Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 234 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 234 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (86)

"Midwife, call the midwife!"

Qingzhu shouted and carefully helped Jiang Li back into the hall.

"My dear, my dear, please slow down, the midwife will be here soon, right away!"

It happened that Jiang's father and Jiang's mother came from the palace where they lived. After hearing the sound of Qingzhu outside the door, they strode to Fengyi Palace.

"Li'er, what's wrong with Li'er?"

"Don't be afraid, my dear, daddy is here!"

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang strode to Fengyi Palace, but when they reached the door, Mother Jiang stopped Father Jiang.

"Master, I'm afraid Li'er is going to give birth. Just wait here and I'll go in and accompany you!"

"Okay, okay, madam, go quickly, madam, go quickly!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang's father stopped on the spot and urged Jiang's mother to go in quickly.

The midwives who had been waiting in the palace for a long time quickly rushed over, and the palace people also brought pots of hot water into the palace one after another.

Everyone in Fengyi Palace fell into a tense atmosphere.

Jiang Li had been helped by Qingzhu and the palace servants to lie down on the bed, and Jiang's mother came to the bed in a few steps.

"Don't be afraid, Li'er. Mom is here and she will always be here to accompany you."

Jiang's mother's eyes turned red, and she leaned over and touched Jiang Li's head and comforted her softly.

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry."

Jiang Li twitched the corners of her mouth to express relief. Apart from her pale face, there was no trace of nervousness or fear on her face.

Jiang Li, who had already taken painless delivery medicine in advance, felt no pain at all except that her amniotic water had broken just now.

However, in order not to arouse suspicion, she still frowned in pretending to be in pain.

"Madam, please stay away. I will deliver the baby to the Queen soon!"

After preparing the things needed for delivery, several midwives came to the bed.

Jiang's mother sat by the bed and held Jiang Li's hand tightly: "You deliver your baby, and I will be here to accompany Li'er."

How could Mother Jiang have the heart to let her daughter face the pain and fear of giving birth alone? Although she couldn't help Jiang Li give birth to a child, being by her side was better than listening to her endure the pain outside the palace.

"Don't be afraid, my queen, my servant and my wife are both here! My queen and the baby in her belly will be fine!" Qingzhu, who had experienced such a thing for the first time, had red eyes, and his face was paler than Jiang Li, who was about to give birth.

Looking at the red-eyed Qingzhu and Jiang's mother Jiangli, she was helpless. She was about to comfort them when something strange suddenly came from her stomach, interrupting what she was about to say.

"The amniotic fluid has broken, my dear, please use your strength!"

"Mother, take a deep breath, don't be nervous, you'll be fine soon, you'll be fine soon!"

Several midwives gave instructions and kept calming Jiang Li's mood.

"Li'er, if it hurts, bite mom's hand. Mom is here, don't be afraid, mom will always be with you!"

Jiang's mother grabbed Jiang Li's hand with one hand and raised the other hand to her mouth.

In the palace, the palace maids and midwives each performed their duties and were busy with their affairs in an orderly manner.

Shen Tingsi, who was halfway there, was shocked when he heard the news about Jiang Li's birth. He directly used Qing Kung and rushed towards Fengyi Palace.

The Queen Mother who came to Fengyi Palace to visit Jiang Li just arrived at the door and saw the palace people carrying water into the palace. Her pupils shrank, and she quickly asked the palace people to put down the soft sedan and strode towards the palace.

"See the Queen Mother!"

The palace attendants on duty outside the palace quickly bowed and saluted when they saw the Queen Mother's figure. Jiang's father, who was pacing anxiously outside the palace, heard the sound and looked towards the Queen Mother.

"Common people meet the Queen Mother!"

When Father Jiang lifted up his robe and knelt down to salute, the Queen Mother stopped him directly: "There is no need to be polite, in-laws. How is Li'er?"

"The midwife has already gone in, and Madam is with her inside."

Father Jiang's voice choked up as he spoke, and he quickly turned his head away and wiped his eyes.

An accident occurred when Jiang's mother gave birth, almost killing two people. Jiang's father was frightened. Even though Jiang's mother and Jiang Li were lucky and mother and daughter were safe, this incident has always been a thorn in Jiang's heart. Every time he thinks about it, Father Jiang would secretly wipe his eyes during the thrills that day.

That incident was finally forgotten in Jiang's father's memory with the passage of time, but now the thrilling memory of Jiang Li's birth has resurfaced in Jiang's father's mind.

The Queen Mother heard Jiang Li mention this matter and knew that Jiang's father was frightened at this time for fear that what happened back then would happen again, so she said a few words of relief.

"Don't worry, in-laws. With Po Wen and the imperial doctor in Li'er, everything will be fine. The Ai family will go in and take a look."

Although she tried to reassure Father Jiang not to worry, the Queen Mother's hands under her sleeves clenched into fists unconsciously.

She was about to go into the palace, when a figure flashed past her!

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