Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 186 Uncle Du’s past events

After being pulled and questioned by Professor Huang for a long time, I was really exhausted physically and mentally. When I walked out of the sworn hall, I was even thinking about a very absurd possibility -

Is it possible that I am the professor?

Otherwise, why do you need me to give a lecture to Professor Huang and his group?

I was thinking wildly when I heard a familiar voice coming from behind me:

"Miss Tu, my godfather is learning to braise meat by himself these days. Do you want to go sit in the funeral parlor?"

It's Ah Chi.

I saved Ah Shi and the people at the funeral parlor and others had a very good impression of me. Now the eleventh Taibao at the funeral parlor is my nominal eleventh uncle. Logically speaking, I should really go and sit there.



I thought about it:

"Now, by some strange combination of circumstances, the whole of Changzhou knows that I have been recognized as the heir by the Tzu Chi Women. So many eyes are staring at me. I am running around everywhere, which is inappropriate."

I wonder if the fight between the older generation is still going on. It is obviously a very poor choice to rashly join forces now.

Ah Chi scratched his head, seeming hesitant to speak.

Ah Chi gave me the impression that he was a good spy for information, but he was not someone with obvious self-awareness.

He came to invite me to the funeral home today. Someone must have taught him to say this later.

I thought about it and said again:

"Ah Chi, it's a really poor excuse to eat meat in a funeral parlor. If you have anything to say, you can just say it."

Ah Qian was startled, then immediately said:

"My godfather and Uncle Du are waiting for you. There are a lot of rumors these days. They are probably afraid that you will really be fooled by the benefits offered by Tzu Ching Girls."

"They probably want to tell you a few words in private. If you don't go, they probably will."

I understood what Ah Chi was saying. It was more of doubt than fear.

Recently, I acted in the name of a Tzu Ching girl, and I calmly called out "Master" and other titles at the sworn membership hall. However, the Tzu Ching girl accepted it calmly. It is difficult not to make people suspicious.

Tzu Ching Girl became famous at a young age and has been entrenched in Changzhou for nearly fifty years. Naturally, she does not have only a few enemies.

In recent years, many people have shouted and killed Tzu Ching girls, but even if they are not successful, only a few have taken action.


In the final analysis, it's all about interests.

I have personally seen the Tzu Ching girls’ halls. The colorful chips that symbolize ambition have torn away the last fig leaf of human nature.

And when these thousands of dollars are making noise, even the truth has to be silent.

In the eyes of many people, even if you have a grudge against Tzu Ching Women, can you still have a grudge against money?

Now that the Tzu Ching Women have chosen an heir, if we have to endure it for a few more years, won't everything belong to my little boss?

But, is that really the case?

I composed myself and said:

"Ah Chi, actually you don't need to test me."

"In this world, wealth and splendor are precarious, and your and my lifespans are as short as those of a mayfly. How can my heart still be precarious?"

Azian was stunned for a long time before he slowly breathed out:

"I understand, I'll tell them when I go back later."

"Then what."

Azian glanced at me quickly:

"You just pretend I haven't been here today, okay?"

Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing.

I saw the meaning on his face and suddenly burst into laughter:

"That's not okay. I also want to ask you, why are your godfather and Uncle Du and Tzu Ching Nv enemies?"

Ah Chao was stunned for a moment when he heard what I said, and then looked around cautiously: "I'll write a letter to you later."

Not far away were those Taoist people who worked for me. I didn’t say much, nodded, and then parted ways with Ah Qian, each going back to his home.

Two days later, on an ordinary morning, I opened the door of Zhima Incense Shop and saw two bulging letters on the ground.

There was no one outside the door, and I don’t know when it was released. Xiao Forty kept watch all day and night, even if I asked it, it didn’t notice it.

Ah Chian, an intelligence agent, is really getting more and more impressive in what he does.

I opened the door as usual, wiped the seat, and then made myself a pot of tea. I opened the first envelope and looked at it.

The old news of the older generation, written by Ah Chian, seems like a different kind of gossip, and it is even very attractive:

[Uncle Du’s old stories (Ajian compiled version)

Uncle Du's wife died when he was young, and he wandered all the way to Changzhou thirty-two years ago. He had no money, no fixed place to live, and a disabled leg, so he almost died in Changzhou.

At that time, Uncle Du was helped by a barefoot doctor and he survived.

Uncle Du originally wanted to die because of his wife's death. He just waited until he could no longer walk, so he casually breathed his last and went to find his wife, so he was not very grateful to the barefoot doctor for his help.

The barefoot doctor was kind-hearted and refused to give up treatment for a while, so he adopted Uncle Du in his small clinic.

The two of them were just wasting their time, but the girl from the Barefoot Doctor couldn't stand it anymore. One day she rushed into the small clinic and gave Uncle Du a dozen big mouths, saying:

'If you want to die, first pay off these months' worth of medicine. '

'We can't save you out of kindness, but you want us to spend money on medical treatment, and at the same time you want to die in our home and bring bad luck to others! '

This was not nice to say, but the medical woman saw clearly that Uncle Du had no money, and wanted to grasp the last bit of a person's self-esteem so that Uncle Du could cheer up again.

At this point, does Liu Bai think that according to common sense, these two people should get married, and then Uncle Du should cheer up?

No, they are not ordinary people.

The doctor girl didn't like Uncle Du who was so sick and already engaged. She thought that since she loved him, she should love someone who was as innocent as herself and who was full of herself.

And Uncle Du is not a normal-minded person.

Uncle Du said at that time: 'I'm sorry, but I really have no money. How about I kill someone for you? A few will do, but I want to die anyway. Good people like you are bound to be bad if you hate them. It doesn’t matter if I drag bad people to my funeral, they will be shot after all. '

Look and listen, is this something a normal person can say?

The medical girl was furious: "You are like this yourself, and you still want to help us kill people?" Killing a chicken is enough for you! '

Uncle Du released a few poisonous insects, and the poisonous insects circled around the room. The medical girl and the barefoot doctor were frightened to death, knowing that they had saved a capable person.

The father and daughter are kind-hearted and have a rare good reputation among the neighbors. Naturally, it is impossible for them to actually kill anyone.

Out of respect, they continued to support Uncle Du and only let him occasionally deal with some patients who came to cause trouble.

Uncle Du has something to do, and he is not as desperate for work as before.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Miao people consider themselves to be holy people, and capable Gu masters should be cared for by others. Uncle Du also accepted the care with peace of mind.

Uncle Du once said this more than once when he was drunk. What he was thinking at the time was:

'I really want to die, but if anyone needs help, I can survive for a few days. '

With him here, he will be able to help this kind-hearted father and daughter avoid disaster.

But reality is never what people think.

Because it didn’t take long for the romantic Liu Taibao to fall in love with the medical girl]

Every time I write about this character, I feel a little inexplicably guilty.

I hope Du Shengbaozi will also be more open-minded (eye shift.jpg)

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