Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 215 Step by Step

We have always eaten meat in separate halls, but now there is such a good person who pushes things out?

Is the Eleventh Taibao going to let me make mistakes and inherit the Tzu Ching girl's things? !

But I don’t have the strength to defend myself, so isn’t this a human target?

I just came to see if the Tzu Ching girl was really dead and watch the fun, but I didn’t want to think that I was part of the fun.

I raised my head and was about to give Taibao Eleven a wink to reject the matter. Unexpectedly, Taibao Eleven's face was calm and his mouth didn't even move.

Didn't the Eleven Taibao say that? !

I turned my attention to Taibao Bajiu on the other side. Taibao Bajiu continued with a smile:

"What do Fourth Brother and Eleventh think?"

The Eight-Nine Taibao wants me to inherit the title of Tzu Ching Nu? !

I haven't even had contact with either of them, so what's the point?

The fourth eunuch didn't say anything, and the eleventh eunuch looked at me:

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate. Although I have no relationship with this junior, a little girl can't keep her mouth shut."

"You also saw what Sixth Sister-in-law looked like just now. Once Sixth Brother dies, Eighth Brother and Ninth Brother will always only count one person when they divide the money."

"Then let's divide it into the fifteenth hall. I can get one-third of the money. There is no reason to let this junior continue to go to the fifteenth hall now. When the time comes, he will be eaten up and wiped clean by the people below."

This money is so hot that handing it over to the Taibao people is obviously the best choice.

The Eleven Taibao, who had a good relationship with me, pretended not to know me and was extremely greedy for money, which was obviously a wise choice.

Taibao Bajiu pondered for a long time:

"Since Old Eleven said so, then"

Before I could relax, I heard the two of them continue:

"Then in the past few days, you can send people to calculate the assets in Shitangkou as much as you like. No matter how much is calculated, neither of us will get a penny. You and fourth brother will each get half."

"And all the money will be paid by us."

"We only have one small request, that is, the things in Shitangtang's mouth should be kept blank so that she can have a place to stay."

What does it mean?

You don't take any money, but you also pay for me, so that all the things in the fifteenth hall belong to me?

Where can such a good thing exist?

My head was dazed for a moment, and then I suddenly realized something. I immediately raised my eyes and looked at the two Huo brothers behind the Eight-Nine Taibao.

When the two Huo brothers saw me looking at them, they raised their eyebrows uniformly, with smiles on their faces.

Sure enough, the next second, Taibao Bajiu continued:

"There is still a blank space. We have left a hall for you. You will not be able to do those black water businesses in the future. It is also great to open a chess and card room with peace of mind."

"If the workers at the hall are not willing to stay, then you can come to our hall to ask for help in the future."

The 89th Taibao surrendered to the 4th Taibao and the 11th Taibao respectively:

"But these are all things for later."

"Now that this is the case, please ask the fourth brother and the eleventh brother to approve this matter."

There was silence in the field. Finally, it was the four eunuchs who broke the silence:

"Lao Ba Lao Jiu, you can't be in a panic because you have too much money, right?"

"It's about sending money, it's about clearing the name of someone else's gang, and it's even about imagining bringing back the body of a Tzu Ching girl. It all depends on the reason, right?"

"Otherwise, you have never taken care of these things before."

Taibao Bajiu coughed a few times:

"It's not complicated at all. It's just a matter for young people, and we can't say much about it."

The people present were not only silent this time, but their expressions were also weirder than the last.

From the original chaos, I sorted out an idea - It turns out that the Eighth Nine Taibao wanted to bring back the Tzu Ching girl's bones. This was not their usual style, nor was it the 'moderate' approach I had imagined.

In their vision, they want to recover the Tzu Ching girl's bones, spend their own money to prevent others from carving up the temple that should belong to 'me', and are willing to help clean up and manage the temple in the future.

These are all very strong signals of goodwill.

If the two brothers from the Huo family told their fathers about their first encounter with me, or expressed a little bit about what they meant to me, this would almost be a must-do.

Not everyone will take strong measures when faced with what they want.

So are they.

Facing an heir who is about to be removed, Huairou is obviously better than forceful means.

If the plan goes well, then the 'I' who has been retained will feel grateful to them.

In the future, I will support the court alone, and clearing my name will definitely be a necessary process.

And if it happens again, my ability is not that strong and I am unable to support the court, or some problems arise during the cleansing process.

When other people (Eleventh Taibao) did reveal that they were not familiar with me and wanted to divide the money, the Eighth-Ninth Taibao became my best choice.

There’s no need to tell everything, there’s still a long time and anything can happen.

But the premise of all this is that I am really the heir to the fifteenth Tangkou, and I have deep feelings for the Tzu Ching girl.

But am I?

I'm not!

Before I came to the hall today, I was still tinkering with the paper stand-in figure, thinking about how to make a 'Qin Sanshou' paper figure, and then give the Tzu Ching girl a fatal blow.

I even breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the news about the Tzu Ching girl’s death.

Isn't this a joke to leave the entrance to the hall and guard the chess and card room?

In my heart, many grass and mud horses were galloping past. The fourth eunuch tapped his cane, turned to me and asked:

"Leave blank, what do you mean?"

I swept away all the irrelevant thoughts in my mind and opened my mouth and said:

"Don't talk."

Some people in the main room were happy and some were sad. Taibao Bajiu looked at each other again:

"Don't worry about not being able to guard the entrance."

Why are you still hesitating about it?

I rarely stole the elders' words and said bluntly:

"Whether you want to keep it or not will be decided in the hall. There are other reasons."

How to put it, just say that Tzu Ching girls and I actually have a grudge?

Or am I absolutely not going to accept their kindness and marry the two Huo brothers?

How about saying that my heart belongs to someone else?

But let me not say that I don’t know a few people in Changzhou. Since I was a child, I have been devoted to studying, and I don’t know many people either.

My pause was a little too long, which caused a lot of eyes to fall on me, as if they wanted to hear me say that I am ugly.

I was worried and opened my mouth to say:

"Actually, I don't like men, no, I don't like people."

"I was living my life in the mountains and forests, living a good life without any contact with people. The Tzu Ching girls had to take me out of the mountains to be a disciple. I have been feeling uncomfortable about this."

"Now that the Tzu Ching girl is dead, of course I am planning to leave Changzhou and go back to continue living my own life. Not to mention staying to visit the church. If my things had not been packed, I would have wanted to leave now."

I opened my mouth and talked nonsense for a while, and I could barely give a reasonable reason that was consistent with the character of Tzu Chi women from the perspective of the Taibao.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Huo brothers who were listening attentively trembled, and their eyes suddenly turned to surprise.

If I read it correctly, the meaning in the eyes of these two brothers is clearly——

'You don't like men too? '

Votes, votes, votes~ give it all to me, give it to me, ball ball orz

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