Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 2 Paper Donkey

Chapter 2 Paper Donkey
  I remember the grandson of Grandpa Wu San. His parents went to the city to work hard in the early years and built up some family property. Later, when they got older and had a son, it was so painful that their eyes were filled with pain.

His grandson went to school in the city, and his grades were very poor. Because he bullied his classmates, he changed schools many times. Once the compulsory education ended, he stopped going to school at all and became a gangster, doing nothing.

If you have to give this kind of person to me, what's the point? !

Moreover, what Grandpa Wu San said later was really uncomfortable. How can one person do the work of a family?

I can do it, so I rush up to work for you? !
  Although I have a good temper, I still feel unhappy for some reason after hearing these words.

I wanted to say a few more words, but for some reason, Grandpa Wu San today had to ask for an answer.

He was even very dissatisfied when he saw that I was dealing with it casually. He grabbed me with his eagle-hook-like hand, came close to me, and shouted:
  "You heartless little bitch! When you went to college half a year ago, I boiled two red eggs for you and gave you 200 yuan for your travel expenses!"

"You took my money, why don't you marry my precious grandson!"

"My grandson is so good, why don't you marry him?"

I was really upset by being asked so hard, and I had never seen Grandpa Wu San look so mean. I was startled at first, and then I wanted to refuse loudly, move my uncle out and let him back out, but for some reason, that The familiar palpitations came to my heart again.

This time, my brain was working rapidly and I finally caught what was wrong.

Yes, Grandpa Wu San was so close to me, and he was holding a hookah, according to his usual habit of smoking so much that his teeth were yellowed.

He was right in front of me, how could I not smell the smoke at all?
  And when I glanced away at the hookah in Grandpa Wu San’s hand, my heart skipped a beat.

Under the bright moonlight, the hookah in his hand was wet and not lit at all!

So he just smoked for a long time, what was he smoking?
  Once curiosity arises, it is like a fire poured with oil that cannot be extinguished.

My heart was beating very fast, and almost instantly, I thought of the rumor that the dead should not approach fireworks and would be burned by the fire of the underworld.

But in my heart, I still don't want to believe this easily and try to rationalize it.

That was the third grandfather who had watched me grow up. This old man who used to be amiable and lived happily, I guess he was so sad to see his mother-in-law that he even forgot to light his cigarette.

Moreover, it is easy to start a fire when lighting a cigarette in the dark, in the wilderness, and maybe it is really addictive, so you can enjoy it by touching it.

I kept comforting myself in this way.

But soon I could no longer kid myself.

Because once the flame of doubt was ignited in my heart, I discovered many details that I had not noticed just now.

For example.
  It has been ten minutes since I climbed onto the donkey cart. The donkey in front was walking hard without making any sound.

You must have asked this: Donkeys are stubborn things. Apart from being beaten, they don’t bark much. Don’t they just walk in silence?

No, completely different!
  How can a donkey walk on a mountain road without even making the sound of its hooves hitting the ground? !

Not only was there no sound of stepping on the ground, but even when walking on the mountain road, the four hooves of the donkey pulling the cart were hanging in the air! !
  At that moment, I just felt like the hairs on my hair were standing on end.

I had never felt so clear-headed, and with just one breath I realized what it was.

It's paper!
  This donkey is a paper donkey!

Over the years, I have become very familiar with this paper tie: the bamboo skin is used as the pulp and the colored paper is used as the skin. How heavy can this light thing be? !

But you just can’t bear the fact that I’m still sitting in the car behind you!
  Where else can there be the sound of hooves tapping the ground? !
  After thinking about this, the cold sweat on my back wetted the corners of my clothes. When the cold wind blew, the coldness went straight to the sky. But the coldness also made me sober, and made me realize the thing I least want to admit——

On July 15th, on the gloomy mass grave mountain road, the paper donkeys are all fake, but the old man on the donkey's back can still be real!

I have been away from home for half a year. Could it be that the third grandpa is gone? !
  On July 15th, isn’t it the time when the gates of hell open wide and the dead return to the Yang Realm to collect incense and tribute paper money?

After thinking about this, I couldn't help but secretly take a look at Grandpa Wu San. It was okay not to see him, but this look almost scared me out of my mind.

It happened to be a treeless road, and the fifteenth moonlight poured down from the sky, reflecting the ravine-covered face of Grandpa Wu San.

The face that I should have been very familiar with was completely gray, with a hint of blue-gray air, and the whole face had no color at all.

There was no trace of black in the originally cloudy old eyes——

There was only a large white of the eye left!
  This moment scared me so much that I struggled to break away from Grandpa Wu San's hand, struggled back, and fell directly onto the donkey cart. The gorgeous frame behind me suddenly tore and collapsed into a deep dent.

The frame behind this donkey cart is also made of paper!

Before I could be shocked, Grandpa Wu San seemed to see my panic. He bared his yellow teeth and grabbed me with his claw-like hands. The hoarse and low voice that usually sounded in my ears sounded like this at this time. It’s the ghostly voice that invites me to hell:
  "Bai Wawa, just marry my grandson."

"Come on, don't be afraid, Third Grandpa will help you up."

Help me!
  I couldn't stand the excitement anymore, so I didn't even bother to grab the suitcase. I jumped up and jumped out of the donkey cart.

The moment I jumped out of the car, a high-pitched roar came from the donkey cart behind me. I didn't dare to look back, and I rushed forward headlong.

At this time, I couldn't care less about identifying the road. All I could think about was the importance of escaping. There were only two directions on this mountain road.

One is to enter the village and return home, and the other is to cross the Jianshui River again and return to the town.

Which one is better than staying with the old ghost with the paper-stitched weapon!

I almost ran all the way with my head down, letting the air in my lungs be exhausted little by little. I felt severe chest tightness in waves. My breathing became more and more difficult, and my steps gradually became heavier.

During this period, there were constant calls from behind, but I really didn’t dare to stop, let alone turn around to answer. I didn’t forget what my second uncle told me, that there are three yang fires on people’s shoulders, and ghosts can use various methods. Tempting people to turn back.

Every time you turn your head, the Yang fire on your shoulders will be extinguished. The more the lamp is extinguished, the weaker the Qi will be. If the Yang Qi is fluctuated, it will be easier for evil spirits to enter the body.

So I never dare to look back.

It was only when I used my last bit of strength to take the most difficult step, and a huge feeling of exhaustion came over me, that I felt that my legs were extremely weak and my body began to teeter. I sat down on the ground and could no longer move.

Over the course of one night, the clothes on my back became dry and wet. When the clothes were wet, they were blown dry by the night wind. They became wet and sticky and clung to my body, which was very uncomfortable.

But I couldn't ignore it. The severe pain in my chest kept telling me that I wanted to crazily make up for the air I had just lost, so I could only sit on the ground and gasp for air.

At this moment, a series of footsteps came from behind me.

My heart suddenly went cold, fearing that the ghost would follow me again, but before I could stand up again and prepare to run, a familiar voice came:


It's the second uncle!
  (End of this chapter)

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