Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 179 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 179 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (31)

Since we want to find out the strange things behind the General's Mansion, we must sneak into the General's Mansion and check the monthly bills of the General's Mansion to see where the extra money comes from.

The housekeeper did not doubt that he was there and nodded quickly: "Young madam, please come with me."

If you want to be the head of the family, you must first understand the monthly expenses of the General's Mansion, so that you can better arrange the affairs of the family in the future. Therefore, it is reasonable for Jiang Li to check the accounts as soon as he gets the power of being the head of the family.

Jiang Li followed the housekeeper to the accounting room. As soon as she walked to the door, she heard the crackling sound of the abacus.

Jiang Li raised her eyebrows and stepped onto the steps in front of the accounting room. As soon as she reached the door of the accounting room, she saw a middle-aged man with his head lowered and picking up the abacus in his hand without even raising his head.

The housekeeper introduced Jiang Li: "Young madam, this is Mr. Tu, the accountant of the General's Mansion. All the accounts of the General's Mansion, including the accounts of the shops in the city, are handled by Mr. Tu alone."

Jiang Li nodded slightly and walked into the accounting room.

"Mr. Tu, the young lady is here. From now on, the young lady will be in charge of the general's mansion."

The housekeeper introduced Jiang Li's identity to Mr. Tu, who was bowing his head to settle accounts.

Mr. Tu has always been indifferent to what is going on outside the window and only focuses on the accounts. Apart from eating and sleeping, he deals with the accounts every day. He spends twelve hours a day, nearly six of which he spends in the accounting room.

The housekeeper had no doubt that he might not even know when the general's residence had a young lady.

After hearing the butler's introduction, Mr. Tu didn't even raise his head, as if he hadn't heard anything. Not to mention saluting the young lady Jiang Li, he didn't even look at her.

The housekeeper twitched his lips when he saw this, fearing that Jiang Li would misunderstand, and quickly explained: "Young madam, don't be surprised, Mr. Tu has this kind of temper. When settling accounts, he likes to immerse himself in his own world and not hear what others are saying."

"The General's Mansion is lucky to have such a responsible accountant."

Jiang Li did not blame Mr. Tu for being rude, and walked straight towards him after finishing speaking.

When Jiang Li came to Mr. Tu, she glanced at the account book in his hand, which showed the profits and expenses of the Chengnan store.

Jiang Li happened to want to see how much profit a store in General Mansion could make every month, so she said to Mr. Tu: "Mr. Tu, show me this account book."

Mr. Tu ignored it. He was looking at the account book and scratching at the abacus, so fast that afterimages appeared on his fingers.

In response to Mr. Tu's repeated rudeness, Jiang Li pursed her lips and pressed her hand on the account book in front of him.

The crackling sound of the abacus stopped instantly.

Mr. Tu, who had his head down to settle accounts, also raised his head.


Qingzhu widened his eyes and gasped, and Jiang Li was also stunned for a moment.

"Young Madam, Young Madam, are you okay? It's my fault, I didn't warn you in advance!"

Upon seeing this, the housekeeper hurriedly ran to Jiang Li and confessed his mistake to her, looking at her with worry.

Jiang Li quickly calmed down and shook her head: "It's okay."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Mr. Tu in front of her and met his eyes, one black and one blue.

Mr. Tu is a man with strange eyes. When Zhou Qingyuan was brought to the general's mansion, he shocked the people in the mansion. Every time they looked at him, they felt as if they were being stared at by a poisonous snake, which made the hairs stand on end and hair on the back. cold.

At first, no one in the General's Mansion dared to approach Mr. Tu. Whenever they saw him, they walked around. It took more than half a month to get used to it before they could look at him without changing their expressions.

Mr. Tu never cared about other people's opinions. He kept to himself ever since he arrived at the General's Mansion and never talked too much with others. At first, everyone thought he was mute.

Just now, Jiang Li was startled when she saw his strange pupils for the first time, but she quickly recovered her emotions.

"Mr. Tu, stop for a moment. Let me take a look at the account book in your hand." Jiang Li repeated what he just said and looked at Mr. Tu with a calm expression.

The two of them pressed their hands on the account book together, neither of them letting the other go, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

The housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward to make peace: "Mr. Tu, this is the young lady. The power of the general's house will be handed over to the young lady in the future."

"It's the general's order."

Finally, the housekeeper added that Mr. Tu only listened to the general's words, and everyone in the general's house knew about this.

Sure enough, after hearing the order from Zhou Qingyuan, Mr. Tu instantly let go of his hand.

Jiang Li looked at him deeply, picked up the account book and flipped through a few pages. Her eyes flickered after seeing the monthly profit and loss of the Chengnan store recorded in the account book.

She knew the shops in the General's Mansion, but she didn't expect that the shop in the south of the city would make so much profit every month.

It's just a small clothing store, how can it make so much profit?

Jiang Li was doubtful but did not ask directly. She flipped through a few pages and then placed the account book in front of Mr. Tu again.

"Excuse me, sir."

Mr. Tu said nothing and started counting the accounts in the account book again.

The housekeeper shook his head helplessly. Mr. Tu was indeed the same as before. Unless the general allowed him to speak, he would never talk easily to the people in the house.

"Young lady, please come this way."

Afraid of misunderstanding between Jiang Li and Mr. Tu, the housekeeper made a gesture of invitation to her.

Jiang Li did not linger in front of Mr. Tu and followed the housekeeper to other parts of the accounting room.

The housekeeper introduced the situation in the accounting room to Jiang Li. He originally wanted to take her to see the shops in the General's Mansion in person, but in the end Jiang Li found a reason to refuse.

She would personally explore these shops, but not as the general's wife.

Although she is now the head mistress of the General's Mansion, the people in the General's Mansion are not of the same mind as her. Even if she goes there now, those people will just use the same old tricks to dismiss her, and they will not hear the truth.

Jiang Li was busy, so the housekeeper would not force her to visit those shops. After sending the housekeeper away, Jiang Li and Qingzhu returned to Nanyuan.

Qingzhu was absent-minded along the way, walking as lightly as if in a dream. I don’t even know how I returned to Nanyuan.

After returning to Nanyuan, Jiang Li took out two sets of men's clothes from the cabinet, opened her arms: "Qingzhu, change clothes."

Clothes in ancient times were complicated. Jiang Li tried changing them by herself, but it wasted a lot of time every time. Either this or that was missing, so she simply asked Qingzhu to change clothes.

Qingzhu was trembling all over and finally came back to his senses. At this time, he also accepted the fact that Jiang Li suddenly became the mistress of the General's Mansion.

No matter what kind of style he is in, the young lady has indeed become the mistress of the General's Mansion!

Qingzhu stepped forward with a puzzled face: "Where are you going, Miss?"

"We'll find out later."

The two quickly changed their clothes and quietly walked towards the abandoned back door.

As soon as they left, Shen Tingsi and Feng Jue appeared from the darkness.

"Master, where are they going?"

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