Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 213: Hated for a Long Time

As soon as the eleventh Taibao said these words, the Sixth Taibao's face suddenly darkened, and he stood up as if he was about to get angry. Before he could say anything, he was pushed back by Liu Ajiao beside him:

"Uncle Eleven said it well. I admire people who dare to tell the truth."

"Everyone has been pretending for so many years. It would be nice to hear the truth when we are old."

The sixth Taibao was pushed back to his seat by the weak-looking Liu Ajiao, with a worried look on his face, but he still did not speak.

No one spoke anymore. The fourth eunuch took the main position and looked at the episode below with cold eyes. After a long time, he coughed lightly:

"Brother and sister, you called me wrong."

"You have been married to Lao Liu for decades. You have to follow Lao Liu's seniority and not your father's seniority."

The fourth eunuch's words served as a reminder, but Liu Ajiao did not accept the kindness. She slightly raised her well-maintained swan neck and said:

"Uncle Fourth, I did it on purpose."

"Since Uncle Eleven is willing to tell the truth now, I don't want to keep pretending when I'm old."

"I will divorce Chen Qingyi later. I will follow my father's call first. There is no problem."

"Do you have any opinions? Or are you thinking that my father, the third guardian, has been dead for a long time and no longer recognizes him?"

The eyes of the Sixth Taibao were still staring at the Eleventh Taibao who had angered him. At this time, after listening to Liu Ajiao's words, the anger on his face suddenly turned into shock, and he lowered his voice and said:

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"What about divorce, what about following your father and calling for seniority?"

"Your father has been dead for almost fifty years!"

Being stared at by several meaningful eyes, the Sixth Taibao couldn't help but growled a few words, and then——


A clear slap sounded in the main room, Chen Qingyi tilted his head in disbelief, and the instigator Liu Ajiao waved her hand:

"So you also know that my father has entrusted me to you for almost fifty years."

"When I say I'm too lazy to pretend today, I'm not saying it to anyone else, but to you!"

"You lousy crotch thing that can't be put on the table, open your dog eyes and take a good look. Where is this?"

"This is the marriage between you and my father!"

"I've been putting up with you all these years, so I didn't want you to shame me on the spot on the anniversary of my father's death, in front of the sworn brotherhood plaque, and in front of all the brothers, by mentioning any woman!"

Liu Ajiao's face was calm, but the rise and fall of her chest revealed her emotions.

The anger on the face of the Sixth Taibao seemed to have stagnated. He glanced sideways at the old-fashioned clock, as if to confirm the date and time. He obviously wanted to say something, but before the words could be spoken, another slap fell on him. on his face.

This time, the Six Taibao were completely fooled.

Everyone in the hall heard the noise, but no one except me dared to look at it.

Seeing that the situation was really embarrassing, the fourth eunuch had no choice but to tap the ground with his crutch:

"Brothers and sisters, today we are discussing the matter of the fifteenth sister. If you want to deal with family matters, you can do it after you get back."

It would have been fine in normal times, but today the Taibao people and their juniors were all here, so we really couldn't stand to watch the excitement.

A group of people were having a good discussion about the death of the fifteenth eunuch, but suddenly this farce happened. The fourth eunuch, out of respect for his brothers, still offered some words of advice.

But I never expected that it would be better if I didn’t persuade him, but my persuasion actually revealed a shocking secret.

Liu Ajiao stood up with a calm expression, took out an opened letter from her bag, and said loudly:

"Fourth uncle, this is not a family matter."

"I had to make this matter so ugly today because it had something to do with the Tzu Ching Girl." "Some time ago, the Tzu Ching Girl sent me a letter and told me an incident. Only then did I know that I had been harmed by Chen Qingyi. Got it!"

Chen Qingyi had never been slapped by a woman before. What he was eating today was the slap from his old wife who had been tolerant to him no matter what in the past. His expression was a bit dazed.

However, Chen Qingyi's stunned expression disappeared immediately after Liu Ajiao said these words, and the expression on her face suddenly became one of surprise and uncertainty.

The fourth eunuch looked at the letter, and Liu Ajiao was not willing to let a big deal turn into a trivial matter. She turned to Chen Qingyi and said coldly:

"Chen Qingyi, do you want to know what the Tzu Ching girl said to me?"

Chen Qingyi's expression changed from green to red, but without answering, Liu Ajiao sneered and shouted:

"Do you want to know?"

No one in the hall dared to answer this question rashly, so I said softly:


I really want to know what happened to make this woman who has always loved Chen Qingyi so much that she was so jealous that she killed mistresses and mistresses everywhere do such a crazy thing.

But as soon as I said these words, I immediately received four looks, two in pairs, one from two pairs of brothers.

Ah Shi's eyes were full of pain, and his two pairs of suggestive eyes slid left and right, wishing they could tie a knot in the air.

The look in their eyes should say:

'Shut up, Sister Tu, my dear sister, don't you think it's chaotic enough? '

The eyes of another pair of brothers from the Huo family are:

'Okay, I've been talking nonsense today, as expected of you. '

I calmed down and lowered my eyes.

Liu Ajiao, who had never expected to hear a reply, was obviously stunned, but she quickly reacted and sneered:

"The Tzu Ching girl told me that a few decades ago, there was a man who begged her to find a lover."


I immediately thought of the bottles and jars in the basement of the Tzu Ching Girls, and I was suddenly startled. When I raised my eyes, I saw Liu Ajiao walking slowly around Chen Qingyi's chair.

Chen Qingyi's face was dark and he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

But Liu Ajiao, who was next to him, didn't want to save any face for him:

"Everyone knows that I, Liu Ajiao, have never been a kind-hearted person."

"I refused to accept that my father wanted to give all the property to my two useless brothers, so I joined hands with Chen Qingyi to kill my two brothers, and then proposed to recruit a son-in-law and divide my father's property."

"What I want is simple, because my father has told me the most obvious truth: men are unreliable!"

"At my age, there is nothing I dare not say. In fact, I want power or money."

"I taught Chen Qingyi how to gain status, and I divided the family wealth with him, just to make the agreement that we would not owe each other anything wrong, and to be a superficial couple——

However, I can’t help but someone wants to trick me and make me fall in love with him! "

Chen Qingyi endured it again and again, but couldn't hold it back anymore. His face turned extremely dark, and he leaned forward as if he was about to get up, but was slapped again by Liu Ajiao:

"Sit down, Chen Qingyi."

"Don't you understand yet?"

"If you offend me, Ajiao Liu, I will fight you to the death!"

"Whether you listen to what I say or not, I have to come to the hall today to say this. I am not prepared to walk out alive, and I am not prepared to let you live for more than three days!"

Continuing from the previous reason why a strong woman falls in love with a libertine ~ There is no such thing as love or hate without reason ~

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