Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 204 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 204 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (56)

In view of the fact that Jiang Li wanted to marry Zhou Qingyuan despite the objections of Jiang's father and mother, and now the two of them suddenly separated. Although Jiang Li has been eating deliciously for the past three days, there is no trace of sadness on her face. But Father Jiang and Mother Jiang were still not reassured.

My daughter has been sensible since she was a child. She always reports good news but not bad news. She must be keeping the sadness in her heart!

Since Jiang Li came back, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother had focused all their attention on her, not daring to relax at all, for fear that Jiang Li would be troubled by her separation from Zhou Qingyuan.

It was okay at home. Apart from Jiang Li's rest, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother could stay with her all day long. But now that Jiang Li left the house and left their sight, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother followed her secretly without thinking. Go up.

Jiangnan has beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery.

Anyone who comes to Jiangnan must take a cruise to see the scenery of Jiangnan.

Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi made an agreement last night to meet at the arch bridge in the south of the city today. After leaving Jiang Mansion, Jiang Li and Qing Zhu headed directly towards the arch bridge in the south of the Yangtze River.

In order to prevent Jiang Li from discovering that they were following them secretly, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother specially wore a bamboo hat to cover their faces when they came out.

The people all got up early in the morning to work at the stalls. People were coming and going on the street, and Father Jiang and Mother Jiang almost lost them!
"Where's Li'er? Where's Li'er gone?"

Seeing that there was no sign of Jiang Li in front of her, Jiang's mother looked around anxiously.

Father Jiang quickly stood up on tiptoes to look for Jiang Li in the crowd, and finally saw the familiar figure at a corner.

"Well, then, my daughter is in front!"

"Quick, follow up!"

Seeing that Jiang Li's figure was about to disappear around the corner, Jiang's father quickly grabbed Jiang's mother and chased her through the crowd.

When they reached the corner, Jiang's father subconsciously glanced at the place where Jiang Li had just stayed and found that it was their famous snack shop in Jiangnan.

"Daughter, are you hungry because you didn't have breakfast?"

Jiang's father murmured in confusion. He didn't know what he thought of, and he patted his thigh anxiously: "No, my daughter is really going to do something stupid!"

After Jiang's father finished speaking, he jumped out as if he were rubbing oil on his feet, leaving Jiang's mother alone to stare at the waiter in the snack shop.

After running three meters, Jiang's father realized that someone was missing beside him, so he quickly turned back and took Jiang's mother's hand.

"Madam, chase me quickly, it will be too late if you don't chase me!"

Jiang's father said solemnly, pulled Jiang's mother and ran in the direction Jiang Li left.

"Master, what on earth is going on? Tell me quickly!"

Jiang's mother looked confused and turned to look at Jiang's father beside her.

"Madam, my daughter told me before that she would rather die than live a full life. Just now she bought so many things to eat in that shop. Something is very wrong!"

"What?! Hurry, let's chase him!"

This was what Jiang Li said when joking with Jiang's father before. It happened a long time ago. Jiang's father suddenly remembered this today and was even more convinced that Jiang Li couldn't think of doing something stupid because he was separated from Zhou Qingyuan!

In order to catch up with Jiang Li, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother exerted all their strength, and their old arms and legs were about to break. Fortunately, their hard work paid off, and finally they finally looked at the arch bridge on the way to the south of the city. Jiang Li and Qing Zhu appeared.

"Hoo, girl, girl, it's my girl!"

After seeing Jiang Li's figure, Jiang's father stopped and took two deep breaths. He was about to call Jiang Li to stop, but was stopped by Jiang's mother.

"Master, don't rush to shout. Why do I feel that my daughter's appearance this time is not what you thought?"

Jiang's mother grabbed Jiang's father's hand and looked at her suspiciously.

The beloved daughter, Mo Ruomu, although Jiang Li was facing away from them and Jiang's mother couldn't see her expression, judging from her brisk steps, she didn't look sad at all.

On the contrary, you feel happy all over? ?
But now that Jiang Li had just separated from Zhou Qingyuan, Jiang's mother did not dare to draw a conclusion. She just stopped Jiang's father from calling out to Jiang Li first.

Jiang's father turned to look at Jiang's mother: "In my opinion, what did my daughter do in the south of the city today?" Jiang's mother almost blurted out the word "play". She coughed twice and spoke to Jiang's father through the bamboo hat.

"We can't make any conclusions yet. Let's follow her and take a look. If you call Li'er to stop now, won't we be found out about following her?"

When Jiang's father heard what he said made sense, he looked at Jiang's mother and then quietly followed her.

At this time, Jiang Li didn't know that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother had already followed her. She and Qingzhu carried a bunch of oil paper bags to the arch bridge agreed with Shen Tingsi.

"Green Bamboo!"

Feng Jue saw Qingzhu with sharp eyes and waved to her excitedly, then stepped forward and took the oil paper bag from Jiang Li's hand.

"Miss Jiang, leave it to me."

Jiang Li didn't expose Feng Jue's little thoughts. She handed him the oil paper bag and took two steps forward to make room for Qingzhu.

Feng Jue got his wish and landed next to Qingzhu, grinning with great joy.

"Qingzhu, does it sink? Give me the thing."

As Feng Jue spoke, he bent down in front of Qingzhu, his movements were intimate, and the look he looked at her could not be called innocent.

Qingzhu was now dressed as a book boy, and the two's intimate behavior instantly caused passers-by to turn around frequently and look at them with strange expressions.

Qingzhu's ears turned red and he quickly pushed Feng Jue in front of him: "Pay attention, everyone is looking at us!"

Feng Jue didn't take it seriously: "The eyes are on them, so you can look at them if you want, but it's different for me. My eyes are on you."

Qingzhu's face suddenly turned red, and he quickly took a few steps forward to distance himself from Feng Jue, fearing that he would hear unexpected words from him again.

"Qingzhu, Qingzhu, wait for me!"

Feng Jue followed him shamelessly, not knowing what shyness meant.

Jiang Li walked toward the arch bridge with a folding fan in hand. Shen Tingsi, who was standing at the top of the arch bridge, was looking down at her. He raised his eyebrows after seeing the same color robes on both of them.

"Young Master Shen has been kept waiting for a long time."

Jiang Li waved her folding fan twice, as if she were a handsome young lady. Except for a faint smile, there was no resistance or alienation in her eyes from the past few days, as if everything had returned to the state before Shen Tingsi's identity was exposed.

"It doesn't matter." Shen Tingsi looked at her with a smile, and when Jiang Li arrived, he added: "As long as you come, I'm willing to wait as long as you want."

Jiang Li coughed lightly, pretending not to hear the second half of what he said, and pointed to the cruise ship under the bridge pretending to be calm.

"Well, there is no cruise ship, and there is no Jiangnan. Today I will take Mr. Shen on a cruise to enjoy the meandering scenery of Jiangnan."

Jiang Li put her hands on the railings on both sides of the arch bridge and looked down at the cruise ships coming and going below, while Shen Tingsi beside her was always watching her.

"There is an empty boat there. Let's go over there and take a look."

Jiang Li watched for a while and finally saw an empty boat. In excitement, she grabbed Shen Tingsi's sleeve and walked towards the lake.

Shen Tingsi stepped forward and followed Jiang Li, his eyes falling on the jade hand holding his sleeve, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and an imperceptible smile flashed in his eyes.

Qingzhu, who finally climbed to the commanding heights of the arch bridge, saw this and chased after him with the oil paper bag, followed closely by Feng Jue.

"Qingzhu, Qingzhu, wait for me!"

Qingzhu's legs fell faster...

At this time, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang came to the arch bridge out of breath. Looking at the four people walking side by side in front of them, one behind the other, Father Jiang and Mother Jiang suddenly twisted their necks and stared.

Jiang's mother looked at Jiang's father with a faint look: "Daughter, do you want to do something stupid?"

Father Jiang shrank his neck: "Okay, it doesn't seem to be the case... How about we take a look again?"

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