Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 257 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 257 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (12)

"Bring the things over here."

He lightly opened his thin lips and said something faintly, and there was a trace of hard-to-capture cruelty in his eyes.


The guard behind him responded, then turned around and returned to the palace. After a moment, he came to the man's side with a white porcelain bottle.

"Master, what you want."

The man took what the guard handed him, opened the porcelain bottle and poured out the contents. Suddenly, a round insect appeared in the man's palm.

The insect was red all over, as if it was full of blood.

After escaping from the shackles of the porcelain bottle, the bloodworm crawled freely in the man's hand, which looked very scary.

But the man picked up the insect with a calm expression, held it up to his eyes and looked at it.

Grandma Zhou looked at Dr. Xu's actions anxiously, and couldn't help but ask.


The sound of the wheelchair turning was heard, and the guards pushed the man back into the hall.

"It's strange. There is nothing wrong with His Majesty's pulse. Why can't he wake up?"

Doctor Xu frowned and carefully checked her pulse, but in the end he couldn't find anything wrong with her pulse.

Doctor Xu had no choice but to let go of Jiang Li's hand, open her eyes and check them.

Doctor Xu didn't care about his robes that were soaked by the rain. He carried the medicine box and went straight to the bed and took Jiang Li's pulse.

Dr. Xu came from the Imperial Hospital in the rain. After seeing Dr. Xu, Aunt Zhou seemed to have seen a life-saving straw and quickly informed him of the situation.

Doctor Xu took Jiang Li's pulse and found that Jiang Li's body was fine.

"I've taken care of you for so long, and it finally comes in handy today."

The man murmured, and then swallowed the insect without changing his expression!

"Doctor Xu, please show your Majesty a quick check. Your Majesty has been sleeping since you came back at noon. It has been four hours and you still haven't woken up. No matter how you call your Majesty, there is no response!"

But Jiang Li came back from noon and slept until now, and couldn't hear any sounds from the outside world. Everything about this matter was weird.

You can hear a pin drop in the Yangxin Palace, and the people in the palace dare not even breathe.

"Help me go back."

With the help of the guard, the man lay down on the bed, and finally slowly closed his eyes.

"Doctor Xu, what's wrong with Your Majesty? Why can't you wake him up all of a sudden?"

The guard's scalp was numb and he had goosebumps all over after seeing this scene!
However, the guards did not dare to act rashly in front of the man. They could only stand stiffly and wait for the man's next order.


After swallowing the bloodworm, the man closed his eyes and took a deep breath before giving orders to the guards.

"Mommy, don't worry, I will show it to Your Majesty right now!"

Doctor Xu retracted his hand and murmured, then continued to observe Jiang Li's face.

When Grandma Zhou heard this, she was frightened and quickly took two steps forward to the bed.

"Then, what should we do now? Your Majesty, she hasn't been able to wake up. She hasn't eaten all day today. It's my fault. It's all my fault. If only I had been more careful!"

Aunt Zhou had a look of remorse on her face. She would have known that she would have called His Majesty a few more times when the chestnut porridge was cooked. When she realized something was wrong, she would have immediately called Dr. Xu to diagnose His Majesty's pulse!

"Mommy, don't worry, I'll try it with the silver needle again."

After saying this, Dr. Xu turned around and went to get the silver needle from the medicine box. Aunt Zhou stood in front of the bed with a nervous look on her face and called Jiang Li twice more.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, are you awake? Are you still feeling unwell? I was really scared to death just now. No matter how I wake you up, I can't wake up Your Majesty!"

Aunt Zhou's exclamation came from in front of the bed. Doctor Xu and the palace attendants subconsciously looked towards the bed, and saw that Jiang Li, who had been unconscious just now, had sat up from the bed.

"Your Majesty is awake!"

Doctor Xu looked at Jiang Li in surprise and joy. Just as he was about to step forward to ask about her physical condition, Jiang Li suddenly lifted the quilt and walked out of the bed. "Your Majesty, the ground is cold, please put on your shoes and socks first."

Seeing Jiang Li's bare feet on the ground, Grandma Zhou quickly took her arm, helped her sit down and put on her shoes and socks.

As soon as Grandma Zhou let go of Jiang Li, she stood up from the bed and walked straight out of the hall.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Grandma Zhou was startled and quickly raised her heels.

"I want to see your uncle."

Jiang Li uttered a faint word and walked out of the hall with long strides.

"It's raining outside. Your Majesty, don't worry. I'll call the prince right now!"

Aunt Zhou said and took hold of Jiang Li's arm, but Jiang Li ignored her blockage and walked straight out of the hall.

"Get the umbrella quickly!"

Seeing that she couldn't stop her, Grandma Zhou had no choice but to ask the palace attendant to hold an umbrella over Jiang Li's head.

The group of people walked out of the palace in the rain. The rain was so heavy that they still got wet even though they were holding umbrellas.

Jiang Li stepped into the rain expressionlessly, letting the rainwater accumulated on the ground cover her feet.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please slow down! Be careful of slippery roads!"

Aunt Zhou and a group of palace attendants trotted beside Jiang Li. Several of the lanterns they held were blown out by the wind.

Fortunately, Yunxiao Palace was only a few dozen meters away from Yangxin Palace, and everyone quickly followed Jiang Li to Yunxiao Palace.

The moment Jiang Li's figure appeared in the rain, all the palace people on duty outside the palace were stunned.

Aunt Zhou quickly said: "Your Majesty wants to find the prince, why don't you go in and pass the message!"

"Yes Yes!"

"Your Majesty, we will see the prince soon. Your Majesty, don't be impatient and walk slower."

Aunt Zhou looked at Jiang Li with a worried look on her face, holding her arm for fear that she would slip.

Jiang Li said nothing and continued walking towards the brightly lit palace in front.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty is here."

The palace attendant made a call after entering. Chu Huai, who was about to take a shower and change clothes, was stunned. He raised his hand to stop the palace attendant who was about to change clothes for him, and turned around and walked towards the outer hall.

"Slave (servant), please see His Highness the Regent!"

When Chu Huaizhi walked to the outer hall, Jiang Li had already walked in. After seeing Chu Huaizhi's figure, the palace people who came with her quickly knelt down and saluted.

Chu Huaizhi looked at Jiang Li, whose clothes were wet, and said without changing his expression: "Everyone, get up."

"Thank you, Your Highness the Regent!"

"Why did your Majesty come to Yunxiao Palace so late?"

Chu Huaizhi's eyes focused on Jiang Li, who was five meters away from Jiang Li.

"I suddenly remembered something important that I haven't told the regent yet. It's a serious matter, so I came here in the rain to tell it personally."

Jiang Li looked at Chu Huai and explained his intention.

Chu Huai's eyes flashed slightly: "Why are you so anxious?"

Jiang Li said solemnly: "This matter is related to the Great Yan River. Please come here, Prince Regent."

The next moment, Chu Huaizhi raised his feet and walked straight towards Jiang Li, and finally stopped in front of her: "Your Majesty, if you have something to say, you may as well speak directly."

Jiang Li waved to Chu Huaizhi: "Come here more, this is a serious matter and I don't want outsiders to know."

Finally, Chu Huaizhi leaned down under Jiang Li's gaze. Upon seeing this, Jiang Li raised her hand to cover her mouth and moved towards his ear.

"Prince Regent...go to hell!"

I'm sorry, my dears, I originally wanted to add more, but my New World card's head hurts and I can't write TAT at all. I'll add more when I can write it smoothly.

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