alive and died here?"

"There are several unprocessed corpses here, and they have been keeping them here?"

Ma Zi shook his head first and then nodded:

"I don't know much about what happened before I came here, but after I came, my boss always captured people alive to make jars."

"Basically, the people were put into jars alive. After a few days, when they died, the owner asked us to take them out and bury them."

"At most, the thirty-six jars are basically full, and a new batch of people can be replaced as soon as a month."

"Later, Qin Sanshou attacked his boss. Maybe he was injured and couldn't see these jars anymore. Many of the jars that were left behind were also disposed of, leaving only a few."

"Now the owner is not as diligent as before and only makes a few jars occasionally."

After listening to what Ma Zi said, I just felt that a hugely ridiculous guess was gathering in my mind, and for a while I was frightened by my own guess.

After a long while, I pointed to the jar and continued to ask:

"Are those jars left over from the past?"

"Were those done later?"

Cannabis quickly ordered a few:

"These four were left over from the past. They died long ago. They were sealed with beeswax to prevent them from rotting." "These five were made later, so they are only half-breathed."

I got closer and stared at several people's faces. After a long while, I looked away:

"There are rumors outside that my master once fell in love with a married man, so he tried his best to grab a man. How much do you know about the married man my master loved before?"

Ma Zi was frightened and a little reluctant:

"How much do I know as a laborer in the hall?"

"If I say that these are not good things and can't even understand how to eat soft rice, will my little boss laugh at me?"

What are you laughing at?

Laughing at hemp seeds?

No, the person I should be laughing at is the Tzu Ching girl!

Among these nine people, the first four are so ugly that they have nothing in common!

But among the five people behind, there are vaguely similar traces!

What does that mean?

This shows that more than 20 years ago, Tzu Ching girls did not have a fixed goal at all!

It was not until later that the aesthetics were gradually unified!

Where to start the change?

After integrating the clues we now know, it is clearly after Qin Sanshou died!

In addition, the Tzu Ching girl only mutilated the corpse of Qin Sanshou.

An almost impossible possibility arises——

The man the Tzu Ching girl loves is most likely Qin Sanshou!

But if this is the case, there is another problem——

Assuming that the Tzu Ching girl is 60 years old this year and met Qin Sanshou more than 20 years ago, what on earth was she doing in the past 30 years and nearly 40 years? !

Why did she arrest so many people?

Since she really loves Qin Sanshou so much, why doesn't she

Wait, she seems to have done everything she can.

The reason why Qin Sanshou was willing to marry her was because the Tzu Ching girl killed Qin Sanshou's wife and children.

Thoughts were surging in my mind, my fingertips were moving slightly, trying to clear the thoughts out of my mind as much as possible, and then I raised my hand and pointed to an inconspicuous small door next to the medicine cabinet in the basement:

"Where does that door lead to?"

Dazhi glanced at it, his face looked a little ugly, and he said quickly:

"Little boss, since the person you are looking for is not there, why don't we leave quickly?"

"That's the boss's small room over there. No one can go in. Look, isn't there a lock on it?"

"We can't get in!"

There was clearly a lot of resistance to that small room on Mazi's face.

I looked around with a deep breath, my eyes resting on the medicine cabinet for a few seconds, and finally made a decision. I took a few steps forward and looked at the small lock on the small door.

This lock is an old-fashioned combination lock with no keyhole and only four turns.

I flipped the combination lock, and behind me came the increasingly panicked shout of Jazi:

"Little boss, don't try it!"

"There are not good things in this house, and they might kill people!"

"It's not like our cousin has never come here without a clue. The man was young and good, so he tried the lock, not to mention the password, but after touching it a few times, he was kept inside by his boss. Eh?! "

The door lock in my hand made a crisp "click" sound.

I put the lock away, opened the door and walked into the small room.

As the door opened and closed, I could only see the hemp outside the door through the gap. His original stunned attitude became more respectful, and there seemed to be a trace of envy in his eyes.

I casually asked:

"It's okay, I know the password. Wait for me outside. I'll be out soon."

The next chapter will be a little later, and I will be dragged out for dinner!

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