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Chapter 433 Keeping the Oath

Chapter 433 Keeping the Oath
It's so obvious and you still don't believe it?


It’s not like no one believes it.

It’s because of the sunk cost effect.

When a person spends time, energy, and money on something, it reaches a level that is difficult to let go.

Then subsequent decisions will be affected by the previous investment.

They have thrown so many children into the cold lake, if they don't get gold in exchange, if everything is fake.
It’s hard to imagine how those people accepted this result.

After all, this is not two days in one day, not one or two children, nor is it someone else's child that has nothing to do with him.

In the beginning, every household made the same choice.

What they were thinking at that time was——

'There are so many children, it's okay to change a little. '

But now the result is that all the children are gone.

Not accepting or believing is the norm.

not to mention.
"The 'immortal' was still in Longhu at that time."

Chen Dongchun said quietly:
"They don't dare to publicize this breakthrough point too much to avoid getting into trouble. Moreover, everyone who has dealt with the 'Immortal' and everyone who has heard the 'Immortal' speak will be very convinced, without any reason. It’s like losing my IQ.”

"The first breakthrough point is stuck here."

"But soon, the second breakthrough point gave them another chance."

"The second breakthrough point was the relationship between the children in the village and their parents at that time."

Feelings, feelings card?

Can feelings still be used as a weapon to sharpen iron?
Defeat the evil 'immortal' in Longhu?
I was stunned, and Chen Dongchun continued:
"At that time, everyone agreed that children bought from outside should be raised until they were twelve years old before being thrown into the lake. But twelve-year-old children are actually already very big and have their own consciousness."

Chen Dongchun gestured:
"Some children who grow taller and faster can even reach the chest of adults."

"The time from the time of purchase to the time of throwing it into the lake can range from a few years to more than ten years, and this period of time happens to be the age when children grow up the fastest."

"Those villagers who were supposed to have a rock-solid heart and look up to the 'immortal' almost witnessed the growth of the children with their own eyes."

"That's a child. A child who can call daddy and aunty loudly. He may be a little naughty, but he is always lovable."

"Besides, this village has had no children for a long time due to what happened in the past."

"Besides, almost every one of them has lost their own children."

"There are always people who want to keep children, even if they are not their biological children."

"The two young men quickly contacted several well-meaning families, and they agreed to move away from Longhu with their children."

"Things are going on in an orderly manner. According to what they think, as long as they persist in persuading people to move out of the village and try their best to prevent the abducted people from entering the village, the people in this village and their crimes will all be wiped out."

"But things always backfire."

The last sentence is what I hate to hear the most right now.

Especially at critical moments in the story, especially when things are about to get better.

Will everything come crashing down?
I stared at Chen Dongchun. Chen Dongchun didn’t have any special expression. Instead, he scratched his head. The next moment, he smiled:
"A few people who came here together to exchange for gold broke the exaggerated and unrealistic illusions of young people."

"If it weren't for them, those two young people would have almost forgotten that there are people outside who know about the 'immortal' in Long Lake."

There are people outside who know, which means that Longhu's reputation is still spreading and people will come here. The path chosen by those two young people is not tenable.

This is unintentionally the worst-case scenario for Longhu Village.

I frowned, not understanding what was so funny about this. Chen Dongchun looked soothed and said calmly:
"So, someone is destined to stay."

"Destroy Longhu and destroy the Immortal. Even if we can't arrest all the traders, we still have to let those people know that things like the past will never happen again here!"

Chen Dongchun's articulation is very clear, and every word seems to hit my heart.

His expression was one of perseverance that I had never shown before, which was far from my first impression of him being 'gentle and elegant'.

But, I understand.

I finally understand why Longhu is what it is now.

"The immortal in Long Lake uses his voice to lure everyone who comes here to trade, and people who have traded with it seem to be mentally abnormal."

"Then don't hear the sound."

Chen Dongchun spoke every word with firm eyes, like a blazing fire:

"If spring doesn't come, then learn to be a Jingwei, one stone a day, and one day the Dragon Lake will be filled up."

Only now did I recall the now-filled lake outside Longhu Village.

The lake is huge.

Just looking at the spreading direction of the border that is obviously different from the color of the ground, you can see how difficult it is to fill it up.

Fortunately, they did it.

Chen Dongchun pointed to his ears:

"Led by the heroine, some village guards voluntarily punctured their eardrums, stayed, and began to find stones to fill the lake. In the process, of course, they clashed with the original villagers who advocated worshiping 'immortals'."

"But fortunately, God has mercy on me."

"The two eliminated conflict points I mentioned earlier persuaded some people to join us, while the remaining stubborn villagers were in order to prevent accidents from happening."

Chen Dongchun closed his eyes and tightened his lips:

"They all had their eardrums pierced just like us."

"It's strange. After piercing their eardrums, they seem to have recovered part of their human souls and are no longer as radical as before."

"Crying, crying, regretful, these words can hardly describe their state at that time, because they seemed not to remember their choice at all, but they hated the result."

"They committed suicide in various ways. It wasn't until a long time later that I realized that the big families in the village who used to make waves and support each other were all dead."

Absolutely dead.

Those who supported the 'immortals' all died after they woke up.

Long Lake has also been filled in.

Decades of turmoil have finally subsided.

But the price is that the remaining people have all become deaf.

Well worth it though.

On the day when Long Lake was completely filled in, they sang silent songs under the sun, hugging each other and crying to save the lives that had not yet come.

Those who stayed after that all abided by their oath to "protect Longhu and prevent the tragedy from happening again."

And when we came here, we were driven away precisely because of this.

It's not that they don't welcome outsiders, but they don't want anyone to die because of it.

My heart seemed to be beating again. After thinking for a while, I wrote:
"Teacher Chen, the young man you are talking about this time should be you, right?"

I’m not lazy, I’m just double-editing so I’m a little late. You can always believe that there will be new articles soon after the million-word book “Gan Emperor” is finished, bum bum

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