Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 255 Frog and Snake

Mrs. Cheng touched a card and picked up another one:

"Wherever there is money blown by the strong wind, maybe someone is looking for it secretly. Turn off the lights at night. Ahem."

"By the way, is she your husband on the list?"

Mrs. Cheng coughed a few times, but said nothing.

Mrs. Wang looked disdainful:

"I'd like to guess that, but who can look down on her?"

"Forget about dressing up as a tomboy and not looking outstanding. After all, for rich men, there are a lot of beautiful women. Many of them are tired of playing with beautiful women and want to find a close friend."

"Just like my husband, he likes smart people, but Yu Jiajia has no brains at all."

"Not to mention what happened after Sister Yang came here, when you saw that there were only four of us just now, was there anything she said that you could listen to?"

"She also asked Xiaowan about her husband's preferences. Is this ridiculous?"

Another newcomer named 'Xiaowan' also smiled and played a card with a very relaxed and comfortable look:

"It's okay, even if I can seduce my husband away, in our family, others will only call me Mrs. Bai."

Several people at the card table showed tacit smiles, and seemed to acquiesce to Bai Xiaowan's words.

After Mrs. Cheng finished laughing, she sighed:

"It's rare to see such a brainless person. Sister Wang, please don't bring her here next time. I get a headache from listening to her talk while I'm playing cards."

Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes and before she finished speaking, she handed Yang Jinhua another card:

"Are you afraid of noise? Why are you pretending to me?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Mrs. Wang kept saying in her hands:

"But you are right about one thing. Yu Jiajia's brain does not look like that of a normal person. I think her brain may be related to the genetics of her parents."

"I'm telling you something, but please don't spread it outside."

Usually when I talk, there is something interesting. After I straightened my body a little, I heard Mrs. Wang say mysteriously:

"Yu Jiajia's father didn't have to die at that time."

"Although the economic performance of the fireworks factory was not good at that time and it was forced to undergo rectification, human feelings and the tree's face, although it owed some foreign debts, as long as he did not fall, everyone would help him for the sake of the past. he."

"And it's not a lot of money, it's a matter of 20,000,000 yuan. The fireworks factory made a profit in the past year. Then Yu Jiajia's father had to climb to the roof of the fireworks factory to survive. Others had to persuade him to come down. , He must not listen, right——"


The mahjong collided and made a crisp and sweet sound. Mrs. Wang continued:

"At that time, there was a cousin of Boss Yu who invested 100 to 200 million yuan in his factory. He was afraid that he would die. He shouted with a loudspeaker from below, telling him not to jump down. He said that for more than 20 million yuan, he They all helped pay it back.”

"But this boss Yu is just crazy. He is not clear-headed. He is standing on the roof, waving around, and then he just falls down."

Everyone let out a sigh, and Mrs. Cheng touched another card:

"You're going to die now?"

"Let me guess, is the factory behind being eaten up?"

Mrs. Wang sneered:

"Yes, boss Yu was here and the situation was under control. Now when someone dies, everyone who invests is afraid of losing money. Most of them try hard to sell things and shares for fear of losing money. But the more they sell, the lower the price becomes. , the more you lose."

"After a vicious cycle, those who were rich will no longer have money."

"My husband comes back occasionally, and he talks in his sleep when he is sleeping. Why is the boss Yu dead? There is no reason for his death at all."

When Yang Jinhua touched the card table, all the cards were wrong:

"If you die, just die. It has nothing to do with us. We didn't invest in any fireworks factory. Who would like such a fleeting thing?"

Everyone said yes again and again, and the round started again. While waiting for the cards, Mrs. Cheng asked:

"Yu Jiajia's father is a little crazy and wants to jump off the building. What about her mother?"

"Aren't you talking about a genetic problem between his parents?" Mrs. Wang curled her lips, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously:

"As for Yu's mother, she is even crazier. I even wonder if Boss Yu's jumping off the building was also related to being driven crazy by his wife."

"That mother Yu, when she gave birth to Yu Jiajia in the early years, her body was damaged. She has never been able to walk, and she always stayed in bed. Boss Yu is also a person, and he has never been looking for a younger one."

"Logically speaking, as time goes by, Boss Yu is guarding his wife and does not dislike her. She only has one Yu Jiajia and no son. This is already considered very good."

"But the wife lying on the hospital bed is so crazy that she can't see anyone. I followed my husband to visit the hospital. She was in her bed, always shouting that there were frogs and -" in her body.

Mrs. Wang held her thin voice and whispered:



A flash of lightning flashed outside the window, followed by a deafening thunder, and the raindrops brewing in the clouds finally poured down.

The thunderstorm opened the curtains that had not been closed, and rolled up the ripple-like afterimages.

I raised my eyes and saw that the originally pure white curtains were extremely white due to the lightning, and the shadows reflected on the ground looked like half a human figure.


Mrs. Cheng screamed strangely and accidentally knocked out a piece of cake with her fingers.

Bai Xiaowan, who was sitting next to Mrs. Cheng, stretched out her slender and flawless hands to lift Erbing up. Mrs. Cheng took a few breaths and then said:

"Play mahjong well, just play mahjong, and don't say scary and weird things!"

"How can there be frogs and snakes in a human body?"

Yes, how can there be frogs and snakes in the human body?

But if so, what about abnormal situations?

I returned to my thoughts, landed on my toes, stood up from the position next to Yang Jinhua, and stayed away from the fragrance.

Yang Jinhua seemed a little unhappy about my leaving, and her hand that was about to touch the cards suddenly stopped:

"Where are you going, sweet girl?"

I pointed to the door and window:

"I'm going to close the window. The night wind is blowing cold. If my aunt catches a cold, I'll feel bad."

Yang Jinhua suddenly smiled like a flower:

"Okay, I'm still a good girl who cares about people. She's so good."

Yang Jinhua looked at me with a very satisfied look. I obediently walked to the window sill and closed the window tightly. Then I heard someone else ask from the mahjong table behind me:

"Speaking of which, how could Yu Jiajia's mother be so crazy?"

"It's not because of poor health, it's because my brain is broken!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's a good thing that Boss Yu is still willing to have this wife. If it were me, I would have run away long ago."

Mrs. Wang was about to answer Mrs. Cheng's words when she heard Bai Xiaowan, who had never been playing cards quietly, ask in a gentle voice:

"When Sister Wang went to visit, did she ask anyone if they had been checked?"

"Maybe there is something really inside the body?"

Something happened, I'm late, sorry

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