Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 409 RMB People

Chapter 409 RMB People

The atmosphere is finally no longer heavy.

But it seems to have slipped to the extreme in the other direction.

Embarrassing, deadly embarrassing.

The distance between the wood connection points is actually less than twenty centimeters.

If this distance is expressed in words, many people actually have no idea.

But to put it another way, it is almost as long as two fingers. Many people will probably understand how 'long' this distance is.

It's so long that when I go to the toilet, I can't shut people out.

It's so long that when you take a shower, the water will flow down your fingers and stain the other person's palms.

Gong Shuji's face turned red, white, blue and black, and for the first time he had other emotions besides patience:
".The hospital has specialized nurses!"

He seemed to be very anxious to explain, and his speech speed increased a lot:
"A nurse will come every day to wipe and turn you over and take you to clean. Although the ward is large, it is partitioned by curtains, I swear."

It turned out to be the case.

I had a little chat:

"It doesn't matter. I didn't look at it. It doesn't matter if I did. I just asked casually."

I am self-aware, I am small and develop late, my breasts are as flat as a racecourse, Gong Shuji’s breasts are bigger than mine.

Unless Gong Shuji is blind and has a special habit of loving flat-chested lolita, he really won't look at me.

During the period of amnesia, I didn't look at him or cause any trouble for him, which was good enough.

After all, he is the one worth watching.

Gong Shuji seemed a little dissatisfied with my words:
"Girls can't say such things. Especially you."

"Everyone should love you."

I didn’t know where Gong Shuji’s feelings came from, but I didn’t ask in detail.

It was late at night, and although the young people not far away in the carriage were still having fun, I was already very tired.

I may need a long break.

It's very long, long enough for me to lie down in the nest barrier I made and lick all the wounds on my body.

I squinted my eyes:
"I'll take a short nap."

Gong Shuji didn't object. Instead, like magic, he took out a small blanket from nowhere and put it on me.

The blanket is made of sherpa, very soft, and should be enough to induce sweet dreams.

But before the dream had even begun, a middle-aged male voice interrupted him:
"Little brother, let it go, let it go."

This is a conversation with Gong Shuji.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with dark skin and a thin build. His face was chapped, and the nails on his hands had black dirt that could not be cleaned off.

The middle-aged man seemed a little embarrassed:
"I'm sitting across from you. I have a suitcase here that I want to put at my feet."

The seats of the green leather train are two-seater facing each other, with a small table in the middle. People riding the train will inevitably face the person opposite.

Originally it was because there was no one in front of me, but now that someone is here, naturally I can't speak without any scruples.

Gong Shuji stood up at the right time to help, so I was forced to stand up and start to display my helpful spirit:

"There's not much space under the table, so let's help you put it on the luggage rack."

The visitor was about the same height as me, so he probably couldn't put his suitcase on the luggage rack, so he chose to put it under the table.

But this is just my inference.


A crisp sound.

The middle-aged man subconsciously shook off Gong Shuji's hand reaching for the suitcase, and the atmosphere suddenly became delicate.

The middle-aged man realized that his reaction was a bit excessive, with an embarrassed look on his face and a firm attitude: "No, no, just put it at my feet."

I took out my phone and typed something, and after the three of us sat down again, I showed it to Gongshu Ji——

“RMB, or people?”

The middle-aged man was opposite, and we both subconsciously hid our hands that were bound by Mu Lianli.

I'm used to typing with both hands, so it's a bit difficult to type with only one hand, so I only type so much.

Gong Shuji was even more reluctant than me, because his right hand was locked, and his left hand had some old injuries. After hammering for a long time, he only came up with two words:

I can only take the phone back and re-edit the information based on the original:
"Haven't you heard a saying? In a suitcase that obviously defies conventional logic, it contains either money or people."

"Do you think the thing in the suitcase of the middle-aged man opposite is RMB or people?"

This time, Gong Shuji, who was relaxed and ready to sew earplugs again, also realized something was wrong and frowned as he typed:

I shook my head in denial.

Gong Shuji relaxed a little:
".You'd better rest."

"Don't think too much, everything will not have anything to do with you. Even if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up, so there is nothing for you to worry about."

"You can think of this trip as a trip, that way, it will be easier."

If you don’t think about it, won’t it exist?

A word of true idealism.

I took back my phone, closed my eyes, and covered myself with a small blanket again, preparing to be a combination of deaf, blind, and idiot, and ignore the chaos of the world.

However, I can't stand the chaos of the world, so I have to ignore it.

The middle-aged man had a silly smile on his face. When he saw that I was half-closed and about to sleep, he didn’t know how to move away. He waved to me:
"Little girl, do you have this blanket in the carriage, or did you buy it yourself? I'm a little cold at night. If it's free in the carriage, I'll go and get one from the waiter."

flight attendant.

He is still a low-level person with little culture and common sense.

Gongshuji answered the question for me:

"I bought it myself. Before getting on the train, there is a grocery window at the station that sells these things. A simple three-piece toiletry set, a cup for instant noodles, a blanket and neck pillow, and fruit drinks are all available."

"Oh oh oh."

The middle-aged man suddenly understood, scratched his head and smiled sheepishly:
"So that's it."

"You are very well prepared. I didn't expect it at all."

"Where are you from? Where are you going?"

"I see that you feel friendly, maybe we are fellow villagers!"

Or Gong Shuji’s reply:

"Yunmengren, prepare to travel."

People who are too familiar with the situation, even people as gentle as Gong Shuji, will not rashly reveal their destination.

The middle-aged man seemed not to notice the indifference between the two of us at all. When he heard the word Yunmeng, he started to talk eloquently again:
"I know Yunmeng. It's a very good place. I've worked there before. The salary is high and the boss is nice. It's much better than the 18-hour shift in my hometown where I only paid 2,000 yuan."

"Many people told me at the time that Yunmeng Water Village was particularly famous, but at that time I worked every day and never went out."

"Your age is different from ours now. We all want to go to Yunmeng to play, but you still come from Yunmeng to play."

He is eloquent, in the true sense of the word.

I thought the other party was going to say something, so I patiently listened to a few sentences, but they all contained no substantive content, so I tightened my earplugs and physically blocked what the other party said.

Gong Shuji's character came into play again at this moment, and he didn't let his words fall to the ground at all.

So, after a while, the middle-aged man seemed to feel that the guests and hosts were having a good time chatting, and the relationship with Gong Shuji was going well. He looked around and made his request in a low voice:
"Little brother, can you buy me a lunch box?"

"The Rice Meat Immortal will bless you."

I originally wanted to write one chapter too much, but after writing it, I ended up with one more chapter.
A new dungeon will be opened tomorrow bobobobobob(●З`●)

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