Fish Sister's Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 70 Liberating the Dragon

Chapter 70 Liberating the Dragon
  "Therefore, it is easy to like someone, but it is difficult to forget him. Sometimes, the hardest thing is not to pick up something, but to let you put it down." Xuanbo sighed deeply .

Half a year later, the Tang Dynasty was established, Shimin's father became emperor, and Shimin's uprising succeeded.

Xuanbo went to congratulate.

Speaking of which, Xuanbo was also the benefactor who saved Shimin twice. The emperor and queen warmly entertained her.

Now, Shimin has married a wife and is more mature.

Seeing Xuan Bo again, his heart was still filled with excitement, but there was no possibility for the two of them.

Xuanbo also felt a faint pain in her heart, but what made her happy was that Shimin's wife was a beautiful and virtuous woman.

"Sister Xuanbo, I'm sorry, I didn't wait for you." Shimin always felt that he was ashamed of Xuanbo.

"No, brother Shimin, you have not sorry for me. What you have to do is to protect the people of the world." Xuanbo's eyes were full of expectation.

Before leaving, Xuanbo said in a low voice: "I'm here to get the Hokage sword."

"Here." Shimin handed the sword to Xuanbo, who had asked his father for it early in the morning.

The emperor gave her several cartloads of gold, silver and jewelry, but she took nothing.

She turned back and said: "Brother Shimin, you have just founded the country and are waiting for prosperity. Use all these things for the people!"

"Sister Xuanbo, I want to thank you on behalf of all the people in the world! I will definitely help my father to govern the world well and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. Don't worry!" Shimin watched Xuanbo walk away.

Finally, he remembered another sentence: "Will you come back to see me?"

"I'll try my best." Xuan Bo finally disappeared.

Xuanbo hurried back to Dongting Lake. She went straight to the dragon. When she got there, without saying a word, she raised the Hokage sword and slashed at the iron chain. "Cock, choke, choke!" Suddenly sparks flew, "Wow!" The chain is open!
  "Master, you are free!" The little demons rushed forward.

Jiaolong was still in a daze. He touched his neck, which had been chained for tens of thousands of years, "Why is it so empty? It seems like something is missing!"

"Master, look!" The little demon showed him the chain.

"Thank you Master Xuanbo! You should also call me Master Xuanbo!" Jiaolong knelt down to thank him.

"Thank you, Master Xuanbo!" The little demons also knelt down.

"Get up quickly. You don't need to call me master. This is not why I saved you!"

"Then we should respect you as our master!" They knelt down.

At this time, the members of the fish tribe came, and everyone discovered this new thing.

"Hey, the dragon has finally been released!"

"Now he is liberated and can go wherever he wants!"

"It would be so uncomfortable to be locked up for ten thousand years. If I can't bear it even for a day!"

"Yes, Xuanbo is amazing, she can do it no matter how difficult it is!"

Xuanbo was very anxious when he saw that there were so many people working on him, "If you don't get up, I'll be angry!"

Jiaolong and the little demons got up quickly, "Don't be angry, why don't we call you Xuanbo?"

Xuanbo suddenly smiled, "Wouldn't it be enough to do this earlier?"

As time goes by, Xuanbo's teaching work in the fish tribe has made great progress.

More members of the fish tribe turned into human beings, and they were all sent to the devil world by Xuanbo to study.

And Yunying is already thirteen years old this year.

She doesn't remember anything from her previous life.

In fact, she is not far away from Xuanbo Lower Realm. She lives in Huayin City on the south bank of Dongting Lake.

She had been living quite happily, but her good days came to an abrupt end on this day.

My father was ill for a long time and finally passed away!

Leaving her and her mother to depend on each other. Unexpectedly, just after the funeral, the cruel uncle saw that the mother and daughter were helpless, so he kicked them out of the house and occupied their property.

What is even more tragic is that her mother was sold to a brothel and sent to a nunnery.

This evil-hearted uncle still had a little bit of conscience left, so he knew it was his own blood and did not sell Yunying to a brothel.

However, how could Yunying stay in the nunnery? She ran to the brothel that night to find her mother.

However, when she arrived, she saw her mother's body.

At that time, a group of people gathered around the door of the brothel. When she looked through the crowd, she saw that it was her mother lying on the ground! The mother's nose and mouth were bleeding and she was dead. Needless to say, in order to preserve her reputation, my mother would rather die than obey and die.

At this time, someone came out of the brothel.

The old bustard waved his handkerchief and said angrily: "What a bad luck! Why did you accept such a product? Why are you going to die? My eighty taels of silver were wasted, and you are in trouble all over!"

Then, the fat woman ordered, "Throw her into a mass grave!"

"Wait a minute!" Yunying cried and begged: "Please bury my mother and bury her with my father. I am willing to compensate you for your work."

"Hey, little girl, you are her daughter. She is quite handsome. Okay, I promise you, come and sign the contract."

The landlady entertained her cheerfully.

She signed a deed of sale.

Moreover, she also knew where this place was and she would find a way to escape.

Because Yunying was still young, the madam arranged for her to be a maid for a girl.

Once, while buying rouge for a girl, she ran away secretly.

She came to her parents' graves. Her father and mother burned the paper for the last time and kowtowed three times. She wanted to leave and fled far away.

However, before she could turn around, she heard someone shouting from behind: "Over there, that stinky girl is indeed here!"

"Come on!"

Yunying hurried forward.

But there was no way she could outrun a few adults. There was a cliff in front of her, and her captors were about to arrive. She was so worried that she would not be able to go back until she died.

She jumped.

Several big men came to take a look. The cliff was so deep that they thought she would not survive, so they went back.

Yunying descended rapidly. She was heartbroken and just wanted to land quickly and reunite with her parents.

"Boom!" It finally landed.

Huh? Why isn't it a hard ground?
  Yunying turned over, huh? I was held up by something, and when I looked back, I saw a monster! I was so scared that I fainted.

It was the Squid King who held her up.

This little squid overlord is now possessed by the sword soul. To be precise, the overlord Xiang Yu is reborn.

He already has Xiang Yu's thoughts and Xiang Yu's memories.

He decided to rebuild the country and restore its former glory.

In fact, he also hates the skin of this little squid bully, but he can't help it. He doesn't have the ability to change his own skin yet.

Just now, he was practicing martial arts outside, but someone unexpectedly fell from the sky. He was secretly happy that God sent him a skin bag.

But when I got it, I saw it was not a man's body.

But a girl.

This reminded him of the dead Yu Ji.

Although this girl is not Yu Ji, she is still a poor woman.

(End of this chapter)

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