Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 296 The Man in Red Clothes

[The young lady’s persuasion stepped on the suspicions in the parents’ minds.

So in two or three months, after the young lady recovered her health, she took the large dowry given by her parents and married the son of a high-ranking official in the dynasty with great splendor.

The young lady had lived a life of eating chaffy vegetables for a year, and now she was able to live a life of a master when she came back. She felt proud and felt a little more certain about her choice to leave the teacher.

It's just that this pride completely disappeared when the red candles warmed the tent and the wedding room was decorated with flowers.

It's not that the young lady was found to be less than perfect, but
The groom, who was supposed to be a majestic figure and a talented man, was actually supported by two rough ladies!
The two middle-aged women held the groom's eyes crooked, his mouth twisted, and his legs twisted, and they tremblingly opened the red hijab. Only then did the young lady realize that the groom turned out to be a fool!
There are rumors outside that the handsome and elegant son of a high official is not only a drooling fool, but also a lame man with two legs of different thicknesses!

The young lady was very angry at this moment. She had been pampered at home since she was a child, and she immediately started shouting.

She herself had seen her parents looking for someone to replace her at home. Now that she met the groom, she naturally thought that the official's family was deliberately teasing her and 'replacing' the real groom.

But, if the lady guesses this way, is this really the case?

of course not!
The mistress of the high official's house, that is, the mother of the groom's official, heard the noise and entered the bridal chamber. When she heard the content of the young lady's quarrel, she laughed out of anger and scolded her sternly:

"Does anyone in this world really think that there is free food?"

"Although you have some money at home, you are still a merchant. Our master is a true second-grade official!"

"If my son is a normal person, why doesn't he find someone from the right family, a rich country man like you?"

"It's obvious that your parents are asking for my master's favor and insist on forcing you here. Don't you know it yourself?"

After being scolded by this, the young lady finally realized that this was not a good marriage. It was clear that her parents had given a daughter to the son of a high official for nothing!
The mistress wants the young lady to take good care of her son. If he takes good care of his son and has money and reputation, the young lady's natal family will not treat him badly. From now on, they will pass on their heirs from the side. A hundred years later, the huge mansion will belong to them.
The mistress alternated soft words and cruel words, giving both kindness and power, and she also tried her best to plan the future life for the young lady and her silly son.

However, the lady has never been able to endure loneliness.

After the mistress left, the young lady lay on the bed, and all she could think about was——

Once upon a time, I had a handsome lover, but he didn’t have any money. Now I have a reputation for money, but I don’t have a man.
After thinking about it like this, I fell asleep with a belly full of grievances.

I don’t know whether she is thinking about something every day or dreaming about it at night, or maybe the young lady is just a wanderer.

As soon as I fell into the dream, I dreamed of a magnificent carved building. On the carved building, there was a handsome man admiring the flowers.

Lang Jun's eyebrows were firm and he was dressed in red. He looked like there was more spring than the spring scenery in the garden.

The young lady was stunned for a moment. When she came back to her senses, the handsome husband had already walked up to her and asked:
"Where are you from, young lady? How did you end up here by mistake?"

The young lady said her name shyly and timidly. The handsome man listened carefully and found it interesting. He hosted a banquet in honor of the young lady. The two exchanged glasses and drank wine. After three rounds of drinking, they talked to each other and played guessing games. Open your chest and expose your breasts, test each other's depth
They actually became a dewy couple.

After the young lady woke up from her dream, she blushed unconsciously, thinking about the handsome man in red clothes in her dream and Meng Lang's affairs among the flowers.

In the next few days, whenever the man in red clothes came to meet her, he would say that he was an immortal from Yaochi. He would meet the young lady in a dream, and they would be in a relationship, and they would not even know what the heaven and the earth were.

Naturally, the young lady believed everything the man said, thinking that God was showing mercy, so she looked down upon her real husband even more.

One day, the young lady met the man in naked clothes. After the incident, the young lady stared at her lover beside her and unexpectedly said:

"Akaro, it would be great if you were my husband." "My husband, let alone a five-year-old child, is not as good as a three-year-old child. He went out a few days ago and couldn't even walk. unstable"

She was wrestling in the street and calling her wife, which made her so embarrassed!

When the young lady thought about this, she felt very depressed.

The man in red clothes seemed to be able to hear the young lady’s thoughts and said:

"Your husband-in-law is a fool. One more day to live is one more wasted day. Why not help him get out of trouble as soon as possible?"

Liberation, liberation!

The speaker may not be unintentional, but the listener may be intentional.

The young lady was thinking in her mind, but she just said:
"it's not good"

"Although my husband-in-law is stupid, he is a man after all, and there are so many people in the mansion. How can I, a weak woman, kill him?"

The man in red clothes looked at the lady with a half-smile, and said for a long time:
"If you really want to take action, then let me help you."

The young lady has been obsessed with this lover for a long time, and seeing that he is handsome and unlike a mortal, she has long believed that he is an immortal, and she even believes that he can help her.

So a man and a woman gathered together and muttered for a while. After the young lady woke up from her dream, she began to act on her own.

The young lady started her actions when the whole family was attending a banquet and no one was in the family.

The young lady used candy to trick the foolish man into walking into a deserted courtyard, and there was indeed a dry well in the courtyard that the man in red was talking about.

The lady threw the candy into the well, trying to trick the person into going down according to the original plan, pretending to make a mistake
But a fool is just stupid, not short-sighted.

After all, the son of a high-ranking official has been well-educated by his parents for many years. There is only such a little master in the whole family, and he is naturally raised carefully. How could he jump into a well because of a candy?

The son of a high-ranking official refused to jump, so the young lady threw some more cakes, but failed several times. She was a little anxious for a while, so she got so violent that she pressed her husband's head and stuffed it into the mouth of the well!

The fool Lang Jun was so horrified that he still fell into the well despite shouting.

The young lady felt proud in her heart. Before she could even clap her hands to celebrate, she felt that there were several footsteps and shouts out of thin air behind the empty space, and there were even several hands suppressing her vigorously.

This, this is what happened? !
The young lady was shocked inside, her body was painfully pressed by the rough mother-in-law's hand, and then she felt that everything in front of her eyes dissipated like smoke and water——

There is some dilapidated yard around here. Isn't this a side house?
The servants in the whole house who were supposed to go out to attend the banquet all appeared one by one, looking at her with horror and fear on their faces.

And the most important thing is that the dry well in the courtyard that she originally thought was very deep——

It turned out to be just an old dry well that was only as high as an adult’s knees! 】

It’s so deserted——Is there anyone——

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