Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 225 There is no light this night

The sound was extremely harsh in the darkness and spread far and wide.

Uncle Du seemed to be suppressing the discomfort in his feet and walked quickly towards me with his mechanical prosthesis. The look on his face was one of anticipation. It seemed that as long as I told him the answer, he would laugh happily. .

I opened my mouth, and finally spoke slowly under the gaze of several eyes:


"The Tzu Ching girl did die because of Gongshu's trap."

The look on Uncle Du's face was suddenly full of disappointment. He sighed and reluctantly comforted:

"It's okay, that's quite enjoyable."

"You haven't contacted us in the past few days. We are still guessing that you must have killed the Tzu Ching girl. You have never killed anyone and you feel soft, so you are pretending to be at the funeral to take care of the aftermath."

What Uncle Du said next, I was actually a little too distracted to hear clearly.

There is only one trivial idea left in my mind——

It seemed that everyone thought I was faking it.

What's even scarier is that this seems to be true.

Because now I am trying to get both sides, and gradually I am not telling the truth to anyone.

"Forget it, don't talk about this."

Uncle Du let out a long breath:

"Anyway, after the Tzu Ching girl died, my heart was shattered."

"Even if I die now, I still have an explanation for Lao Qin and the others."

I came back to my senses after hearing this, and finally remembered something. I handed the photo frame with Qin Sanshou's face sealed in my backpack to Uncle Du.

After Uncle Du saw it, he was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out:

"This this"

I whispered:

"It's Uncle Qin's face."

"The Tzu Ching girl peeled off Uncle Qin's face after his death."

"I don't know where Uncle Qin is buried, or where his wife and children are buried, but thinking about it, he should be willing to be buried with his wife and children, so I'll bother Uncle Du."

Uncle Du took the photo frame with trembling hands, but suddenly became furious:

“Tzu Ching girls, you are such a fucking thing!”

"It's not enough to harm Lao Qin's family, we won't even let him live in peace after death!"

"She wants to love whomever she wants, and what does she care about Lao Qin! How many people have been ruined by her in their lives!"

Uncle Du was like an angry lion with veins popping out all over his body. He was holding the photo frame and roaring angrily. Ah Chi and Ah Chi quickly stepped forward to comfort him and scolded the Tzu Ching girl together.

I listened to Uncle Du's scolding and stood there for a long time before softly echoing:


After Uncle Du got angry, his shoulders fell down and he said:

"Well, they all say that hatred will be resolved after death, but if you ask me, I don't know why I still feel unhappy."

I whispered:


Ah Shi supported Uncle Du, who was gasping for breath from the violent movements. Ah Shi turned back and looked at me:

"Sister Tu, how about this? Let's have dinner together tonight, and I'll pack up an empty room for you. I'll send you away from Changzhou at dawn tomorrow."

"By the way, where do you want to go? I'll buy you a ticket now."

I whispered:


Ah Shi looked strange, stretched out his hand and gave me a gentle push:

"Sister Tu?"

"Why are you in a daze? I'm asking you where you want to go!"

Being pushed like this, I suddenly came back to my senses:


My second uncle died in the hands of Gong Shuqiu, and his bones are still in Yunmeng. My master also died in Yunmeng. Before Luna left, she wanted to take me to Yunmeng.

I have to go to Yunmeng this time.

Maybe, even my end is not certain.

Ah Shi nodded and took out his mobile phone to buy a ticket.

Uncle Du hugged the photo frame tightly and seemed a little confused:

"Do you have any relatives or friends in Yunmeng?" "How do I remember that your second uncle once said that he didn't like Yunmeng and that he had enemies in it?"

"If your second uncle comes back, can he still go to Yunmeng to find you?"

But the second uncle can't come back.

With a stab in my heart, I raised my eyes and looked at Uncle Du opposite.

With my second uncle’s notes, I certainly knew that Uncle Du seemed to be about the same age as my second uncle.

But Uncle Du must have been suffering from illness in recent years. He looks much older than my second uncle, and his hair has turned gray.

He has been suffering from the death of Qin Sanshou's family for many years. Judging from Ah Shi's appearance, he must regard him as a real elder. He will definitely be supported when he stays in Changzhou in the future.

The news that my second uncle is dead cannot be told to others, at least not to him.

I pursed my lips:

"I have an acquaintance there, and I'm going to join her."

"If my second uncle is, if he comes back, he will definitely send me a message. I will leave then. It's not a big deal."

Half-Eye also told me that I should have gone with her in the first place, maybe it's not too late now.

Uncle Du nodded, and Ah Shi completed the operation and gave me an OK gesture:

"The tickets have been booked."

"Uncle Du's legs and feet have been bad lately. I'll ask Ah Chi to drive you tomorrow."

"Words of money"

Ah Shi hesitated for a moment and glanced at his brother.

Ah Chi's expression was also a little solemn, but I knew very well that they didn't care about the money. After all, I had saved their lives.

The reason why it is difficult to give this money is that they will feel uncomfortable if it is less, but I will not accept more than it is.

I thought about it, took it out of my backpack, and took out a gold ring that I had found in an old safe in Li's abandoned building:

"No need to borrow it. After all, I don't know if it will be the Year of the Monkey or the Horse next time I go back to Changzhou. I have a gold ring here. If you are interested, just give it to me in money."

Ah Shi breathed a small sigh of relief, took the gold ring, and bought me 20,000 yuan without thinking.

Of course this is too much, but I really have to accept this good intention.

I had dinner with a group of people from the funeral parlor and rested for another night. As expected, Ah Qian knocked on the door the next day with a ticket stuck at the right time:


I was waiting for Ah Chi early, and opened the door as soon as I heard the voice:


Azian had two panda eyes and said in surprise:

"Didn't you get a good rest?"

I shook my head and coughed twice more:

"I was busy running around for the past two days, and it was a bit cold, so I didn't sleep well."

Azian nodded, expressed a few words of concern, and then took me to the door of the funeral home.

I vaguely saw an acquaintance, and he pulled Ah Qian:

"Is that Gillian Liu?"

Ah Qian followed my gaze and looked:

"Yes, Sixth Taibao Chen Qingyi was indeed killed by Liu Ajiao."

"It's just that I heard that it wasn't the people below who did it, but Ajiao Liu who stabbed her in the trachea and she bled to death."

I asked softly:

"No resistance?"

When Chen Qingyi and I first met, of course I knew what kind of physical qualities he had. Liu Ajiao couldn't compare with him anyway.

Bleeding to death, Liu Ajiao was not injured, so she presumably did not resist.

Ah Chi shook his head:

"I heard that there was no resistance. Most likely, Chen Qingyi knew that he would suffer in this life and spared the lives of his master and Liu Ajiao."

I guess this is also the reason, but these things have nothing to do with me.

Ah Qian drove me away from the city. When I was blocked on the national highway around the city, Ah Qian's cell phone suddenly rang.

Ah Qian took a look and started to marvel:

"I didn't expect there would be people rushing to marry the two brothers from the Huo family."

"The little granddaughter of the Fourth Taibao is quite powerful."

Give me another hour (eye movement)

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