Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 219 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 219 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (71)

"We don't know yet."

After Shen Tingsi finished speaking, she held the teacup and put it to her mouth. When she was about to sip the tea, she suddenly thought of something and put the tea to her mouth back on the table.

Feng Jue pointed to the tea on the table: "But it doesn't suit the taste of the master? I will ask someone to make another pot of it!"

"No need."

Shen Tingsi opened his mouth to stop Feng Jue who was about to take down the teapot.


Feng Jue obediently stepped aside again, and even though his words were interrupted, he did not forget to continue asking.

"Then do the Queen's parents know the identity of the master?"

Thinking of Father Jiang and Mother Jiang's reaction today, Shen Tingsi responded calmly: "Maybe I don't know."

"When will the master plan to reveal his identity to them?"


The reason why Shen Tingsi did not use his identity as emperor to visit the Jiang Mansion was because he was afraid that Jiang's father and mother would be cautious if they knew his identity.

After getting along with the two elders today, they also got to know each other somewhat. What Shen Tingsi wanted was to exchange sincerity for sincerity, rather than fearing sincerity with imperial power.

The queen mother's birthday is coming soon, and it will take a month to get back to the imperial city from Jiangnan. It's time to set off back to the imperial city in the next few days.

Therefore, Shen Tingsi planned to confess his identity to Jiang's father and mother tomorrow, so that they could leave their daughter to him to take care of her with peace of mind.

"Since the master plans to reveal his identity to the Queen's parents tomorrow, my subordinates must do it as soon as possible!"

Feng Jue suddenly made a major decision.

Shen Tingsi raised his eyebrows. The master and servant had worked together for many years. He could tell what Feng Jue was thinking just by looking at him.

"Take care of yourself tomorrow."

Shen Tingsi gave instructions.

Feng Jue scratched his head in embarrassment: "Yes! I will go back to the room to pick out some clean clothes right now!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the main hall and ran back to his room.

Shen Tingsi got up and came to the window and watered the peonies on the windowsill.

This flower was exactly the pot that Jiang Li had given him. Before the general's house was raided, he specifically asked Feng Jue to bring this pot of flowers out.

Shen Tingsi stretched out his fingers to gently touch the peony flowers growing toward the sun, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This time, whether it's a person or a flower, he wants it.


The next day, the east was slightly bright.

As soon as Feng Jue came out of the room, he met the officers and soldiers who came to deliver breakfast.

"give it to me."

Feng Jue stepped forward in high spirits, took the breakfast from the officers and soldiers, and strode towards the backyard.

At this time in the past, the master was already practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard. As expected by Feng Jue, he heard the sound of a long sword piercing the air as soon as he walked to the entrance of the backyard.

Feng Jue waited in the backyard for a while with the tray in hand. Not long after Shen Tingsi put away his sword, he stepped forward.

"Master, breakfast is ready."

Shen Tingsi looked Xiafengjue up and down, threw the long sword in his hand to him and walked toward the front hall.

The master and servant had a simple breakfast and then set off for Jiang Mansion.

I saw Shajiu on the road to Fengjue. When I arrived at Jiang Mansion, my hands and arms were already covered with things.

It's still early now, and Jiang Mu and Jiang Li haven't gotten up yet.

Jiang's father has only married Jiang's mother in his life, and has no concubines in his house. He loves Jiang's mother as much as his eyes. He has never asked her to follow those messy etiquettes since she entered the house.

He dotes on his wife, and she can sleep as long as she wants, not to mention sleeping until midnight, even until dark!
Jiang Li got the true inheritance from Mother Jiang and is naturally sleepy, so she hasn't woken up yet. Shen Tingsi had already visited yesterday, and the boy guarding the Jiang Mansion recognized him as soon as he appeared in front of the gate.

"Young master is here, please come inside. The younger one will go in and pass the news!"

After the boy finished speaking, he ran in. Father Jiang was feeding the parrots in the yard when the news reached his ears.

"So early?"

Jiang's father was very surprised that Shen Tingsi had arrived so early in the morning. He threw the food in his hands into the cage, washed his hands, and then followed the boy to the front hall.

After sobering up, Father Jiang had almost forgotten what happened last night, so he was not embarrassed at all when he saw Shen Tingsi.

"Master Shen is here, hurry, hurry, please sit down."

After seeing Shen Tingsi, Jiang's father warmly greeted him to sit down. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Feng Jue carrying large and small bags. Feng Jue nodded to him and said hello.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am Feng Jue."

Wind Jue...

Jiang's father silently recited his name in his mind, then pretended to be slightly angry and said, "Hey, you're already here, what else do you bring? You don't have to be so polite to your uncle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Jue explained: "Mr. Jiang, these are my master's thoughts. These are what I gave..."

"Why did you bring so many things here for the first time? You are not allowed to bring anything here next time, do you understand?"

Seeing that Feng Jue was carrying so many things when he came back to the house, Jiang's father scolded him.

Seeing that he misunderstood, Feng Jue smiled bitterly: "Well, Master Jiang misunderstood. These things are for Qingzhu's parents..."

Father Jiang looked at Feng Jue in surprise: "Do you know Aunt Zhou?"

Aunt Zhou is the cook of Jiang Mansion and Qingzhu's adoptive mother.

"Forget it, guess it."

Feng Jue, who had never met Aunt Zhou, could only answer bravely.

Father Jiang did not doubt his presence and said to Feng Jue: "Aunt Zhou should be in the kitchen right now. I'll send someone to take you there."

"Well, Mr. Jiang, where is Qingzhu?"

"Qingzhu should be in Li'er's room, I'll send someone to call her over right now!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, will you please step back first?"

"go Go!"

Father Jiang waved his hand and asked someone to take Feng Jue to the kitchen.

After Feng Jue left the main hall, Father Jiang stroked his beard and said, "Master Shen, what a coincidence. I didn't expect that your subordinate is related to Aunt Zhou!"

Jiang's father has regarded Feng Jue as Aunt Zhou's distant relative and Qingzhu's distant cousin.

Shen Tingsi didn't explain much, and a beautiful misunderstanding occurred.

After learning that Feng Jue was related to Aunt Zhou, Jiang's father felt more and more that Shen Tingsi was connected to their Jiang family, so he ordered someone to make a new pot of tea and then chatted with him about the chess game.

Feng Jue followed the boy to Jiang Li's yard to look for Qingzhu. Qingzhu was puzzled when he heard someone was looking for him. When he saw Feng Jue's figure, his eyes widened and he exclaimed.

"Feng Jue? Why are you here?"

Feng Jue was actually a little embarrassed at this time: "Well, I, I'll do it..."

Qingzhu ran out of the courtyard and stopped in front of Feng Jue: "What's wrong with you today? Why do you stutter when you speak?"

"I, I'm here to propose marriage to you."

Feng Jue told Qingzhu about his purpose with red ears.

"Propose, propose marriage??"

Qingzhu's eyes widened and he opened his ears in disbelief.

"Qingzhu, um, take me to visit your mother."

Feng Jue pulled the stunned Qingzhu away. Jiang Li in the room vaguely heard the conversation between the two. Thinking of the agreement between her and Shen Tingsi today, she sat up from the bed! !

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