Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 299 The Scene of Nothingness

What does this mean?
This shows that the landlady has cut into pieces a corpse, and it was her husband’s corpse!
Don't worry about who is cheating at this time. The important thing is that there is a murder case where the murderer has not yet been brought to justice!

The red amaranth potted plant fell heavily to the ground, and the clay exploded into countless fragments on the smooth ground.

Almost instantly, most of the leaves of the red amaranth were broken off, and blood gurgled out from the fracture. Just like the rumors, the juice of the red amaranth is blood!

The gurgling blood began to flow down the river, infecting the soil and rushing to the floor.

The soil was rolled down by the blood spurting out, and in the bloody mud, there was a shocking——

There was actually a human head that had turned into bones!

The lady boss no longer looked gentle and kind, and began to scream hysterically:

"What are you doing?"

"I kindly brought you here to meet my husband, what are you doing?"

"You killed my husband!!!"

The landlady repeated it over and over again, screaming and pulling on my trousers. She was frightened and helpless, and several expressions gathered on her face.

Those expressions are like sharp knives, gradually tearing apart the clothes of Ms. Truth, just waiting for the last knife to fall, and the naked truth will be revealed.

In a daze, she seemed to see something, but she didn't dare to confirm it.

She loosened my trousers, leaned against the refrigerator, stood there blankly, looked towards the void in front of her, and began to murmur to herself:

"Husband, what are you doing here now?"

"Don't you go home at six o'clock? It's too early for you to come back now."

"No, don't come into the room. That's right. I'm not wrong. If you can't give me the money to open a store, I have to get the boss to invest!"

"As you know, my father died young, my mother remarried, and the time-honored restaurant restaurant was taken away by bad guys. I suffered a lot when I was seven or eight years old. I am not willing to accept it. I will not accept it."

"I must open a store again, take back the things that belong to me, and collect money. Collect money!"

"Don't you have to pay a price to get the boss to invest? But look, I'm still wearing my clothes!"

The landlady tugged on her clothes, her face became more distorted. Her face had been completely cut, and she could only repeat:

"Yes, innocent, really."

"Surveillance, when was the surveillance installed at home? Why didn't I know?!"

"No, please, don't go, don't go, okay?"

"I just made a mistake, please."

"I don't want a divorce, I don't want a divorce! Don't you want a child? Let's have a child. I'm willing to have a child. I don't care if I'm out of shape now, okay?"

"I really made a mistake this time. The last time was an accident. Twice. Just two times. Don't go to the surveillance camera. Just five or six times. Please, husband, forgive me!"

How come you're telling lies after lies? !

I opened my mouth and finally cursed:
"What bad luck."

Really unlucky.

I originally wanted to see if the proprietress was caught in something dirty, so I came to check it out just so that I could eat delicious food in the future.

Looking at it now, let alone eating food, I will have to take a detour when I see this place in the future.

After all, the boss lady turned out to be the 'dirty thing'!
After I finished cursing, the landlady finally made some progress in her plea.

There was already a smile on her pear-shaped face. She was opening her arms and taking a step towards the void with tears in her eyes, as if she wanted to fall into someone's arms.

But at this moment, the landlady stopped, threw her head to one side, stared at somewhere in the void, and her voice became even shriller——

"Why did you kill my husband?"

"Don't you want to invest? It shouldn't be like this!" "My husband is dead, what should I do? I love him very much. I just want to invest. I don't want a divorce. Everything about me belongs to you." Forced me!!!”


The landlady's face was full of tears, and she sat down on the ground covered with dirt and blood.

She didn't react at all, but I knew that everything in that dream, or 'illusion', was still going on.

The scene of nothingness in the carved building continues.

The adulterer was obviously trying to persuade the landlady.
So what was the result?

The landlady covered her face and cried bitterly for a long time. Finally she raised her head and wiped away the non-existent tears in her swollen eyes, and said quietly:

"Then you have to give me money to open a store."

"I want the best location. I don't want to rent the store, I want to buy it. All the decorations have to be the best."

She seemed to get someone's consent, so she said:

"Help me, cut my husband off and put it in the refrigerator. I'll deal with it myself."

It turns out that this is actually the case.
I closed my eyes, and after a few seconds, I took out my phone and dialed the emergency number.

When the police arrived, the proprietress had already finished the long 'cutting' action while crying.

She was sobbing and shouting:

"Husband I love you."

While vigorously swinging the bone chopping knife.

The police wanted to take away the mad proprietress, but she was still in the carved building that she could never leave. She seemed to see something again, so she shouted in surprise:
"It's strange. How come this amaranth that I bought several days ago is still so fresh? The meridians on it seem to be still growing. How could this be?"

"Is it, is it the reason why I put my husband's body in the refrigerator?"

"Oh my god, this amaranth has grown up to look like my husband. No, no, it has not grown into the look of my husband, but my husband is back! Great, husband, you are back!"

"Skull, Skull, please stay with you, okay, hubby?"

The gentle and intimate voice sent chills all over the body, and even the police officers who had a lot of experience in handling cases had goosebumps all over their bodies.

The red amaranth on the ground finally shed its last trace of blood.

The policeman picked up the red amaranth that had returned to normal, without the face and leaves, and put it aside. Without the red amaranth on top, the rotten human head finally stopped crying. .

The investigators carefully picked it up and put it into the evidence bag. The moment the bag left my sight, I seemed to hear a sincere voice ringing in my ears.

The voice was very soft and said exactly:

"Thank you."

Red Amaranth, as it is called, only appears but does not appear. It only targets the murderer and can make the murderer see illusions.

Moreover, the souls of Fu Amaranth are all equally gentle and solid.
I was stunned for a moment, and then I saw a slightly familiar older policeman waving to me:
"You're the one who called the police, right?"

"Come on, come on down from the stove and talk."

This time, I was indeed a little embarrassed.

Although the kitchen area is clean, it's not big. In order to get the potted plant, I climbed up on the stove and watched the landlady's actions with cold eyes. I haven't come down yet.

The older policeman seemed to recognize me. He watched me climb off the stove obediently, and then asked me:

"It's you, little girl. If I remember correctly, you were the one who discovered the case of the headless corpse in the hotel last time, right?"

"How did you find the body this time?"

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