Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 435 Before Dawn

Chapter 435 Before Dawn
The sound of ancient bells is obviously disturbing to the body and mind.
Almost instantly, the suspicion that had been deep in my heart was completely revealed, revealing the answer I had already discovered——

Soul-catching bell.

The immortal under the dragon lake whose name is still unknown is probably the apprentice adopted by the Five Ridges Xian Tongshen "Kinoshita Saburo".

This apprentice betrayed Saburo Kinoshita for unknown reasons at the time, and after taking away his master's magic weapon, he came to Longhu at some point and used the bell to trick people into trading with him and eating their flesh and blood.

The 'thief' who stole the Soul-Calling Bell probably didn't expect that his 'easy life' in Longhu would be overthrown by the person he despised the most, and his life and death are unknown now.

"As for the others, I don't know."

"If I go by my thoughts, the immortal will probably run away even if he is not dead. But the most taboo in life are thoughts like 'I think' and 'guess'."

Perhaps Chen Dongchun didn't wait for a response, fearing we might misunderstand, so he didn't forget to fill in the sentence after he finished speaking:
"You also know that all the people left in the village are deaf. Even if the voice is tempting, we can't hear it."

"All we can do is to stick to this Longhu, let the predecessors rest in peace, and prevent future generations from following the path of their predecessors."

This rural teacher's voice is not loud, but when his words fall to the ground, they are loud and convincing.

I sighed silently in my heart and watched Teacher Chen Dongchun walk into the night. Then I told Gong Shuji my guess and said:
"It seems that Longhu will have to stay for a while. At least we have to confirm whether the 'thief' who stole the Soul-Calling Bell is dead and where the Soul-Calling Bell went. We will try to cure your head disease as soon as possible."

Gong Shuji paused while taking off his clothes:
"Don't bother. If that thing doesn't die after being crushed under the Dragon Lake, and we wake it up when we go to find the Soul Seizing Bell, there will be another round of catastrophe."

"Besides, your situation is also..."

I knew what he was going to say, just by comparing his head condition with my occasional inability to hear and memory loss.

I originally didn't want to treat myself, so I refused to go to the hospital, and now Gong Shuji doesn't want to put me in danger by treating his own head disease.

But I regret it now.

"As soon as I find the Soul-Calling Bell, I'll go to the hospital."

I whispered:

"I will take good care of the doctor, take good medicine, and try to live a few more years. My elders should also expect the same."

"But before that, let's take a look at your illness."

"After all, there are no hospitals in the wilderness now. Besides, we have already arrived at Longhu. We have to take a look before leaving. How do you say that?"

Gongshu Ji whispered:
"'It's all coming'."

I looked beyond Gong Shuji and saw my own figure clearly reflected in a small mirror hanging in the room, as well as the unignorable curvature of my lips.

That smile was a little strange. It seemed that I hadn’t been so happy from the bottom of my heart for a long time:
"Yes, it's here."

"Besides, we don't have to go up and fight with the things under Long Lake. We can set up a small altar to worship, lure Saburo Kinoshita here, and let them bite dogs."

Gong Shuji's eyebrows slowly widened, and he finally nodded:
"That's good. If something goes wrong, run away immediately."

I also nodded in agreement.

The night outside was as cool as water. Gong Shuji gave me the single bed and slept on the simple paved floor. But I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep:

"It's taboo for public to lose."

"Here I am."


"Here I am."

"The public loses taboo"

Mu Lianli on his hand shook, and Gong Shuji's somewhat helpless voice came from under the bed:
"Do you want to talk about some adult topics again?"

"Let's talk tomorrow? It's time to go to bed today. It's past midnight."

I pretended not to hear him and shouted again:
"It's taboo for public to lose."

There was a short sigh in the darkness, and then - "Yes."

I yelled a few more times tirelessly, and then I realized that I looked like a very stupid fool, so I was able to stop this behavior, but my heart was still beating hard:
"you say."

"Is it possible that when we go out tomorrow morning, we will be surrounded by a group of people, looted, and then escorted to Longhu Lake?"

Gong Shuji was silent for a few seconds, obviously already understanding me:
"There is no lake in Longhu anymore."

I said oh, lay down on my back, and asked again after a few seconds:
"Is it possible that, like the hacker stack in the book, we will be stunned?"

Gong Shuji shouted softly:

The tone should be more helpless and helpless.

I finally came to my senses and fell into the whirlpool called 'doubt' again:

"I'm just kind of scared that I'll wake up tomorrow morning and everything has changed."

How could you not be afraid?

Obviously every night when I go to sleep, I will dream about the late night when I first returned to Wanyao, but every time I wake up, I am either on the cusp of the storm, or there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​​​fire waiting for me ahead.

Not only was there not even a moment of relaxation, but most of the people around me were extremely negative people.

For them, changing faces, betraying, and plundering are as simple as breathing.

Once upon a time, there was a bitch named Ma Zi. He cried and told me that of course he also wanted to be a hero, but the one who found him earlier than the hero was a Tzu Ching girl.
His thoughts are what I think now.

Of course I also want to love this world, full of love and hope, but since I was born, no one in this world has loved me except my second uncle.

So, I am really scared, so scared that when I wake up tomorrow morning, everything that I thought was good will disappear, and nothing will be left for me, not even...
Even my own life was not up to me. It drove me to the hanging mountain like a duck, and made me face the 'truth' that I would not be able to rest in peace after death.

Mu Lianli in his hand moved, and Gong Shuji's voice seemed always so soft and gentle:

".Go to sleep."

"Even if you don't hope for tomorrow, tomorrow will come."

I have never been so aware of the concealing power of darkness. I tried my best to wipe away the moisture on my face, adjusted my voice, and then said:

"Shouldn't you say something like 'No way' or 'Don't worry, I'm here'?"

"I thought you would always patiently show care and comfort to everyone. Why are you and I almost pessimistic now?"

Gong Shuji's words were mixed with a helpless smile:
"Does the word "Gongshuji" mean the same thing as central air-conditioning in your mind?"

"I'm not against anyone"

His next words were so soft that I couldn't hear them clearly even in the silent night, so I could only ask again:


Gongshuji did not answer, but said:

"We are not in love, isn't this normal?"

"Patience is reserved for coaxing lovers."

This seems to be correct.

If you are not a relative or an acquaintance, there is no need to listen to a kind word from the other person.

I responded, and most of my fear was driven away by this joke, and I fell asleep in a daze.

Let me see what this is? Oh, elm head.

Is it really an elm head? (I opened it and took another look without giving up) (I was sure it was an elm head) (I gave up completely)

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