Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 429 When the wind blows away

Chapter 429 When the wind blows away
"The kidnapper knew that the child would die after entering Longhu."

I chewed the words softly.

This means that, at least for a certain period of time, Longhu Village had close contacts with human traffickers.

The matter of Venerable White running to Long Lake at night with so many believers and suitcases must have a long history.

My words were very soft, so it was naturally impossible for Chen Dongchun to hear them, but Gong Shuji, who was right next to me, listened carefully.

Gong Shuji gently shook Mu Lianli with the force used to smooth a cat's fur.
His words were very soft, but there was a reassuring flavor:
"The mist will eventually lift."

The mist will eventually dissipate.


This village obviously no longer has such a thing.

Gongshuji knew how to appease me.

The pain in my temples has eased a lot, but I am even more curious in my heart about what could have turned the originally frenzied village into what it is today.

Coincidentally, Chen Dongchun, who had stopped to relax, seemed to have recovered a lot.

He spoke tremblingly and continued to preach——

[I didn’t understand what the kidnapper meant at that time.

Of course it's impossible to understand.

Because no matter how smart a child is, he is still just a child.

I originally wanted to repeat my old tricks, pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, and wallowing in mischief to prevent the sellers in Longhu from buying me.

They didn't mind.

In other words, the people surrounding me didn't care at all about the integrity of the 'goods'.

From the beginning to the end, few of the people who were rushing to buy me even looked at me carefully.

Even after they saw the scars all over my body and the broken leg when I ran away, they wanted to buy me, as if I were some kind of rare treasure.

The look in their eyes scared me, and several people got into fights over it.

I couldn't figure out the reason for this, so someone simply pulled the kidnapper's tricycle and asked if there was anyone else in the car and could he pay more.
The kidnapper is undoubtedly a bad guy, but he doesn't seem to be inhumane.

He hesitated for a moment, but in the end he only left me with such a thorn in his side.

As for me, after the village chief came forward to 'justice', I was handed over to a couple who seemed to have the worst financial situation.

The couple looked to be in their fifties. The husband had a deformed foot, and the wife only smiled and drooled the whole time and didn't speak.

The village chief’s words that day still ring in my ears.

He says--

"The Chen family has had no children for so many years, and their life is the most miserable. Let's give them a break." '

'Give them this child so that they can have some money for medical treatment and build a new house. '

The village chief said this, and the others naturally dispersed.

At that time, I didn't quite understand what this meant.

I had a vague feeling that they probably wanted me to provide for this apparently abnormal couple, so they handed me over to that couple.
But, apparently, that's not what happened.

Not retirement.

Those people gave me to my parents in the hope that my parents would exchange me for gold. 】

Chen Dongchun spoke very calmly. Only when he called "Mom and Dad" did his shoulders tremble slightly, revealing some emotions that had been hidden for many years.

His story continues——

[When I knew the truth, it was actually a few months later. It could also be one day after half a year, or one day after the days had calmed down. 】

[After I was sold that day, the kidnapper and the villagers left me in the Chen family. The Chen family and his wife were not in good health themselves, so they couldn't care about me.

And after I found out that no one was taking care of me, I secretly thought about running away at first.
But I was too young. I walked along the mountain road during the day until dark, but could not reach a crowded place. Instead, I was brought back by the Longhu villagers who passed by and knew me again.

I thought that the Chen family and his wife were going to whip me with something like a kidnapper, beat me, and not give me anything to eat.

They are the poorest family in Longhu Village, but they are also the most caring people. Their disabilities do not affect their hearts.

That gentle woman who only knew how to giggle, hugged me and coaxed me over and over again.

The man, who could only walk with a cane, struggled to use the cane to boil water, give me a bath, and wash off the dirt I rubbed on when I ran away.

They didn't blame me.

Not a word.

The man only asked me where I was from, if I could remember my parents’ names, the name of the place where I lived, and so on.

I had repeated these words countless times and had no hope, but I told him anyway.

He nodded and said nothing.

I was disappointed and fell asleep in a daze.

But I didn't sleep until I woke up naturally, because the woman's cry woke me up.

The woman hugged me and cried over and over again, saying that her man, my father, was missing.

She was so frightened that her hair and face were smeared with saliva and tears. She kept screaming and tearing her clothes.

She ran out of the house muttering something like, 'Old Chen is missing, I have to find him.'

I was afraid that she would do something, so I followed her all the way.

She stumbled around the countryside and asked everyone she met if they had seen 'Old Chen'.

That's when I realized that women didn't seem so crazy after all.

Although she drools when the man is around, she is always very neat, relaxed and at ease.

The disappearance of the man was a big blow to her. I accompanied her to every house in the village, and squatted at the door of my house crying for a long time. Only in the distance could I hear the sound of crutches standing there.

The man came back from outside after a long journey. When he saw me for the first time, he told me that he had contacted the government and I would just wait for the news.
He left home from dawn until dusk, using one leg and a cane to walk twenty miles of mountain road just to call the police.

This was the only kindness I received during the two years I was trafficked.

Even though they clearly needed me, they were still ready to let me go.

Later, he took me to the police station several times, but all ended in vain.

I can't remember, I really can't remember.

So, I learned the first lesson in life——

delayed gratification.

My idea was very simple at the beginning, that is -

I want to grow up, make my own money, and then go find my biological parents.

But before that, I need a place to stay.

The Chen family is very nice.

Maybe, even for the meat I have eaten at Chen's house in the past six months, I should call them mom and dad and take on that responsibility.

For a precocious child like me, this decision was easy to make quickly.

I ran home from the field excitedly and prepared to give them a surprise.

But what greeted me was a conversation that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

There are people in the Chen family, and they are talking in the house.

The dull woman was sitting on the porch eating candy. When she saw me coming, she gave me a piece.

I heard the conversation inside saying——

"Old Chen, the annual immortal sacrifice time will start later, don't blame me for not reminding you. I looked at the boy doll I bought, although it doesn't have much meat, but it weighs at least fifty or sixty pounds!
When the time comes, throw him into the lake and give it to the immortal, and you will get fifty or sixty pounds of gold. Not to mention that this house can be replaced by that time, even your crazy wife and wife can be replaced. Find a few seventeen-year-olds. It's no problem that this eight-year-old, bright and smooth little girl will carry on the family lineage for you!

Then no one will think you are lame! ”]

OK Done!

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