Paper horse incense shop

Chapter 445 Find another way

Chapter 445 Find another way
"Head trouble?"

Kinoshita Saburo laughed indifferently and pointed at his feet:
"Didn't you also say that even if the soul-catching bell is broken, what else can you do to cure your head ailment?"

Silence can only be silence.

The originally crushed Soul-Calling Bell had been severely damaged and had been soaked in groundwater for many years, so there was little room for repair. The other party forced the Soul-Calling Bell to squeeze and hit it harder.

Now that the soul-stirring bell has been destroyed, we are accustomed to knowing that Kinoshita Saburo is capricious and loves to play evil, so what can we say from the perspective of equal rights of speech to force the other party to treat his illness?
It really does.

I silently raised the wine glass and snake bone in my hand.
"Forget it, forget it, no joke at all!"

Saburo Kinoshita snorted coldly and glanced at the hand I had raised above my head:

"That's why I say the human race is the most boring!"

"I originally said that if the soul-catching bell is damaged, you can rely on the soul-catching bell to remove the damage caused to the body by the possessed soul, but I never said that you can only rely on the soul-catching bell!"

"Haven't you ever thought that I can't be the only monster from ancient times to the present? If other monsters possess people and then leave, then can the human race just wait to die?"

I somehow feel that this answer may be extraordinarily important.

This statement was very reasonable. My hand holding the glass paused and I silently took it back.

"Then where are you going next?"

"There are many other methods. Monsters who are proficient in illusions, or human wizards who are involved in spiritual healing, all have ways to treat head diseases."

Therefore, I subconsciously glanced at Gong Shuji, wanting to wait for him to make a decision on his own affairs.

Saburo Kinoshita was really angry this time and laughed:
"Okay, okay, I made a mistake. Put down the measuring snake!"

Saburo Kinoshita muttered a few words, then cleared his throat and continued:

"Senior is joking, the demon clan... we can't handle it."

The fresh wind is cold, and the coldness cuts through the throat and goes straight to the five internal organs, making people sober.

"Of course it's impossible!"

Gong Shuji pondered for a moment and replied:

"Which one do you want?"

"Otherwise, how can all the three religions and nine schools in this world have a foothold?!"

"Senior, please recommend me some human wizards who are good at healing."

He can talk about love and love in everything, and he is worthy of Saburo Kinoshita.

I am expressionless:
"Not my little lover."

"The Soul-Calling Bell is just a way to solve headaches, but it doesn't mean it's the only way!"

"I have never been so convinced in all my years of living!"

Kinoshita Saburo snorted again:
"I can make the soul-catching bell, so of course there are other ways to save this little lover like you! Why are you toasting again!"

No one answered him, so Saburo Kinoshita hesitated for a while, and finally said reluctantly:

Saburo Kinoshita puffed up his sleeves, and the paper rustled in the cold wind, but it did not prevent us from hearing his voice clearly at all:
"I know that you all despise monsters, but you also don't think about it, people are more terrifying than monsters!"

"Go to the Central Plains, go to the north, go to the south? Or should you choose one of the east and west?"

"There are quite a lot of capable people in all parts of Kyushu. I have to know where you are going before I can talk to you."

It turned out to be another problem.

Gong Shuji turned around and glanced at me, but this time he didn't think for long:
"The closest one, we need the closest one."

I breathed a sigh of relief. This choice should be considered the best choice at this stage.

I also understood what Gong Shuji meant when he looked at me——

I originally promised him that if he cured his head disease, I would go and see my own doctor. He didn't forget it.

Saburo Kinoshita smacked his lips, and after thinking for half a quarter of an hour, he answered our questions:

"Since we are so close to Kunlun, you can go to Kunlun."

"Within a thousand miles, there should be no race that is better at healing than the Lhoba tribe."

"They live in the south of Kunlun Tibetan area, only about two to three hundred miles away from here."

Kunlun, Kunlun again.

I didn’t expect that my original intuition when buying the ticket would come true at this time.

This trip to Kunlun seems to be a must.

Saburo Kinoshita did not hide his secrets this time. He also told a few words about the place where the Lhoba people usually live, and also talked about some of their habits, what they like, and how to do transactions. He told them all, and at the end he did not forget to explain. :

"They are a very strong and heroic race. According to legend, there was a great epidemic. The plague ghosts stood outside the village, but they were blocked by the warriors of the Luoba tribe with knives. They dared not enter after three times. If you go, they will definitely treat you."

"So, when they treat you, it counts as me treating you, and it doesn't count as breaking my promise."

I was a little surprised that Saburo Kinoshita could praise others, and he was from the same clan. I didn’t expect Saburo Kinoshita to see the look in my eyes, and he immediately said angrily:

"Heroes cherish heroes. Not only humans admire their own race, but monsters also admire those who have strong faith!"

"What's more, don't people worship certain demons?"

Yes, after all, Kinoshita Saburo became a god in this way.

I withdrew my gaze, and Saburo Kinoshita was about to leave. Before leaving, he once again said with some worry:
"Remember my delivery."

I nodded, then thought of another thing, and quickly stopped Kinoshita Saburo:
"Senior, senior! Fill in the hole!"

There is such a big hole in the ground!
Kinoshita Saburo had no choice but to turn back and said angrily:

"Senior, if nothing happens, raise a glass!"

"It's really yours!"

Gong Shuji and I didn't dare to raise our heads after being scolded.

But it turns out that although Saburo Kinoshita doesn't speak like a human being, he is indeed more human than some people.

We just stood by the river embankment, opening our eyes and watching Kinoshita Saburo filling the stones back bit by bit.

This time, when Saburo Kinoshita left, we gave him away.

I handed the snake bone and the wine glass to Gong Shuji, finally freeing my hand to wave my hair that was blown wildly by the wind:

"Then let's go to Kunlun?"

Gong Shuji put away the snake bones and the wine glass, and took me around the reed swamp. His thin lips were slightly opened, as if he wanted to answer my question, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he turned into a sentence that I had never expected:

"Teacher Chen."

Teacher Chen?

Teacher Chen Dongchun!

I turned my head suddenly and looked towards where Gong Shuji was looking, and sure enough I saw a tall and thin figure standing by the faintly swaying reed marsh.

Teacher Chen Dongchun was only wearing a white shirt, feeling quite lonely in the bleak autumn wind.

We don’t know how much he heard, or when he came, or why Saburo Kinoshita, who has always been a prankster, didn’t warn us.

But these don't seem to be important.

Because teacher Chen Dongchun came back to his senses after hearing Gong Shuji’s cry and explained:
"I woke up at night and saw you coming here. A lot of things happened here."

"I didn't mean to hear those things. My memory is not good now. I will forget it as soon as I sleep. Don't worry."

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