Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 231 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 231 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (83)

For two people who love each other, the happiest thing in the world is to have a crystallization of their love.

Jiang Li likes fragrant and soft children very much. Now that she learned that she was pregnant, her whole body was filled with tenderness and expectation.

Jiang Li has wanted to have a younger brother and sister since she was a child, but Jiang's mother was injured during childbirth and had difficulty conceiving in the future, so Jiang Li's wish has never come true.

Fortunately, Qingzhu came to Jiang Mansion later. Since they were similar in age, although they were master and servant in name, they were like sisters in private.

The soft color in Jiang Li's eyes almost overflowed at the thought of seeing her child soon.

Shen Tingsi had never thought that he would marry and have children in this life, and he had no love for children.

But he started to like Jiang Li from the moment he learned that she was pregnant. This was his and Li'er's child.

Shen Tingsi raised the corners of her lips and carefully placed her hand on Jiang Li's abdomen, feeling the movements of the child in her belly.

Jiang Li chuckled when she saw this: "Fool, the month is small now. You can't hear anything until the month is older."

Shen Tingsi placed a kiss on Jiang Li's forehead: "Li'er, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Li lowered her eyes and smiled, placed her hand on the back of Shen Tingsi's hand, and looked forward to the little life in her belly with him.

Since Jiang Li was pregnant and needed to rest, Shen Tingsi was unwilling to let her work any longer and refused to let her go to the Golden Palace to attend the Queen's Conferment Ceremony.

After receiving the oral instruction, Xiao Shunzi ran to Jinluan Hall to inform the officials and courtiers who had been waiting for a long time.

"According to His Majesty's decree, the ceremony of enthroning the queen has been postponed. Ministers, please go back first."

Xiao Shunzi breathlessly informed the ministers of Shen Tingsi's oral instructions.

The ministers who have been waiting for a long time are confused. Why is the grand ceremony of the queen's seal suddenly postponed?
Could it be that your majesty and your empress were unhappy and regretted it? ?
As soon as this idea came out, the ministers panicked instantly.

They finally looked forward to a new queen, and your Majesty, this and this, what is going on! !

Since seeing the heartwarming scene at the Queen Mother's birthday, the ministers have sincerely accepted Jiang Li as the new queen, and now their hearts are unconsciously leaning towards her.

Perhaps the ministers themselves were not aware of this change.

"Eunuch Xiao Shunzi, are you having trouble with the Queen? Where is Your Majesty? I want to see Your Majesty!"

The ministers pursed their lips and their expressions instantly darkened.

Xiao Shunzi, who had recovered, saw that the ministers had misunderstood, and quickly waved his hands to explain: "No, no, no, you sirs have misunderstood. Your Majesty and your empress are in a good relationship!"

"Then why did His Majesty suddenly postpone the ceremony of conferring the queen?"

"The content of the Queen's Confession Ceremony is complicated, and the Queen has just been found out to be pregnant. Your Majesty feels sorry for the Queen, so it is postponed!"

"Hmph, even if this is the case, it can't be...what did you say? The Queen is pregnant?"

The minister was about to retort when he belatedly realized what Xiao Shunzi had said and his eyes widened suddenly.

Xiao Shunzi smiled and nodded: "That's right! Your Majesty, she is happy!"

"Your Majesty is happy, Your Majesty is happy!"

"Great, the Queen is happy, we are going to have a little master!"

This huge pie directly knocked all the ministers into confusion.

Just a month ago, they were still worried about His Majesty's inability to have contact with women. Who thought that they would have a mistress in a month? ?
The Queen is indeed a great benefactor sent by God to rescue their country of Eastern Chu! !
The ministers' faces were all flushed with excitement, and they happily left the Jinluan Palace and rushed back to the mansion.

They had to offer incense to the Buddha and still wish to go!
There was nothing going on at the Queen Mother Ceremony. The Queen Mother stayed in Shoukang Palace today and did not go out.

After Doctor Zhang confirmed that Jiang Li was pregnant, Grandma Gui couldn't wait to rush back to Shoukang Palace to tell the Queen Mother about it. She was so excited that she walked with wind!
"The Queen Mother, it's a happy event, a huge happy event!" Before she could see Aunt Gui's figure, her joyful voice came from outside the palace.

The Queen Mother subconsciously raised her head and looked outside the palace, waiting for Aunt Gui to arrive.

"The Queen Mother, congratulations to the Queen Mother!"

Aunt Gui took three steps at a time and walked in happily from outside the palace. When she came up, she congratulated the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows and picked up the tea cup beside her: "Why are you so happy?"

Aunt Gui took a deep breath: "The Queen Mother, the Queen Mother is happy!"

The Queen Mother paused in her sipping of tea and looked at Aunt Gui in disbelief: "What did you say? Say it again!"

Aunt Gui smiled, she is indeed a mother and son, the Queen Mother's current appearance is exactly the same as His Majesty's!
"The Queen Mother, you heard me right, the Queen Mother is pregnant, and you are going to be the Imperial Grandmother!"


The Queen Mother's eyes widened and she quickly put the tea cup in her hand aside.

"It's absolutely true! The Empress suddenly vomited just now, and it was Doctor Zhang who diagnosed her!"

Doctor Zhang is the head of the hospital, so there is no need to talk about his medical skills. Since it was him who made the diagnosis, there is no mistake!
"Oh, Li'er is happy, the Ai family is going to be the royal grandmother!"

"Quick, help Aijia up, Aijia wants to see Li'er!"

The Queen Mother tremblingly stretched out her hand towards Aunt Gui. She was so excited that she couldn't even stand still.


Aunt Gui smiled and stepped forward to hold the Queen Mother's arm and help her up from the phoenix chair.

"Come here, prepare the sedan quickly!"

At Grandma Gui's greeting, the father-in-law ran out quickly.

The news that the Queen is happy soon spread throughout the palace, and now everyone in the palace is excited about it.

Everyone in the palace is looking forward to the arrival of the young master, and they are more cautious when serving him.

For a moment, Jiang Li became a veritable porcelain doll. Everyone from the palace to Shen Tingsi and the Queen Mother surrounded her, taking good care of her and the child in her belly.

Under the company and care of Shen Tingsi and the Queen Mother, Jiang Li's flat belly gradually grew bigger.

Taking advantage of the calm breeze and sunny weather outside, Shen Tingsi took Jiang Li to the Imperial Garden for a walk.

If the imperial doctor hadn't said that letting Jiang Li move around properly was good for her health, Shen Tingsi would never let her feet touch the ground. She would carry her wherever she went, as if she was carrying a treasure all day long, and she didn't want to let go at all.

"Li'er, I seem to have heard the child's movements."

Shen Tingsi lay in front of Jiang Li's bulging belly and put his ear to her belly to listen to what was going on inside.

Shen Tingsi raised his head and looked at Jiang Li in surprise. Jiang Li touched his face and said with a smile: "In a few months, I can meet the child in my belly. Si, I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm looking forward to it too, but I have to say hello to him before he's born."

Under Jiang Li's confused gaze, Tingsi put his face against her belly again, and actually started talking to the child in her belly.

"My child, wait till the month comes and you will be born obediently, you know? Don't let your mother suffer, or else your father will spank you when you are born."

As soon as the words fell——

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