Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 247 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 247 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (02)

After hearing the palace man's voice, Jiang Li's eyes widened suddenly and she froze on the spot.

I'll gather it together!

Why does the male protagonist appear at this time? !
She looked down at the bulge on her chest and looked for a hiding place in the palace in a panic.

Concealing one's life experience is a serious crime of deceiving the emperor. We must not let the hero find out at this time!

Jiang Li looked for a hiding place in the hall in a panic, and finally landed on the bed in front of her.

She remembered that she seemed to be in a coma just now?

No matter what, just keep pretending to be dead!

Thinking of this, Jiang Li quickly ran back to the bed and got into bed. The whole process only took three breaths!

Jiang Li turned over and wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, leaving only her head outside.

"Slave (servant), please see the regent!"

The moment the regent Chu Huaizhi appeared in the Yangxin Palace, the palace people standing outside the palace bowed to him and saluted.

After hearing the approaching voices of the palace people, Jiang Li tightened her hands and closed her eyes tightly.

Chu Huaizhi was wearing a black four-clawed python robe, with one hand behind his back and the other hand playing with the wrench in his hand. He walked past the palace people towards the Yangxin Hall with an expressionless face.

It was well known in the palace that the young emperor did not like people to serve him closely, so Chu Huaizhi was not surprised that there was no one in the huge Yangxin Palace.

After arriving at Yangxin Hall, Chu Huaizhi walked straight towards the inner hall.

He was not in the imperial city these days. After receiving the news that the young emperor was in danger in the palace, he rushed back from outside the city without stopping. He didn't even return to the palace and went directly to the palace.

When I came to the inner hall, I saw the small ball on the bed.

Chu Huaizhi pursed his lips, walked to the bed and glanced at Jiang Li, who was pretending to be dead.

After seeing the blood-soaked gauze on her forehead, the condensed aura around Chu Huaizhi instantly dropped to freezing point.

Although he didn't like the stupid and cowardly little emperor, the late emperor entrusted the little emperor to him before his death. For the sake of the late emperor's previous treatment of him, he had the responsibility to protect the little emperor so that he could become full-fledged and able to shoulder the great responsibility. The name of Emperor Yan.

After noticing the sudden drop in temperature in the palace, Jiang Li, who was pretending to be unconscious, felt his heart tremble suddenly.

The memory of this body has not been transmitted yet, and she doesn't know if the regent has any grudge against the original owner. Now that his aura suddenly became cold, could he want to kill her while there is no one in the palace?

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Li's hands hidden under the quilt clenched tightly into fists.

I originally thought that coming to this small world would give me the pleasure of being an emperor, but who knew I would be so unlucky? I just got injured and now I am being targeted by a poisonous snake!
Just when Jiang Li was hesitating whether to pretend to wake up, Chu Huaizhi spoke.

"Come here, call the imperial doctor."

After hearing his voice, the father-in-law who was on duty outside the palace quickly responded: "Yes."

After learning that Chu Huaizhi was going to be an imperial physician, Jiang Li could no longer pretend. She didn't have the memory of her original body, and she didn't know which imperial doctor in the imperial hospital she had had good ventilation with. What if a doctor with poor ventilation came to help her? Diagnosing the pulse, wouldn't it be obvious that she was disguising herself as a man?
In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, Jiang Li just kept doing nothing.


She gasped first, then turned around and slowly opened her eyes.

Jiang Li was stunned when she saw Chu Huaizhi.

The man's sculpted facial features and extremely delicate appearance exude nobility from the inside out. The most alluring thing is his naturally upturned red phoenix eyes, which make people fall deeply in love with him at the first sight.

But those beautiful red phoenix eyes were filled with a cold chill. They were staring at her deeply at this moment, which sent shivers down Jiang Li's spine.

The chill that spread all over her body made Jiang Li suddenly come back to her senses. She clutched the corners of the quilt with both hands to prevent anyone from lifting her quilt. "Emperor, uncle emperor."

As soon as this title came out, Chu Huai's eyes flashed slightly.

"I, my body is fine, so I don't need to bother the doctor."

Jiang Li was lying on the bed, looking at Chu Huaizhi in front of her with wet almond eyes without blinking, and directly rejected his kindness to send the imperial doctor to check her body.

Chu Huaizhi lowered his eyes and looked at her. Although Jiang Li felt guilty, she did not look away, but her cheeks were a little red because she was too nervous.

"Are there any other injuries on your body?"

Chu Huaizhi asked in a deep voice.

Jiang Li shook her head quickly: "No, I just accidentally bumped it on my forehead."

"Well, you have not yet fully matured your wings when you first ascended the throne, so don't run around blindly in the future. No matter where you go, you must bring guards with you."

Chu Huaizhi warned that because of her weak temperament, two-thirds of the ministers were dissatisfied with her governance after taking office. Now that the former emperor died of illness and the new emperor ascended the throne, the court is in turmoil.

Although the other princes were seriously ill and disabled, their ambitions never curbed. They secretly stared at Jiang Li like poisonous snakes. If Jiang Li was not careful, Jiang Li would be killed by his hands.

Chu Huaizhi promised the late emperor to assist the new emperor until his wings were full, and since he had promised, he would definitely do it.

Facing Chu Huaizhi's instructions, Jiang Li nodded eagerly: "I understand, uncle."

Jiang Li was honest and honest on the surface and obeyed Chu Huaizhi's words, but she was very suspicious in her heart.

Why does it seem that Chu Huaizhi not only has no grudge against her, but seems to be protecting her?
After thinking of this possibility, Jiang Li stared at Chu Huaizhi in trance.

Facing Jiang Li and Chu Huaizhi, who was staring straight at him, he pursed his lips. After seeing her crimson cheeks, he leaned over and stretched out his big palm towards her.

Seeing Chu Huaizhi's monster face suddenly enlarged, Jiang Li suddenly clenched the corners of the quilt with both hands and closed her eyes in horror.

How can this person change just because he wants to? ?

He had obviously shown concern for her just now, so why was he suddenly trying to choke her now? !

Jiang Li, who was powerless, closed her eyes tightly, her eyelashes trembling with fear.

However, the expected pain did not come, and Chu Huaizhi's big palm finally fell on her forehead.

After noticing the warmth on her forehead, Jiang Li suddenly opened her eyes, and happened to meet Chu Huaizhi's red and phoenix eyes, which were as deep as an ancient well.

The distance between the two was only half an arm's length, so close that even Chu Huai's hairy ginger pear on his temples could be seen clearly.

Seeing Jiang Li's face turn red, Chu Huaizhi leaned over and felt the body temperature on her forehead.

After realizing that Jiang Li's body temperature was normal, Chu Huaizhi took back the hand on her forehead and straightened up.

"You don't have a fever. Have a good rest these two days and leave it to me at the court."

After speaking, Chu Huaizhi took out a white porcelain bottle from his waist: "Once in the morning and evening, apply it to the wound."

After finishing his instructions, he placed the white porcelain bottle next to Jiang Li's pillow. After making sure that she was fine, there was no need to stay in the Yangxin Hall.

Chu Huaizhi was about to turn around when his sleeves and robe suddenly tightened.

He paused on the spot and turned to look at his sleeves.

"Uncle, don't leave, I'm afraid."

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