Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 43 Humanoid

Chapter 43 Humanoid
  The arguments in the cave gradually began to get louder.

The man who seemed to be the seller seemed to be more reasonable, so his voice was high but not low:
  "You can't blame me. If your father hadn't begged me, I wouldn't want to sell it! How much rice, flour, grain and oil have I eaten in the three years since I came here? Among the many women I bought, which one is as fat as her?"

"Didn't your eyes straighten when you saw this woman?"

"Isn't it normal that someone so white and fat can't fit into a box and become a box girl?"

The other buyer thought for a while, and although he was still cursing, he quickly stopped.

I tried my best to suppress the panic in my heart and controlled the paper man to fly into the cave.

As soon as I crossed the stone crevice, I felt as if I had fallen into an ice cave, and my blood was flowing backwards.

The second cave is not that big, only about half the size of the outer cave.

At this time, there were more than twenty people crowded inside.
  This number is still increasing.

Because they were sorting the boxes and taking out women one by one from the boxes.

As I thought before, those boxes were very small and couldn't fit anyone in them.

But most of these women can no longer be called human beings.

Among them, the smaller and more exquisite woman has her limbs folded in a weird posture, with more air coming out and less air coming in.

A few women with larger frames had their limbs ‘abandoned’, and looking around, they looked like they were dead.

The women who had been confirmed dead were roughly pulled out of the boxes and stacked in a corner of the cave.

A thick, viscous black-red liquid was mixed with pieces of meat from unknown parts.

There was a long buzzing sound in my head from nowhere.

Chaos, disorder, accompanied by nausea, fear like gangrene in my bones, I could hardly even open my eyes, I could only control the paper man from falling.

Damn, damn.

I swear I was really prepared for the worst, I thought I could save everyone.

But the fact is like an old man, he will not argue with his younger generation, he will only give them a few slaps.

The fear in my heart is even greater than facing the ghost.

At this moment, I realized that my opponent was actually a human animal covered in humanoid skin.

It took me a long time to suppress the shock and fear in my heart, and try my best to record the number and physical appearance of the perpetrators.

I swear, I will definitely let each of them receive the punishment they deserve!

Then, there are these victims.
  I lowered my height and distinguished each face as much as possible, carving it into my heart one by one.

But at this moment, a slight gust of wind blew from behind the paper man.

I was startled and immediately realized that someone might have discovered me. I turned around and prepared to jump up and run away, but just as I turned around, I saw a familiar face——


It's the girl who was locked in the cellar earlier!

Luna's limbs were hanging limply, and there were several wounds on her face from being beaten.

This previously beautiful girl had bruises on her face and a large wound on her left eyebrow, which was obviously from being beaten when she struggled to resist.

The blood from the wound flowed to the face, and it had condensed and turned black, making the whole face look like a ghost.

But even though she was in such a mess, her clear eyes still shone with an unknown look.

That wind, that wind that blows to me in a windless place.

It was from her mouth that the difficult breath came.

When Luna saw me turning around, she raised her lips with difficulty and gestured to me.

I recognize what she said:

"I'm not dreaming, you're really here." At this moment, if I were here, I would burst into tears.

I landed next to her head and whispered:

"I have done what I promised you. I called the police and contacted your parents. It will take time for them to get here. Just one more day, just one day, and I will take you all back!"

Excitement flashed in Luna's eyes, and a cry-like sound came out of her throat.

As if she suddenly remembered something, she moved closer to me until the meridians on her neck protruded, and said in as low a voice as possible:
  "Box Girl. Box Girl"

I realized what she was going to say and quickly comforted me:
  "Sealing the meat into boxes may be a part of feudal superstition and evil sacrifices. I'll go back and check. You stay here and wait for someone to rescue you."

This method is as cruel as a sacrifice, so there must be a source. Coupled with this closed and backward environment, it is easiest to come into contact with evil sacrifices.

Since ancient times, sacrifices have not been made by one's own people, but captives.

I guess my guess must be pretty close.

But before I finished speaking, I saw Luna struggling hard and saying:
  "No. It's not feudal superstition."

"I heard what they said about buying a wife."

"They said that there were a lot of bandits at that time, so you need to be able to take your wife's belongings and run away at any time. Women cannot be treated as people, they are things, and they need to be something that can be taken away at any time."

"They say that as long as you can have children, you don't need hands and feet, just your belly and..."

Tears flashed in Luna's eyes, and I knew what the second half of her sentence meant without asking.

I felt a pain in my chest. I didn't care to distinguish the complicated thoughts in my heart, and tried to give Luna a reassurance:

"I understand, you want to say that this is how the box girl came, so you can still be taken away at any time."

"Don't be afraid, I will find you no matter where you are."

"You stay well"

Before he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!

There was a crackling sound from the fire in the cave, and a loud voice was very close at hand:

"You bitch, what are you doing with your chattering? Are you crazy if you keep nagging?"

A shadow came over me. I was startled and immediately wanted to fly into the air.

But before leaving the ground, I heard the loud and somewhat doubtful voice coming again:
  "Eh?! What is this for nothing?"

These words were accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking wind, and a big hand came straight towards me!

What about the forest department?
  I cursed in my mind, saw the right moment, turned over and twisted, and narrowly slipped through the fingers of the strong man.

Before I felt happy, the next moment I realized that something was wrong——

The paper man is exposed!
  The sturdy man stared at the paper man, unable to close his mouth for a long time, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost:
  "Damn it! There's a ghost!"

The people in the cave were attracted by his ghostly cries and howls, and they all raised their heads, and happened to meet me face to face!

In the deep cave, there was only the light of two torches.

As the firelight danced, the figures of everyone in the cave were stretched infinitely. When projected onto the stone wall, they were already distorted and deformed, like animals enjoying themselves after stealing human skin.

And they are staring at me!
  My scalp exploded, and I instinctively wanted to take advantage of their daze to fly out.

But there are more than twenty people in the cave, and there are always those who react quickly.

Before I could fly out of half the cave, a young man picked up the torch on the wall and waved it around, shouting:

"What the hell! You were killed by us when you were alive, but you can be more powerful than us when you are dead?!"

"All ghosts are afraid of fire! Shoot it down and kill it again!"

 Although it kind of ruined the atmosphere, the part that slipped through my fingers made me think of Runtu and Yu (ahem)
    Do you guys have tickets? If you have votes, you're welcome, you can throw it in the author's face, no need to pity me, I'm just a delicate flower (cross out the entire paragraph)

  (End of this chapter)

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