Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 200 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 200 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (52)

Jiang Li suddenly spoke, which made Zhou Qingyuan's vision dim instantly.

He originally thought that after getting rid of his mother with his own hands, the General's Mansion could escape unharmed, but this idiot was talking too much at this time!
Zhou Qingyuan pursed his lips. Although he didn't know what Jiang Li was going to say, his intuition told him that it was definitely not a good thing!
After hearing Jiang Li's voice, Shen Tingsi raised his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting that she would speak at this time.

He turned to look at Jiang Li curiously, wanting to hear what decision she wanted him to make.

The moment he looked at Jiang Li, the coldness around Shen Tingsi softened.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the small group kneeling in front of him, a smile flashing in his eyes that even he himself was not aware of.

"Keep your head up."

The moment Shen Tingsi spoke, Zhou Qingyuan's heart was raised, fearing that another wave of unrest would arise again, and Jiang Li would push the General's Mansion to the edge of the knife point again.

Jiang Li, whose forehead hit the ground, knelt up straight and looked up at Shen Tingsi in front of him. The moment their eyes met, Shen Tingsi's face, which had finally softened, darkened again.

The redness and swelling on Jiang Li's forehead finally subsided, but now it's red again.

She raised her eyes to look at Shen Tingsi, with unfinished shock and complexity in her eyes, as if she was frightened by Shen Tingsi's identity.

After seeing the emotion in Jiang Li's eyes, a look of helplessness flashed across Shen Tingsi's face. This day has finally come.

Now he just hopes that she won't alienate him after his true identity is exposed.

Shen Tingsi slowed down and asked, "Why do you need me to make the decision for you? But it doesn't matter."

"Your Majesty, my wife insisted on marrying into the General's Mansion despite her parents' objections. Her days in the General's Mansion were like walking on thin ice. Not only did my husband not care about my mother-in-law and treated her harshly, but even my servants framed her everywhere. I originally thought that as time went by, she would be fine. It’s possible to exchange sincerity for sincerity, but that doesn’t seem to be the case now.”

"Today's events have made me understand that people's hearts are not warm. Therefore, I don't want to have any more entanglements with anyone in the general's palace. Therefore, I sincerely ask your majesty to make the decision and let the general and my wife sign a divorce letter. From now on, we will be parted forever. Two widths are irrelevant!”

As the last word fell, Jiang Li knocked her head to the ground again. Now that she had found out the secret hidden behind the General's Mansion, and could use this to deal a fatal blow to the General's Mansion, it was time to get out.

Speaking of which, she would like to thank Mrs. Zhou for this incident, which gave her an excuse to get out of the quagmire of the General's Mansion.

Not only did he preserve his reputation, but he also pushed the General's Mansion to the edge of the sword. It was simply killing two birds with one stone.

Now that she has spoken out the matter of union and separation in front of Emperor Chu, as long as Emperor Chu nods, this and Li Shu Zhou Qingyuan have to sign or not.

Otherwise, given Zhou Qingyuan's urinary temperament, he might only have a divorce letter but no divorce. If the lunatic gets mad, he might even drag her to hell with her.

What Jiang Li wanted was never to lose both sides. What she wanted was to watch Zhou Qingyuan fall from the altar and slam into the eighteenth level of hell! !

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes widened, but he didn't expect that what Jiang Li wanted to say was to break up with him!

However, Zhou Qingyuan was no longer surprised when he thought of Jiang Li's life after marrying into the General's Mansion. A rabbit would bite someone when cornered, let alone a living person?

No matter how tolerant he was before, he would fight back if he was oppressed for a long time, and Heli was Jiang Li's counterattack.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly no longer felt that there was any surprise in Jiang Li's decision today.

Now that the deal is done, all Zhou Qingyuan can do is kneel on the ground respectfully and wait for His Majesty to make a decision.

Shen Tingsi lowered his eyes and looked at Jiang Li who was kneeling in front of him. He wanted to reach out and help her, but his palms tightened slightly, and he resisted the urge to take action.

If he took action now, she would not be able to escape unscathed.

"That's right."

Shen Tingsi said two words lightly and agreed to Jiang Li's request. "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After thanking him, Jiang Li raised his head and looked at Zhou Qingyuan behind Shen Tingsi.

"General, can you get a pen and paper?"

Zhou Qingyuan was stunned. He didn't expect Jiang Li to be so impatient that he would sign a divorce agreement with him in front of His Majesty!
Now that Jiang Li had spoken, Zhou Qingyuan had no reason to refuse, so he could only nodded and ordered someone to get pen and ink.

The book of union and separation was quickly drawn up. Jiang Li took the lead in writing her name on the book of union and separation, and then put her fingerprint on the name. She didn't even read anything written in the book of union and separation, as if she was afraid of Zhou Qingyuan. It seems like he will regret it.

Zhou Qingyuan saw all her movements: "..."

"General, it's your turn."

Jiang Li moved the Heli Shu toward Zhou Qingyuan and turned to look at him.

After meeting Jiang Li's watery almond eyes, Zhou Qingyuan's heart seemed to be hit by something. This was the first time he looked at Jiang Li so close.

Previously, in order to maintain the image of being loyal to his late wife, he had always avoided Jiang Li. As soon as they got married, he arranged her to a remote Nanyuan and never saw her in the eyes.

Today was the first time that he looked at her so closely. Zhou Qingyuan froze on the spot. He originally wanted to pick up the wolf hair to sign the marriage and separation agreement, but stopped.

Jiang Li frowned, a little disgusted by Zhou Qingyuan's gaze, pursed her lips and said: "General, sign it."

Zhou Qingyuan came back to his senses, his eyes a little flustered as if he had been caught.

At Jiang Li's reminder, he picked up the wolf hair in front of him. It was obviously weightless, but when Zhou Qingyuan held it, it seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

Zhou Qingyuan bent down in front of the Heli book, and pursed his lips after seeing the handwriting on the Heli book. The red fingerprint mark was so eye-catching that it was difficult for him to ignore it.

Zhou Qingyuan dipped his pen in ink and wrote his name with a heavy heart. As each stroke fell on the Heli book, it seemed as if something was being pulled away from his heart.

Jiang Li stared at his movements, waited for Zhou Qingyuan to sign his name on the Heli Book and pressed his fingerprints, and then couldn't wait to pick up one of them. Without even looking at Zhou Qingyuan, he directly took the Heli Book to Shen In front of Tingsi.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking the initiative for the daughter of the people!"

Jiang Li came to Shen Tingsi and blessed him.

Shen Tingsi glanced at the Heli book in her hand and said calmly: "No need to be polite, just get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

In the end, Jiang Li got the letter of union and separation as she wished, stood up and stood aside in a polite manner.

Zhou Qingyuan calmed down and came to Shen Tingsi again to apologize and show his loyalty.

Shen Tingsi glanced at Zhou Qingyuan, who was pretending to be lazy, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to hear any rumors about today."

Zhou Qingyuan said quickly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I promise that no one will reveal a word about today's incident to the outside world!"

Shen Tingsi said nothing, turned and walked towards the door.

Having got what she wanted, Jiang Li had no need to stay here anymore. After Shen Tingsi turned around, she also walked towards the door.

He had just taken two steps when suddenly the sole of his foot slipped and his whole body leaned forward uncontrollably!

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