Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 185 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 185 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (37)

"The fangs were pulled out?"

Shen Tingsi looked surprised.

Feng Jue nodded and analyzed seriously: "That's right! The blood on the green snake's mouth hasn't dried yet. It must have been pulled out not long ago."

When he went to deal with the snake just now, he wanted to pull out its fangs to prevent it from poisoning others. Unexpectedly, when he opened the snake's mouth, he saw that the fangs had been pulled out. It looked like they had just been pulled out.

"Could it be that someone is deliberately playing a prank to scare Miss Jiang?"

Feng Jue didn't think about it elsewhere. After thinking about it, there was only this possibility.

After all, who would believe that a person who was just so frightened could actually pull out the teeth of a poisonous snake in private without changing his expression?

Thinking of the two children who made things difficult for Jiang Li when she first met, Shen Tingsi pursed her lips and said, "I'll buy some snake repellent powder and send it to Nanyuan later."


After returning to Zhuyuan, Fengjue brought the letter sent from the imperial capital today to Shen Tingsi.

"Master, these are the letters sent today."

Although Shen Tingsi was far away in the south of the Yangtze River, guards would rush to report to him the recent events in the imperial city every day.

Shen Tingsi sat in front of the writing desk and opened the letter. After reading ten lines at a glance, he picked up the wolf-hair pen beside him and placed it on the rice paper.

These letters were written by ministers and the Queen Mother. Every time Shen Tingsi received a letter from the Queen Mother, Shen Tingsi would reply with the last one so that she would not worry about it.

Nowadays, the river is clear and the sea is peaceful. There are few important matters in the court that require Shen Tingsi to handle personally. Shen Tingsi is happy and at ease. Every time he goes on patrol in private, he leaves all the affairs of the court in the hands of the prime minister, the minister, etc. Several important ministers will deal with it, while I will be a hands-off emperor.

After Shen Tingsi replied to the letter, Fengjue ran to the side and opened the window. The bamboo leaves outside the window rustled, and the gentle breeze blew in through the window.

Although Zhuyuan is remote and dilapidated, I have to say that the environment here is really good, and it is very suitable for people like Shen Tingsi who like to live in peace.

Feng Jue stood in front of the window and blew in the wind. When he was about to turn around, an emerald green figure came into his sight.

Feng Jue's eyes lit up: "Qingzhu?"

Realizing that his voice was a little loud, Feng Jue hurriedly closed his mouth, turned his head and glanced at Shen Tingsi in front of the desk, and saw that he was writing something on the rice paper without changing his expression before quietly walking out.

"Qingzhu, why are you here?"

Feng Jue looked at Qingzhu excitedly, with unconcealable excitement in his tone.

"This is the pastry that Madam made by herself when we went to Jiang Mansion just now. Miss asked me to bring it to you and your master to try."

Qingzhu is holding a flower plate with various shapes of cakes on it, which makes people very appetizing just looking at it.

"Help me thank your lady for me and my master!"

Feng Jue took the flower plate from Qingzhu's hand and looked at her with his big teeth bared, his fiery gaze undisguised.

Qingzhu curled the corners of his mouth and whispered: "Silly."

Feng Jue, who was listening to all directions, smiled even more happily after hearing her words.

Sometimes fate is such a wonderful thing. Two people with similar magnetic fields will fall in love with each other the moment they see each other.

Love at first sight, goodbye again.

After handing the pastries to Feng Jue, Qingzhu didn't stay long. After watching her leave with his own eyes, Feng Jue returned to Zhuyuan with the pastries.

"Master, this is the cake that Miss Jiang asked Qingzhu to send. She said it was made by Mrs. Jiang herself. Let Master try it."

Feng Jue conveyed Qingzhu's words to Shen Tingsi intact. Shen Tingsi, who was replying to the letter, paused after hearing Jiang Li's name.

It was during this moment of pause that Feng Jue placed the cake in his hand in front of Shen Tingsi. "Master, do you want to taste it?"

Shen Tingsi never liked desserts. Feng Jue wanted to wait for him to shake his head and take the cake aside to enjoy it. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Shen Tingsi actually put down his wolf hair, pinched a piece of cake and tasted it.

But he only tasted one piece before letting Feng Jue, who loves sweets, take it away.

There weren't many pastries that could be held on the flower plate, only five or six. Since it was delivered by Qingzhu, Feng Jue was reluctant to finish it in one go, leaving two pieces behind and planning to eat them tomorrow.

After eating the cakes sent by Qingzhu, Feng Jue happily watered the pot of peonies.

He was about to take the pot of peonies to his room and take care of it, but as soon as he picked up the pot, he was stopped by Shen Tingsi.

"Go deliver this letter."

Feng Jue nodded: "Master, wait a moment, I will take this flower back to the room and come back!"

Shen Tingsi glanced at the peony flower in Feng Jue's hand and said seriously: "Send the letter out first, don't make the queen anxious."


Feng Jue, who was about to run back to his room, had to put the peony flowers in his arms back on the window and took the letter from Shen Tingsi's hand.

"Master, I will send the letter out immediately and ensure that it will be delivered to the Queen Mother as soon as possible!"

Seeing Shen Tingsi being so anxious, Feng Jue thought there was something important, so he left the room after speaking.

As soon as Feng Jue left, Shen Tingsi stood up from the desk, walked straight to the window and looked at the pot of peony flowers.

He raised his hand and stroked the blooming peony flowers with his sharp-jointed fingers. He didn't know what he thought of, and a deep soft color flashed between his eyebrows.

After all the water drops on the peony flowers were blown dry by the wind, Shen Tingsi held the potted plant in both hands and returned to his room with the peony flowers in hand...

Three days later.

The sky poured down like a splash of ink.

Tonight is the day for Jinse House to re-elect the oiran. Jiang Li and Qingzhu changed into men's clothes early and came to Jinse House.

At that time, Jinse Tower was already crowded with people, and Jiang Li and Qingzhu squeezed in for a while.

The purpose of Jiang Li's visit to Jinse Building today was to see with her own eyes whether the clothes in the darkroom would be worn by the girls in the Flower Building. She didn't buy a seat at the front and squeezed in directly with Qingzhu.

Not long after they arrived at Jinse Building, Mrs. Hong, who was dressed in a coquettish way, walked down from the second floor with her waist twisted like a water snake.

"Thank you all the young masters and gentlemen for coming to our Jinse Building's Chief Selection Competition. I guarantee that the performance of the Jinse Building girls today will not disappoint you."

"Mrs. Hong, stop talking nonsense and let the girls come out quickly. We have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"Yes, Mrs. Hong, in order to support my family Qingqing, I brought a lot of money today!"

Everyone below was talking to each other, and they couldn't wait to see the girls from Hualou perform their talents.

Madam Hong pinched her handkerchief and looked at everyone with a coquettish look on her face: "Okay, okay, since all the masters and young masters have spoken, I won't talk nonsense."

As she spoke, she turned to the second floor and shouted: "Girls, come out."

After the sound fell, everyone looked towards the stairs on the second floor.

The brightly dressed girls walked out from the second floor in a flash, creating a beautiful scenery in an instant.

Jiang Li narrowed her eyes after seeing the clothes the girls were wearing. As expected, there was a secret deal between the General's Mansion and Jinse Tower.

She was about to look away when she suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure on the second floor!

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