Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 263 Things in the Circle

Perhaps it was because I was staring so obviously that Yu Jiajia swallowed what was in her mouth and asked strangely:

"what happened?"

"Did I get something on my face? Then help me get a tissue."

I reluctantly looked away, pulled out a piece of paper for Yu Jiajia, saw her wiping her face, and asked her inner question:

"Have you ever had plastic surgery?"

When facing people like Yu Jiajia, asking straightforward questions is the best way.

I dared to ask, and she dared to answer:


Yu Jiajia held her face in her hands and was stunned for a moment. Then she thought of something and was delighted:

"You're complimenting me on my beauty, right?"

"I didn't have plastic surgery, haha, I am the original skin of my mother!"

Yu Jiajia saw that I was still staring at her, a little confused:

"what happened?"

I didn't even think about it, so I said directly:

"I don't believe it unless you show me your old photos."

Yu Jiajia yelled and was about to take out her phone immediately, but halfway through taking it out, she came to her senses:

"I just got a new phone and there are no photos!"

Yu Jiajia was thinking hard, and I calmly reminded her:

"Do you have photos at home?"

Yu Jiajia had a flash of inspiration:


"Although my father's house was repossessed after he went bankrupt, when I moved to a new home, all the family photos were moved here, just as proof of my natural beauty!"

"How about it, do you want to wait until I come back to the club next time to see the photos, or come to my house to see them?"

I thought about it and took out my mobile phone with a gray screen:

"Change the contact information. I'll tell you when I come down, or I'll go if I have time."

Yu Jiajia smiled very sincerely this time, even a little silly:

"no problem."

"I have never had any friends come to my house. If you come, I will cook Guobao Pork for you. My mother's Guobao Pork is top notch. Sister Yang!"

I was listening to the other person's chattering voice attentively, but suddenly I heard the last two words of Yu Jiajia, which were suddenly raised, and my eardrums suddenly hurt.

I turned my head slightly and saw the extremely handsome Yang Jinhua standing a few steps away with her hands crossed, seeming a little unhappy:

"Nanny, why are you here?"

I stood up and was about to explain the situation when I saw Yu Jiajia walking over like a dumbass with a smile on her face:

"Sister Yang, we are having midnight snack, would you like some?"

Yang Jinhua's well-trimmed eyebrows were slightly frowned, and if she ignored the coldness in her eyes, she would really feel like "Xi Zi holding her heart".

Yang Jinhua ignored Yu Jiajia who greeted her and asked again:

"Nanny, tell aunt, why are you here?"

This sentence can almost be regarded as a complete sentence.

Yang Jinhua's unhappiness suddenly appeared on her face, but I knew that what she meant by this sentence was obviously not really asking me why I was here.

Instead, he asked me why I was with Yu Jiajia.

With her status, she naturally looked down on people like Yu Jiajia, but she didn't hold hands just now and now she was like a mosquito.

Yang Jinhua must have heard something on the way here.

I lowered my head, stood up obediently, and walked to Yang Jinhua:

"Want to see a joke."

With these four words, most of the coldness in Yang Jinhua's eyes dissipated.

Yang Jinhua's bright eyes scanned me up and down, and she pinned my hair that was hanging down on my face to the back of my head, and then she relaxed:

"Let's go."

Yang Jinhua led me through Yu Jiajia, who was at a loss. When we were some distance away, she said:

"Did you just ask Xiao Gu to gamble with her?" I nodded and touched the strand of hair again. Yang Jinhua pinned my hair again:

"Don't play with either of them."

"For someone with no eyesight like Yu Jiajia, I will instruct the club to blacklist her next time."

"As for that Xiaogu, just don't get in front of him."

I responded obediently, and Yang Jinhua was finally satisfied. She stretched out her slender white hand and touched my face and then my chin:

"Be good~ Nannan~"

The two of us were very close, and the vaguely familiar fragrance of Yang Jinhua penetrated my nose once again.

Her voice was very soft, and the movements of her hands were not heavy, like a brightly colored feather caressing my skin.

It's not uncomfortable, but it's a bit embarrassing.

It's like a product that is waiting for a price and is being carefully appreciated by the buyer.

The action of stroking the chin is more like the owner stroking the things in his enclosure.

The moment I thought of this analogy, my heart twitched uncontrollably. I lowered my head and saw Yang Jinhua stubbornly holding the strand of hair again.

Again, again, put it past my back.

I could see the smile in Yang Jinhua's eyes, and her patience, but a sentence involuntarily flashed through my mind -

Until a pet loses its favor, its owner always responds to every request.

Yang Jinhua smiled and held my hand:

"Okay, good girl."

"Auntie, I may have used all my luck to meet you today. I won less and lost more, so I just won't fight. Let's go home."

I nodded and was about to transfer the phone in Yang Jinhua's hand to the other hand when I saw that Yang Jinhua had lowered his head to check what was in my hand.

The moment she saw the phone with a scratched screen, she said casually and without doubt:

"Throw this thing away. Auntie will buy you a better one."

My voice is very soft, but my words are clear:

"Auntie, this is a birthday gift from my elder, it is of commemorative value."

Yang Jinhua showed no expression and repeated:

"Things with commemorative value should appear in museums, not in Nong's hands."

"You can hold it if you want, but don't appear in my sight in the future."

The voice gradually became softer, and Yang Jinhua seemed to have changed her mind:

"Mobile phone, stay out of my sight."

I obediently put my phone into the small bag that Yang Jinhua provided for me. Yang Jinhua glanced at it and said nothing.

In less than a day, I roughly understood what kind of character Yang Jinhua was.

Stubborn, paranoid, and has a strong desire to control.

But since I have to stay here for the first half of the year, I have to live under someone else's roof

So I didn't say anything in particular, I just followed her through the corridor and got back into the car where I came from.

Yang Jinhua opened the car window as big as a palm to let in some air, and opened and closed her red lips:

"Why don't you speak?"

I made a plan in my mind and said:

"If my aunt doesn't tell me, then I won't tell you either. After all, I just want to hear what my beautiful aunt has to say."

The slight unhappiness in Yang Jinhua's eyes dissipated in an instant. She turned sideways and hugged me, and her sweetheart shouted:

"My dear girl, why are you so cute!"

"It's so rare!"

With a smile on her face, Yang Jinhua touched my face and kissed me several times. I couldn't open my eyes for a while, but a familiar voice came to my ears:

"Sister Yang, do you want to leave?"

"Then can I still exchange things with you now?" (End of Chapter)

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