Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 231 Corpse hidden under the bed

During this time, Little Forty has become fat and strong due to my daily incense offerings, but his temper is still as docile as before, and he has never done anything out of line.

Moreover, Xiao Forty's current state is obviously not right. The purple-black yin energy all over his body is almost solidified, and he is lying on the ground and grinning at the bottom of the bed.

There must be something under the bed!

I frowned and walked a few steps quickly from the entrance of the room to the bedside. I lifted up the bed to see what was under the bed.

There was no space under the bed, so I couldn't see what was underneath.

After removing all the sheets, bedding, mattresses, etc., all you could see were rows of wooden boards.

But the binding of those wooden boards is very interesting. Half of them are bound with regular standard staple guns and square nails to seal the bed boards.

On the other side, it was crooked and there were no small round-headed nails aligned side by side to seal the bed boards.

The edge of the small round-headed nail even showed signs of being pried through the bed board with a claw hammer.

The hole in the damaged bed board was only about the size of half a fingernail, and it was dark inside. People couldn't see anything clearly from the outside. Only when they got closer could they smell a stink that was masked by incense.

The stench is indescribable and goes straight to people's brains. People who are a little less mentally stable will easily vomit on the spot.

Very familiar taste.

Yes, corpse stench.

I took out the paper I carried with me and looked around. After making sure I didn't see any ghosts, I patted Xiao Forty's little head. His expression remained unchanged:

"Go back to the jar, I'm going to call the police."

Seeing that I had accepted its warning, Little Forty crawled back into the lotus porcelain altar obediently. I took out my cell phone to make a call. After calling, I opened the door and window and lay down at the window waiting for someone to come.

About twenty minutes later, the siren sounded downstairs.

I patted my face and made a panicked expression in the mirror several times, but it was too horrible to look at. I simply stared with my eyes wide open, pretending to be expressionless and distracted, and waited for someone to come to the door.

There was a noise in the corridor soon, and a group of people came to the door of my room sparsely. The slightly older policeman saw me falling on the ground, and quickly ordered another female policeman to help me up:

"Did you call the police to report that there was a body under the bed?"

The young boss and his wife who were leading the way originally thought it was just a routine inspection and were wondering why they came straight here as soon as they entered the door. When they heard this, they were suddenly confused:

"What corpse?"

"No, uncle policeman, our small hotel business has always been run honestly. How come there are corpses?!"

"If there's a corpse, doesn't it mean there's a murder?"

I shook my hands at the right time and pointed to the messy bed board not far away:

"Where, where."

I looked like I was in shock and muttered:

"I have a very good nose, and I smelled something as soon as I walked in. I smelled it for a long time, and it turned out to be under the bed."

"I originally thought it was a dead rat or something, and I wanted to take a look. Then I took a flashlight and looked into the hole. It seemed like there was a person inside."

After hearing my words, the landlady suddenly murmured in disbelief:

"Stink, under the bed."

"I've smelled it in the past two days. I couldn't find the source. I sprayed half a can of perfume and smoked incense."

"It turned out to be a corpse?!"

The landlady took a few steps back and almost fainted.

The young boss quickly hugged his wife. His endurance was obviously better than that of his wife, but it was obviously not much better:

"Oh my god, what's happening!"

"Officer, my wife is about to faint! What should I do? Can you see if there is really a body under the bed?" The older policeman was also unambiguous, and together with the other two policemen, he quickly removed the bed board.

The moment the bed board was removed, a pungent stench swept through the room, and even the scent of incense that could have been used to cover it up lost its effect.

Not long after, a headless corpse appeared in front of everyone.

It was obviously the body of an adult male.

Wearing a casual outfit, even without his head, the length from head to shoulders is about 1.7 meters.

The body was decomposed and looked like it had been under the bed board for some time. Since the head had been removed, the neck was densely covered with wriggling maggots.

This is obviously a big case.

The older policeman immediately realized that something was wrong. Relying on his years of experience in handling cases, he instinctively eliminated the smallest tenant who found the body. He turned to the boss and the young couple and said:

"The body was so badly decomposed and there were maggots under the bed board. Didn't you find it when you were cleaning?"

"Since you have already smelled the stink, your first reaction was not to find the source, but to cover it up with perfume?"

This was obviously a bit suspicious of the young couple who ran the hotel. This was also my initial thought. Otherwise, I would not have waited in the room for the police to come instead of asking the couple for help.

But obviously, my idea is a bit redundant.

The young couple were truly frightened.

The landlady was so frightened that she cried and vomited, and her whole face was extremely embarrassed. After a long time to calm down, she heard the elderly policeman's question and she became very excited again:

"I do not know!"

"We run a hotel, and we often have guests smoking and drinking in the guest rooms. They leave smelly socks and shoes everywhere. Some people even pee on the bed when they are drunk. There are all kinds of stinks!"

"Isn't it normal for me to know that there is a corpse under the bed and cover up the smell?"

"You won't suspect that we killed the person now, will you?"

"We are not idiots. Where can we kill someone and hide under the bed? There are farmlands outside and there are no people. Isn't it better for us to hide outside than here?"

The little boss covered his face in pain:

"Daughter-in-law, please stop talking. Do you know what it means to draw darker and darker colors?"

The two men sang together, much to the amusement of the police comrades who had been handling the case for many years.

The little boss reluctantly wiped the remnants of spit from his lips and explained:

"Officer, it's really none of our business."

"All the procedures here are in compliance with the regulations, the registration is legal, and there is monitoring, and the monitoring is also kept for 30 days."

"If you need it, I'll go down and adjust it for you right now!"

This businessman's upright and upright approach is really a cooperative attitude in handling cases.

The older policeman immediately left a few people to continue investigating the scene, and went downstairs to check the check-in records. I acted as if I didn't want to stay in the room, and followed them downstairs with my bag on my back.

The boss and his wife were at the front desk of the lobby, coordinating the monitoring and checking the check-in personnel registration. Seeing that there was no result in a short period of time, I sat down in the reception area to eat preserved fruit.

It was already dark outside, and there was not much light in the countryside. I could only vaguely see the moon hanging high in the sky. In the misty moonlight, through the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel, I could vaguely see three figures walking towards the hotel. .

The distance between the other party is getting closer and closer. If I read it correctly, two of the three people walking towards us are familiar faces.

They are, Boss Hu and Hu Xiaowu.

During the tomb-exploring operation in the mountain behind Wanyao, I met two disciples from the Northeast.

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