Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 264 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 264 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (19)

"Back to Emperor Yan, this is my sister Pearl. I heard that the Yan Dynasty is a vast land and rich in resources, so I insist on coming with me to learn more about it. If there is any trouble, I hope Emperor Yan will not blame you."

Chu Mingye spoke so politely that no one could fault him, and his gentle temperament made it impossible for anyone to say anything to blame.

"It doesn't matter. Dayan and Dongli are friendly countries. Since the princess is interested in the folk customs of Dayan, you are welcome to come to Dayan at any time. We, the people of Dayan, will definitely welcome her with both hands."

Jiang Li acted like a boss, her attitude was equally gentle, and her impeccable way of speaking actually seemed a bit like an emperor.

Suddenly, the ministers' impression of Jiang Li changed again.

The regent is worthy of being a regent, and he has trained His Majesty so well in just a few days!

The ministers subconsciously attributed this credit to Chu Huaizhi. After all, they had never seen His Majesty's submissive attitude before. They did not believe that such a big change in a person's personality could suddenly occur without anyone training him behind his back.

"Thank you Emperor Yan!"

Chu Mingzhu also followed Chu Mingye's example and thanked Jiang Li, then sat down in front of the seat next to Chu Mingye.

Jiang Li, who picked up the wine glass and wanted to pour the wine herself, found that the wine glass in her hand was empty. She put the empty wine glass aside and waved to the palace people behind her.

The Dongli envoys were happy and raised their wine cups to look at Jiang Li, who was in a high position: "Thank you Emperor Yan for your hospitality!"

"Small gifts are not a sign of respect, but I hope Emperor Yan will accept them."

"Come here, pour me some wine."

Chu Mingye raised his hands and looked at Jiang Li in the high position, and at that moment he successfully captured the light in her eyes.

"I wish to stay with His Majesty and the envoy from Dongli until they get drunk!"

Jiang Li's thoughts were brought back by Chu Mingye's voice. She pretended to be calm and said: "It's really hard work for the envoy from Dongli to travel a long distance to Dayan. I have already ordered someone to prepare a reception banquet for you. We will wait for you later." Children, please don’t be restrained, I won’t come back with you until we get drunk today!”

Chu Huaizhi, who was sitting below and to the left of Jiang Li, turned his head when he heard her drunken voice. Jiang Li's charming appearance instantly broke into his eyes.

After the Dongli envoys took their seats, all the dozen boxes of things they brought this time were carried up.

There are various treasures such as gold and silver jewelry, calligraphy and painting antiques, and precious medicinal materials, packed in more than a dozen boxes.

Since the peace treaty was originally submitted by the Dongli Kingdom, the terms of the peace treaty were that the Dongli Kingdom must pay tribute to the Yan Dynasty every year.

The cheeks were covered with a layer of camel red, and the almond-shaped eyes were also stained with a bit of drunkenness.

Although Jiang Li exaggerated that she wanted to stay drunk with the Dongli envoy and all the officials and courtiers, she was already a little too drunk after just a few glasses of wine.

Jiang Li was dazzled for a moment. There were so many antique treasures. If you take any of them in modern times, they would be extremely valuable!
Suck, sniff, being an emperor is really rich!
Jiang Li's eyes lit up when she saw the dozens of boxes of treasures in the hall!

Everyone in the hall raised their heads and drank the wine in their hands, enjoying themselves as much as they wanted!
The palace people quickly placed all the wine and delicacies prepared today in front of everyone's seats. The aroma of wine overflowed in the Jinluan Palace. The dancers were dressed in soft clothes and displayed carefully choreographed graceful dances in the hall.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Jiang Li sighed in her heart. She was lucky enough to experience this life of reveling in wealth and extravagance!

As soon as Jiang Li finished speaking, the ministers raised their wine cups in front of them and spoke in unison.

Chu Mingye curled his lips imperceptibly, Dayan, the new emperor, is really interesting.

Jiang Li happened to turn her head and look towards him. The moment she met Chu Huaizhi's eyes, Jiang Li raised the wine cup in her hand towards him.

"Uncle Emperor, I respect you!"

She smiled at Chu Huai, then brought the wine cup that had been filled with wine to her mouth, raised her head and made a swallowing motion. As Jiang Li swallowed, crystal clear wine drops flowed down the corners of her mouth, flowed all the way through her chin, and finally disappeared into the collar along her slender and white neck.

Chu Huaizhi's Adam's apple slid unconsciously, he turned his head and looked back, and picked up the wine cup in front of him.

When Jiang Li finished his drink and wanted to show Chu Huaizhi the empty wine cup in his hand, he had already turned his head and sat upright on his seat.

Jiang Li shrugged and asked the palace attendant to fill the wine cup for her.

The envoy from the Dongli Kingdom came all the way to visit, and they, the Yan Dynasty, would naturally not lose their etiquette. The wine used to entertain the envoy from the Dongli Kingdom was all fine wine, with a great taste that made people fall in love with it.

Jiang Li was captivated by the fine wine in front of her. Although she was not overpowered by the wine, she still couldn't help but want to take a few more sips.

After two glasses of wine, Jiang Li was really drunk. Her eyes were blurred and her ears felt like they were stuffed with donkey hair. She could no longer hear what the people below were saying.

In the middle of the reception banquet held for the Dongli envoy, Chu Mingzhu quietly tugged on the sleeve of her imperial brother Chu Mingye.

"Brother Royal."

Chu Mingzhu turned to look at Chu Mingye beside her and reminded him coquettishly.

Chu Mingye turned to look at her and whispered: "You, you, you are really a bad girl!"

"Brother Imperial, you promised before coming here!"

Chu Mingzhu's voice was soft and sweet. Although she was wearing a veil on her face, Chu Mingye could still easily imagine the little girl's coquettish expression pouting at him at this moment.

A look of helplessness flashed in Chu Mingye's eyes, and he looked at the imperial sister in front of him who he had loved since childhood with a doting look on his face.

"Forget it, brother Huang will help you this time, but if they don't agree, don't cry later!"

Chu Mingzhu snorted: "No way!"

Chu Mingye shook his head, there was nothing he could do about Chu Mingzhu.

Chu Mingzhu's visit this time was not just interested in Dayan's folklore and scenery, but what interested her was someone in the palace.

After thinking about Chu Huai, the regent of Dayan, who was brave and good at fighting, brave and resourceful, and beautiful in appearance, Chu Mingye's little thoughts about the emperor's sister Chu Mingzhu suddenly became clear.

It seems good if Mingzhu can marry such a person.

Thinking of this, Chu Mingye raised his head and looked at Jiang Li, who was blushing and drunk.

"To inform Emperor Yan, there is another matter that Mingye did not inform when he came today."

Chu Mingye's voice was loud, and the hall instantly fell silent the moment he spoke.

Jiang Li forced her eyelids to stick together and looked over.

"what's up?"

"My sister Mingzhu has already grown hair and has reached the age of marriage. I brought her here today because I want to marry Da Yan forever in the Qin and Jin Dynasties. I wonder what Emperor Yan wants?"

Hearing Qin Jinzhi's kindness, Jiang Li's drunkenness dissipated a little. After taking a closer look, she recognized that the person who had just spoken was Chu Mingye, the second prince of Dongli.

As soon as these words came out, the ministers understood instantly. Just now they felt that the second prince was not interested in drinking. It turned out that he wanted to marry them, Dayan!

"How good is Qin and Jin? I wonder who the princess likes?"

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