Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 190 Revealing the mystery

In the main room, where you could hear the drop of a needle, the sound of typing on the keyboard came to mind again.

The student scratched his head, looked at the information found on the computer, and looked at his teacher, feeling hesitant for a moment.

Professor Huang was still angry at first, but when he saw the students looking at him, he glared:

"What are you looking at me for? Tell me!"

The student said bravely:

"Teacher, it seems that Xiaowei did not choose to elope with Wang Sheng under the influence of this step-wife."

"Tao Zhugong had three wives recorded in his life, and that one was only the second."

"I have now found reliable information. The ruthless step-sister only stayed for two years. Later, Tao Zhugong should have discovered this and divorced the vicious woman."

"Subsequently, he married a third wife. It is said that this third wife was actually a very tolerant and kind-hearted person. Mrs. Tao Chen's name appears in the county annals when she gave alms to the victims every year."

"Xiaowei seems to have chosen to elope with Wang Sheng after the third wife came in."


The second lady humiliated Xiaowei so much that Xiaowei didn't even leave, but the third magnanimous lady ran away as soon as she entered the door?

Somewhat unreasonable.

In the past, you had to make a living through hard times, but now that all the hardships are over, you want to be a concubine?

Is this Xiaowei really the ancestor of the love brain from thousands of years ago?

I was stunned by this news. I wanted to look at the materials that the students who were older than me had taken out, but when I looked over, I saw the human skin paper spread out.

Suddenly, an absurd and terrifying idea arose in my mind.

It took me a while to look away, calm down, and asked:

"Let's talk about all the information about Xiaowei and Wang Sheng that can be found at this stage."

Another student raised his hand weakly:

"In order to rush for time, we organized the information separately. I am responsible for Xiaowei's part. In fact, there is not much to talk about."

"It's so long ago and not enough attention was paid to women that few words can be preserved about their lives."

"All Xiaowei's information currently integrated is——

Xiaowei's biological mother died early, and her step-brothers did not treat their siblings well when they came in. Later, Tao Zhugong divorced his wife and took away his son to educate himself. Xiaowei still stayed in the ancestral home and was raised by the third wife.

A few years later, Xiaowei chose to elope with Wang Sheng. "

The student's voice was very soft, mixed with regret:

"But Xiaowei was not happy after she left with Wang Sheng."

"According to my estimation, Xiao Wei died between the ages of 20 and 30. Because Wang Sheng later bought an official position, there were often gatherings at home. Every time there were gatherings, Xiao Wei would come out to support the party. This record of night banquets continues. For six or seven years, Xiaowei was never mentioned again."

"I also found out that a painter of the same period also mentioned this in a manuscript!"

"A contemporary painter said that he also painted a picture of Wang's night banquet."

In the night banquet picture, if a woman appears on the scene, it is naturally self-evident what role the woman plays as the companion.

Not to mention, most concubines at that time were considered commodities.

Although it is unlikely that Wang Sheng would let Xiaowei be played with at will, for Xiaowei, a lady from a well-known family, that kind of situation would definitely be considered humiliating.

Therefore, what this student said is actually correct.

The man Xiaowei chose was actually not a good match.

He invited Xiaowei to accompany him. Essentially, he wanted Xiaowei to be a tool to promote himself at the table, such as——

'Look, I am so capable that the daughter of official xx is willing to be my mistress. '

Seeing that I was silent and seemed to be deep in thought, Professor Huang cleared his throat and took over the conversation: "There is one last person, Mr. Wang."

"Wang Sheng is an ordinary man born into a merchant family.

He is not recorded as being handsome, so he must be average-looking.

He got married early to another businesswoman and had several children at home.

I don’t know what fancy words I used to deceive Xiaowei, but I still don’t cherish her.

The family bought him a minor official like the pavilion chief, and he reluctantly left his business status.

In his middle age, he said that he liked farming, so he didn't even serve as an official. He sold his property and bought a large amount of farmland around Yanling, and became a rich man again.

Maybe it was a disaster that lasted for thousands of years, but this man lived a long time, at the age of eighty-eight.

For the others, no information could be found, so I guess they are not worth mentioning. "

Professor Huang coughed a few times and felt a little sad on his face, but he quickly recovered.

"I don't agree with my student's assessment of Xiaowei's age of death. Because I just investigated the information. Xiaowei did not attend the night banquet. The unrecorded time happened to be the time of Tao Zhugong's death."

"My opinion is that Tao Zhugong was reluctant to let go of his daughter in the end, so he hid all his wealth and gave it to his daughter secretly.

Xiaowei shared the treasure map with Wang Sheng, and Wang Sheng didn't have so much thought about holding a night banquet and would invite friends.

Wang Sheng may have been nice to Xiaowei later because of the treasure. It is normal for the women in the back house to have no records. "

Professor Huang finished the call in a loud voice. There were many people in the room who were thinking and some who listened carefully. They talked in small groups, probably all agreeing with Professor Huang's opinion.

Professor Huang was originally happy when he heard the compliments from the two students around him. He rolled his eyes and saw that my face was pale. He suddenly became uneasy and said carefully:

"Little girl, I see you don't look very good."

"Didn't you say you wanted us to investigate this information last time? What's wrong?"

"Oh, I understand. Now our analysis is quite good. After investigation and investigation, the treasure map is still unsolved."

I tried to open my mouth several times, but failed. It took me a long time to grind the words out from between my teeth:

"No, no, it's very useful."

"I seem to understand somewhat. Wait, let me ask one last question -

When Xiao Wei eloped with Wang Sheng, was her brother dead? "

Someone immediately started to investigate, but not long after this time, the student who guessed that Xiaowei died before she was thirty found the answer:

"Based on the time, it should be about the same. Xiaowei eloped with Wang Sheng within half a year after brother Xiaowei's death."

For a moment, my mind was completely empty of thoughts. Under the strange gazes of everyone, I drank all the cold tea in the cup at hand, and then said in a deep voice:

"The treasure map is fake."

"We were lied to, no, everyone was lied to."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall looked solemn. Even the old man in Tang suit who had been drinking tea calmly above the main seat raised his head and glanced at me.

Professor Huang was even more shocked and waved his hands:

"Little girl, you don't want to say this!"

"I have tested the age of this human skin paper. It is probably from the period of Tao Zhugong!

Although we can't decipher the weird fonts at the back, the decipherable ancient Yue characters in the front are real. There are even a few characters that have just been deciphered and have not yet been reported!

The treasure map cannot be fake, no one can imitate it so well! "

I originally wanted to be patient, but after hearing this, I couldn't help but sneered:

"This piece of human skin paper is true, and the ancient Vietnamese characters are true, but the fact of 'hidden treasure' is false!"

"I now understand why it is so difficult to decipher. How could anyone find a treasure that does not exist?"

"This is a lie from thousands of years ago!" (End of Chapter)

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