Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 215 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 215 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (67)


Jiang Li and Jiang's father said in unison, looking at Shen Tingsi in surprise: "What kind of lottery?"

Shen Tingsi looked at Jiang Li with warm eyes and said calmly: "How about just a promise as a bonus?"

"Promise? What promise?"

When Father Jiang heard this, he became interested and looked at Shen Tingsi eagerly to hear what he meant by the lottery.

"If I win, Li'er will make a promise to me. On the contrary, if Li'er wins, I will make a promise to her, and once the promise is made, it will never be changed in this life."

Shen Tingsi tapped his fingers on the table, telling the winning and losing results of the chess game.

Father Jiang touched his chin. His eyes lit up as he thought of something, and he patted the table excitedly: "I think it works!"

Father Jiang, who knew how good his daughter was at chess, was already convinced that Jiang Li would win.

He was worried that no one would play chess with him. After his daughter won, he would ask for the prize and let this boy come to Jiang Mansion to play a few games of chess with him every day!

Hehe, that’s it!

Jiang's father thought happily, hoping that Jiang Li would win the lottery smoothly after beating Shen Tingsi, and his promise was to let Shen Tingsi come to Jiang Mansion to play a few games with him every day.

Beautiful! Beautiful!

After Jiang's father responded, Shen Tingsi's lips curved into a faint smile, his eyes always falling on Jiang Li opposite him.

"What do you think of Yi Li'er?"

Jiang Li was lowering his head to clean up the chess game in front of him, putting the white stones and black stones back into the chess tube, and then raised his eyes to look at Shen Tingsi opposite.

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Jiang Li showed a professional fake smile and looked at the old fox opposite him angrily.

Ask her how she is?

What can she do? ?
Does she dare to say a word no? !
"My dear, well done!"

Father Jiang smiled and patted Jiang Li on the shoulder, winking at her.

Jiang Li smiled bitterly and looked at Jiang's father, who was quite confident in her: Dad, although I don't know why you are always happy, but it seems that you are happy too early...

After Jiang Li agreed, he and Shen Tingsi each held a piece and landed on the chessboard one after another. Jiang's father watched the game from the side, while Qingzhu stood behind Jiang Li and was responsible for serving tea and water for the two of them.

Jiang Li was good at chess, but struggled a bit after meeting Shen Tingsi. Emperor Chu's chess skills were famous among the four countries.

In the early stage, Shen Tingsi deliberately let her defend but not attack. This made Jiang's father instantly excited. The old man sipped the tea, looking like he knew the result even without looking.

But in the later stage, Shen Tingsi launched an offensive. Seeing the sudden reversal of the situation, Jiang's father's eyes widened and his back straightened instantly!

"Qingqingqing, Qingzhu, take it aside!"

Jiang's father stammered and ordered Qingzhu to take the tea cup aside and didn't even bother to drink the tea!

He straightened his body and looked straight at the chess game in front of him. When he saw the sudden reversal of the situation, he immediately lost his composure!

This, this, this, the chess game that the daughter must win has turned upside down? ?

Jiang's father lowered his head and studied the chess game in front of him seriously. His jaw dropped in shock when he saw Shen Tingsi's move.

"You, you, you, you kid, were you just hiding your clumsiness??"

Jiang's father tilted his head and looked at Shen Tingsi aside, his eyes widened and he exclaimed.

Although Jiang’s father may not think carefully when playing chess, he can solve it!
Looking at the chess game that turned against the wind in front of me, I thought it was brilliant!
Although he wanted to shout out loud, but the other party was his daughter's opponent after all, so after thinking about it, he might as well scream in his heart...

Jiang Li naturally knew how superb Shen Tingsi's chess skills were. Although he seemed to be only defending but not attacking, he was actually controlling the overall situation every step of the way. Every move Jiang Li made was under his control.

Now that the chess game was halfway through, Shen Tingsi turned the situation around with one move and launched an offensive against Jiang Li.

"Ahem, what's that? Dad, be quiet, be quiet."

After hearing her father call Emperor Chu your boy, Jiang Li quickly stopped him.

Father Jiang covered his mouth and nodded to Jiang Li: "I know, I won't disturb you anymore. You play chess well. Don't panic. We will definitely win if we stay steady!" Father Jiang still said before shutting up completely. Don’t forget to cheer Jiang Li up.

Jiang Li: "...Dad, thank you!"

Only two-thirds of the chess game has been played, and there is still one-third waiting for the two of them to fill in. Now is a crucial moment, and Jiang Li also becomes serious.

Although Qingzhu didn't understand chess, her little heart suddenly tightened when she saw the master's solemn expression.

"Come on Miss, come on Miss, come on Miss..."

Qingzhu cheered Jiang Li with a small voice, but little did he know that her voice had already reached the ears of the three people along the wind.

Jiang Li, who was playing chess with Shen Tingsi, couldn't care less about being distracted. Instead, Jiang's father raised his head and glanced at Qingzhu, then put his index finger to his mouth to make a silent gesture.

The next moment, Qingzhu tightened his mouth, not daring to breathe out.

As time passed by, the game between the two came to an end. Under Shen Tingsi's special control, the two of them ended up in a draw.


Faced with such a powerful opponent as Shen Tingsi, Jiang Li himself didn't say anything, but Jiang's father let out a long sigh of relief.

"Daughter, little brother, you two are really equally good at chess!"

No one was left behind by Father Jiang, and they both praised each other.

"It's just that the two of you are in a draw right now, so does this bonus not count?"

Jiang's father turned to look at Jiang Li on the right, then turned to look at Shen Tingsi on the left.

Jiang Li said seriously: "Since it's a draw, then the lottery will come naturally..."

"Of course Li'er and I will make a promise to each other."

Jiang Li was about to give up on the lottery issue, but Shen Tingsi picked her up mid-sentence.

Jiang's father and Jiang Li both looked at him and said in unison: "Can it still be like this??"

Shen Tingsi nodded seriously: "Of course."

"Then, my dear daughter, why don't you let him..."

Jiang's father was about to ask Shen Tingsi to come over and play chess with him when he was free. Just as he could learn more from Shen Tingsi, Jiang's mother came over from the side of the garden.

"Master, this is a matter between their two children. Why are you meddling in it?"

Jiang's mother happened to hear their conversation when she came over, and she spoke up in time to stop Jiang's father's little plan.

After hearing Mother Jiang's voice, Father Jiang stood up from his seat and walked towards Mother Jiang in front.

"Madam, why are you here?"

"It's getting late. Dinner is ready. I'll come over and let you know."

Before I knew it, the sun had completely set in the west, and it was dinner time in a blink of an eye.

Mother Jiang came to the pavilion and stopped. She looked at the two people sitting together in perfect harmony and smiled: "Li'er, Mr. Shen, let's go to the dining room together."


Jiang Li stood up from the stone bench: "Master Shen, please."

Shen Tingsi stood up and walked out of the pavilion side by side with Jiang Li and came to Jiang's father and Jiang's mother.

"Madam, you just didn't know how exciting it was when my little brother played chess with our daughter. It was a match of equals!"

Jiang's father first described to Jiang's mother the scene when Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi were playing chess. With his exaggerated words, Jiang's mother was stunned for a while.

"so smart?"

"That's right! I thought my chess skills were better than those of my little brother, but I didn't expect that he had been hiding his clumsiness from me in the past few games!"

Father Jiang talked a lot, and then looked at Shen Tingsi beside him: "By the way, little brother, I know your surname is Shen, but I still don't know what your name is, and where do you live?"

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