Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 283 Abnormal Tiger

In the spacious and bright hall, no one realized what happened.

And that dark shadow in my peripheral vision is already very close in front of me!

Zhang Wei took advantage of his tallness and strength. He stepped forward in two or three steps and stretched out his two arms like iron pincers——

He pinched Yang Jinhua's neck tightly!

This change happened so quickly, and in just a few seconds, the offensive had been completely reversed.

Yang Jinhua's petite body was pinned against the sofa by Zhang Wei, whose eyes were splitting. Her slender and white neck was now pinched by a pair of hands covered with veins. The hypoxia caused by suffocation turned into red clouds and swept over Yang Jinhua's whole body. Open your face.

Yang Jinhua didn't seem to think that Zhang Wei would fight back after being humiliated. In other words, she never thought that someone could make trouble in front of her.

Therefore, due to the huge disparity in strength between men and women, Yang Jinhua had almost no chance to resist. During the struggle, several of her originally well-groomed nails were broken.

But this didn't stop her cheongsam from being lifted up intentionally or unintentionally, making it messy.

"Mrs. Yang!"


Several panicked voices rang out from the surrounding area. Zhang Wei's hand touched Yang Jinhua's cheongsam, and he directly rode up with an overwhelming advantage, shouting loudly:

"Don't come here, come here, I will strangle her to death!"

The people who originally wanted to rescue were obviously yelled at by this voice, and they hesitated and looked at each other, not daring to step forward. Some of the people who knew better started to call the police for help. Zhang Wei said with a ferocious smile:

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

"If you hadn't set up that thing as an exchange item and required so much money to redeem it, I wouldn't be so greedy."

"So, I was right, it's all your fault!"

"You bitch still wants to insult me, then I'll do it in front of everyone and let everyone see how I insult you——"


The solid wine bottle exploded above Zhang Wei's head. The glass and the wine inside drew a gorgeous arc in the air, and then crashed down.

Zhang Wei's ferocious laughter didn't even reach its peak before he was hit with a bottle of wine from me and his head was badly bruised.

There was silence in the air for a while. After a while, Zhang Weicai dazedly touched his head. Naturally, he touched the blood on his hand.

He still seemed to want to get angry, but he staggered up from the sofa and looked at me in disbelief. Before he even took a step, Yang Jinhua, who had just suppressed him behind him, picked up another bottle of champagne on the table and started again. A gourd was opened behind her back.

As a result, Zhang Wei fell to the ground with his eyes completely dazed.

After falling to the ground, he twitched several times unconsciously.

Although Yang Jinhua and I, who were in a state of embarrassment and had eyes burning like ice flames, were lying in the middle of Zhang Wei who didn’t know whether he was alive or dead, the moment we looked at each other, we seemed to see the words in each other’s eyes:

'You are also a cruel person. '

'You're not bad either. '

But just for a moment, both of them looked away in tacit understanding.

Yang Jinhua glanced at the waiters who were hurriedly looking for repairs, handing over towels, handing out wound medicine, and even checking Zhang Wei's breathing, and sneered:

"You are really good at raising you for so long."

No one dared to meet Yang Jinhua's eyes, just like no one dared to step forward to rescue him just now. Everyone lowered their heads and pretended that they were busy with many things.

Yang Jinhua glanced around, the self-mockery on her face became even stronger, and she stretched out her hand towards me with a somewhat vain step:

"Be a good girl, you still have to be a good girl."

Her neck was still a large area of ​​red, slightly purple, and her voice was hoarse.

I didn't say anything. I took a few steps and stretched out my hand to steady Yang Jinhua. This time, it was me who led Yang Jinhua off the yacht and into the car.

Yang Jinhua finally had time to check the wound on her neck, but she just took a look in the mirror and wrapped herself tightly in the coat given by the servants, as if she was afraid of the cold wind. But she only covered her neckline.

It's more like being afraid of the scars on your body.

I silently filled in my mind. Yang Jinhua beside me seemed a little frightened by this incident. There was a rare tiredness on her face, and her eyes looked out the window silently.

Then at a certain moment, Yang Jinhua seemed to have suddenly thought of something. She suddenly turned her head and said dumbly to me:

"My dear, you did a great job today."

"Auntie, I will never take you to that kind of place again."

A sentence without beginning or end.

Maybe it's because he's afraid of encountering danger like Zhang Wei again?

My mind wandered and I whispered:

"Auntie, if Zhang Wei dares to do this, he will definitely be punished. You don't need to worry about this."

"And did my aunt do this because Zhang Wei was disgusting?"

Connecting the causes and consequences of this sudden and ridiculous incident, and beautifying it a little, it is actually that Yang Jinhua couldn't stand the prodigal Zhang Wei, so she made sarcastic remarks, and Zhang Wei maliciously hurt him.

Neither party is a good person.

But I absolutely cannot say this.

Therefore, my original intention in saying this was to beautify what the other party did and achieve the purpose of 'comforting'.

But contrary to my expectations, Yang Jinhua's eyes flashed with a dark look in the shadows running outside the car window.

She pondered for a few seconds, and finally smiled suddenly:

"No, dear girl."

"Auntie is what those young people call a pervert. You know the pervert, right?"

"Auntie really likes to drag people who are originally aloof into the water."

She was just used to being domineering, so this time she didn't expect that in front of so many of her servants, she would be pushed to the sofa, almost causing an accident.

There was a moment of silence in my heart. Seeing that the other party had no desire to speak, half a second later, I reluctantly spoke in agreement:

"Everyone likes the flower of the high mountain to fall from the altar."

Yang Jinhua finally showed a satisfied and happy smile.

When I looked at her smiling face, I couldn't help but think of that taciturn and sinister Tzu Chi girl.

But Tzu Ching Nu and Yang Jinhua are very different.

The Tzu Ching girl was not good at words. She was born in a quagmire. She learned the art of body-clearing and did all kinds of evil things, but she still had a heart that wanted to "see the light of day."

If there is one sentence to judge Tzu Ching women, it is that she should not be judged by any words.

Her good and evil qualities were neither pure nor pure, and she was a mixture of extremely good and extremely evil, which gave her the name Tzu Ching Girl.

And Yang Jinhua

Judging from everything that is known at this stage, she is actually more like a 'tiger'.

Her control and moodiness come across clearly on the page.

When she is happy, you are her "good girl". She touches your face and teases you a few times, and the things she gives you casually are enough for an ordinary person to chew for a lifetime.

When you are unhappy.

It was the overwhelming tiger roar.

Just the ice in the eyes can stab someone through.

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