Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 195 Showing the Dharma

But the key point is that I have never offended the elders of the four eunuchs.

The person who offended the four eunuchs was me.

My smile was a little bitter, so I casually sent a red envelope to Ah Qian, turned off the phone screen, and felt more and more bad.

The Fourth Taibao has only one granddaughter, so she must be a treasure that she is afraid of melting away in her mouth.

Listening to the Fourth Taibao's description today, it is obvious that he is quite hostile to me.

It's really a bit difficult, I just hope that my words can be listened to by the four eunuchs.

Everything planned by the four Taibao can go as planned and give Luna a new life.

I put aside the thoughts in my mind and continued to make the bamboo strips where I left off.

Not long after I arrived in Changzhou, I made enemies on all sides. This sense of crisis almost made me breathless. I wasn’t going to keep the paper from the safe in Li’s abandoned building last time. I planned to make as many paper substitutes as possible. How many paper substitutes.

Although with the death of the fourth girl Tao'a, there is a high probability that the craft of vellum will cease to be passed on, those two vellums should be two outstanding vellums of great value and should not be used lightly.

But, when is there no need to wait any longer?

Hiding the leather paper, will you burn the paper money for me?

Regardless of the loss, you must use it!

I made up my mind and spent half a day making two or three bamboo bones of similar appearance and size. I spent another half day using paper instead of vellum size, made a simple simulation plan, and tried the process.

It took another half a day to use charcoal blocks that were easy to wipe off to make cutting partitions on a piece of leather paper, and cut them carefully.

When I was just left with the last step of papering, I originally thought about taking a bath and burning incense to see if I could increase the probability of success, but I saw another movement at the door of the paper horse incense shop.

Not surprisingly, it’s hemp seeds again.

These days, Ma Zi can be said to be running more diligently to the Zima Xiang Shop than when he returns home. This time, he is no longer in a hurry. Instead, he moved some fruits and put them down while flatteringly saying:

"Little boss——"

I quickly put all the paper on the table into the cabinet and put it away:

"The Fourth Taibao asked me to go to the lobby again?"

Da Zi rubbed his hands, nodded and bowed:

"Yes, yes, my little boss knows things like a god!"

"The Sixth Taibao didn't call this time. It was a young man who called, I guess he was a clerk. Please go to the lobby."

Young people, but students of Professor Huang.

Today, I think I have retrieved Tao Zhugong's body, and you want me to perform a paper mantra search.

I had some guesses and some doubts in my mind:

"Why didn't they just call me?"

Da Zi was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly:

"Our church's phone number is an internal phone number that is shared by every church."

“Not everyone knows your phone number, and—

Your phone bill is in arrears.

I called you before going out, but I couldn't get through at all. I just charged you a thousand yuan phone bill. "

Phone bill in arrears?

But two days ago, I saw that the text message balance was still in double digits.

Wait, text message.

Could it be that the last time I exchanged messages with Ah Qian, the money was deducted?

It's very reasonable. If I remember correctly, the operator's SMS charges don't seem cheap.

I chewed my teeth, put on the necessary small backpack, and walked to the lobby entrance in a familiar way. After a few steps, I entered the main room. There were only two people in the room, Professor Huang, who was like an old naughty boy, and the four eunuchs who were as immovable as a mountain.

As for the two students who had been following Professor Huang, they were taken away at some point. It was obvious that Professor Huang did not want the students who had grown up under the east wind and red sun to subvert their views.

Following yesterday's warning from the Fourth Taibo, I subconsciously observed Professor Huang's attitude towards me. Unexpectedly, Professor Huang had no special reaction. When he saw me coming, he happily handed me the sealed bag of belongings and greeted me warmly:


Could it be that Professor Huang is away from home and hasn't gone to Yunmeng to see his granddaughter?

This thought flashed through my mind subconsciously, and I greeted him calmly, taking the bag of items and observing them carefully.

Inside the bag were two sealed transparent plastic bags. In one plastic bag was a piece of cortical tissue the size of half a thumbnail, and in the other plastic bag were a few strands of gray hair.

Professor Huang saw me opening it and explained to me next to him:

"The first bag is the tissue we cut from human skin paper. The second bag is the tissue from Tao Zhugong's hair that I collected."

"Actually, I originally wanted to bring you a small piece of bone, but the piece of bone tissue I collected was taken to a professional institution for examination by my students. Bones are difficult to cut and segment without professional tools. I remembered what you said again. Hair was fine too, so I got some more hair.”

In fact, I had already explained that hair and bones were fine, so Professor Huang could have arranged for me to start directly without explanation, but he still did so.

Professor Huang is indeed tolerant, honest and reliable.

I smiled, and then in front of the two elders, I took out the tool bag I brought and started to tie up the miniature paper figures. After tieing up the two almost identical paper figures, I followed the usual practice and tied the two transparent paper figures together. The contents of the bag were taken out and then stuffed inside the two paper figures.

As I chanted, the two ugly little paper figures stood up crookedly in Professor Huang's shocked eyes.

Professor Huang was the one who watched me working all the time and never left his eyes for a moment. But when he saw the paper man standing up, he was still so frightened that he slumped on the chair and pointed at the two The paper man started to move slowly, his hands shaking:

"This, this xxxx!"

Professor Huang has been a cultural person all his life, but he did not expect that when he is old, he will use foul language in front of his juniors.

However, I saw with my own eyes that the prototype of a paper man was built out of ordinary bamboo strips, and then a layer of paper was simply pasted on the surface. Even the eyes and nose were crooked. It looked like it was a fool, but it could actually move!

Who can tolerate swearing!

Professor Huang was so frightened that his forehead was covered with cold sweat. The four eunuchs coughed a few times. Professor Huang was shocked to realize that he was still in the main room. The paper man did not make any dangerous moves, so he calmed down a little. .

When I saw Professor Huang calm down, I let go of the two paper figures who were separated by a little distance from me.

As soon as I retracted my hand, the two ugly paper figures staggered towards each other, and then——


The two paper figures collided together, and the bamboo bones on their bodies made a clear cracking sound.

There was a paper man who was slightly less skilled and was knocked down. But the next second, the standing paper man took a step forward again, and the fallen paper man quickly stood up and came closer. other side.

The two paper figures were very close to each other, and after standing still, they completely stopped moving.

It turns out it’s really a kinship relationship.

Verifying my last guess from the side, it was actually correct at all.

I breathed a sigh of relief and felt quite fortunate to have lived up to my fate:

"Human Skin and Tao Zhugong are indeed relatives."

Although Professor Huang didn’t understand where I made my judgment, looking at the paper figures relying on each other, he excitedly shouted:

"Good good!"

"No wonder the little girl dared to say that she was the pillar last time. She really has some skills!"

I was listening to Professor Huang's compliments and was thinking of an excuse to leave when the phone on Professor Huang's body rang. Professor Huang was so excited about complimenting me that he rang several times before he answered the phone.

Although the main room is large, it is very quiet. The voice on the other end of the phone clearly reached my ears:

"Professor Huang, the DNA test results are out. The human skin paper and the skeleton you sent for comparison are not related."

It's a little late, but no one is watching, so it probably doesn't matter.

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