Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 245 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official

Chapter 245 The Misogynistic Emperor vs. the Wife of a Powerful Official (Extra)
After hearing the familiar voice, a flash of surprise flashed in Shen Tingsi's eyes, and Jiang Li also walked towards the door.

The moment Jiang Li's figure appeared outside the door, the visitor's eyes widened.

"You, you, who are you?"

Just as Jiang Li was about to explain, Shen Tingsi came behind her at some point and looked at the visitor with a smile.

"Miracle doctor Su, long time no see."

"Boy Shen? Why are you here?"

If the miracle doctor Su looked surprised when he saw Jiang Li, now his eyes were as wide as bells after seeing Shen Tingsi.

"Miracle Doctor Su?"

Jiang Li, who saw the miracle doctor Su for the first time, looked at the old man with a white beard in front of her in surprise. Although she had never met the miracle doctor Su, she had heard his name for a long time. She did not expect that the old man in front of her was actually the famous miracle doctor Su. !
And it seems that A Si and the miracle doctor Su are old acquaintances?

Just when Jiang Li was surprised, someone hugged her shoulders.

Shen Tingsi came to her side and introduced the miracle doctor Su, "This is my wife."

"So you are Li Yatou!"

Divine Doctor Su exclaimed, looking back and forth at Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, you and Mr. Shen are indeed a match made in heaven!"

"Miracle Doctor Su, come in quickly, be careful of catching a cold in the rain."

After Jiang Li finished speaking, she and Shen Tingsi quickly stepped aside and gave up their position at the door.

Doctor Su patted the water drops on his shoulders: "It's okay, this drizzle is just here. Come in and sit down. You two are here just in time. Come and try the hot tea I just made!"

As the doctor Su said, he came to the bamboo table, took out two cups, and poured hot tea for Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi himself.

"Boy Shen, Li Yatou, you guys sit down and drink some tea first. I just went up the mountain to collect herbs. My clothes are a little dirty. Go and change into clean clothes."

Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li sat down at the table together, and it didn't take long for the miracle doctor Su to change into clean clothes.

Just as Dr. Su said, the sky in June is like that passionate man. The rain comes and goes quickly. Just as the three of them were drinking tea and chatting, the gray sky cleared up again.

goo goo-

Jiang Li's stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

The miracle doctor Su patted his forehead: "Hey, look at me, my brain doesn't work well as I get older. You haven't eaten yet. Come on, come on, let's see what you want to eat. These dishes are all made by me." Planted, guaranteed to be delicious and healthy!”

The genius doctor Su took Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi to the vegetable garden where he planted and asked them to pick some vegetables they liked. Then he personally cooked a steaming home-cooked meal for them.

After dinner, he took the two of them to another bamboo house and asked them to stay here first.

Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi had no other arrangements. Since they met the miracle doctor Su, whom they had not seen for many years, they simply stayed here.

The two of them had left the palace for more than a year, and they had just settled down at Divine Doctor Su when they received a letter from Jiang Jinyu.

The letter said that she and He Lianjing had known each other for several years and planned to choose an auspicious day to get married next year. In addition, it also said something novel that made both Jiang Li and Shen Tingsi. Jiang Jinyun found her heart. The person!
Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise!

Okay, okay, now Yun'er has found the girl he likes, and their last worry has finally been settled!

Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li put their heads together and read the letters in their hands. After reading, their eyes were filled with smiles.

Jiang Li folded the letter carefully and put it back in the envelope. This year, they kept the letter carefully no matter who it was from, and took it out to read when they missed them.

Looking at the letter in Jiang Li's hand, Shen Tingsi's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately made a plan in his mind.

Three days later, the sky became clear and clear.

Jiang Li was pulled up the mountain by Divine Doctor Su early in the morning, saying that he was helping him collect medicine. Jiang Li did not doubt that he was there, so she carried the bamboo basket on her back and went up the mountain with Doctor Su.

We were there all day, waiting for the sun to set before we came back.

Jiang Li and Dr. Su had a good conversation, and they didn't feel bored at all after collecting medicine in the mountains for a whole day. They talked and laughed all the way back to the bamboo house.

When I arrived at the bamboo house, I found that there were flowers on both the fence at the door and in the yard.

Jiang Li was stunned: "What is A Si doing?"

The miracle doctor Su smiled and said to Jiang Li: "Girl Li, go quickly and go back to the house to change clothes. Mr. Shen has a surprise for you." Surprise?

Jiang Li's heart felt warm. Even though she and Ah Si had been married for so many years, their relationship had not been wiped out by the trivialities in life. Instead, it had become stronger as time went by.

Jiang Li put down the bamboo basket on her back and returned to the house. As soon as she entered the house, she saw the fiery red wedding dress on the bed. Jiang Li's heart trembled and she slowly walked towards the wedding dress.

After half a stick of incense, Jiang Li walked out of the room. Doctor Su, who was standing in the courtyard and staring at the door, quickly cleared his throat.

"Adhere to God's will, comply with Yin and Yang, and invite new people to come out——"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Li walked out of the room wearing a fiery red wedding dress. Shen Tingsi, who was standing on the other side and was also wearing a red wedding dress, his eyes lit up when he saw her, and he walked towards her with a caring look.

"Li'er, you are so beautiful."

Shen Tingsi leaned over and spoke in Jiang Li's ear without hesitation.

Jiang Li's earlobe turned red: "Asi, what is this?"

"You and I are an ordinary couple at this time. I still owe Li'er a wedding. Today, I will ask the God of Su to be the matchmaker and the heaven and earth to serve as a guide to provide Li'er with the wedding debt I owe."

After Shen Tingsi finished speaking, she took Jiang Li's hand and pulled her towards the flower path in front.

The miracle doctor Su stroked his beard and looked at the two of them with a smile. After they walked in the middle of Hualu Road, he spoke loudly.

"Worship the heavens and the earth-"

"Second worship high hall-"

"Husband and wife pay homage——"

Under the shouts of Dr. Su, Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li successfully completed the ceremony of husband and wife.

Shen Tingsi turned to look at Jiang Li beside him, with affection in his eyes: "Everyone in the world sings about the beauty of the peach, and only when they see you do they know how beautiful it is."

Jiang Li raised her eyes to meet the tenderness in his eyes, and said with a smile: "What you do is what I depend on, and what I wish is what you do."

Shen Tingsi raised his hand to cover Jiang Li's cheek, and bent down to touch her red lips.

"Ouch! Old man, half of my body has been buried in the ground, and you still show me this, so shameless!"


Shen Tingsi and Jiang Li rushed back to the palace before the wedding of Jiang Jinyun and Jiang Jinyu, and saw with their own eyes that the two children had found their hearts and found the person who would accompany them for life.

Later, the two also became the royal grandfather and the royal grandmother, the maternal grandfather and the maternal grandmother, with children and grandchildren around their knees, and three generations lived under the same roof.

Time is like clouds, and wherever the wind passes, it gradually moves away.

When Shen Tingsi was ninety-five years old, she and Jiang Li came to Fengyi Palace under the pear trees in full bloom.

He knew that his end was coming, but he was not afraid at all. Surrounded by happiness, he had no regrets in his life.

Shen Tingsi lay on a soft chair under the pear tree and held Jiang Li's hand tightly. At that time, he had a full head of hair and his face was covered with traces of time.

He looked at Jiang Li lustfully, his eyes full of love.

"Li'er, if there is an afterlife, I would like to lean on my sword and go to the end of the world with you. When we grow old, we can live in seclusion and have a cup of tea in our spare time."

Jiang Li held his hand tightly and looked at him with the same gentle expression.

"Ah Si, if there is an afterlife, I would like to be drunk with you, calligraphy and painting, drink and talk happily, and compose the love of the next life."

Shen Tingsi grabbed Jiang Li's hand and exerted a slight force: "Li'er, if I find you in the next life, can you still be my wife?"

Jiang Li nodded without hesitation: "Okay."

After hearing the answer he wanted, Shen Tingsi closed his eyes with a satisfied look, still holding Jiang Li's hand tightly until he lost his breath.

Jiang Li raised her hand and touched Shen Tingsi's face, leaned her head in his arms and left with him.


[The small world task is completed, the reward points have been received, please check the host! 】

Oh ho ho, the story of A Si and Li Er is completely over here. Thank you for your support all the way. Tomorrow we will open a new world. The little emperor who dresses up as a man vs. the regent who thinks he is a cut-sleeved prince is still a little one. Cookie, good night!

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