Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 273 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 273 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (28)

The next day, the east was slightly bright.

The eighth day of May is the day when the Emperor of Dayan prays for the people of Dayan. Jiang Li was woken up early in the morning by Aunt Zhou.

"This old slave is infected with the cold and cannot accompany His Majesty to Buddha Eucalyptus Temple. Your Majesty must be careful during these few days at Buddha Eucalyptus Temple."

Aunt Zhou covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, fearing that the cold would pass on to her.

"Don't worry, mama, I will take good care of myself. Mama can rest assured to recuperate in the palace. There is no need to worry."

After packing everything up, Jiang Li left the Yangxin Hall. Aunt Zhou followed her all the way and followed her to the entrance of the Yangxin Hall, with an unconcealable worry in her eyes.

If she hadn't contracted the cold, she would have gone to Buddha Eucalyptus Temple with His Majesty no matter what this time. But unfortunately, without her by his side, His Majesty could only take care of himself.

"Mom, go back quickly."

Jiang Li came to the carriage that the palace people had prepared long ago and turned to look at Nanny Zhou.

Aunt Zhou nodded and said seriously: "Your Majesty, you must be more careful during this trip."

Jiang Li had to go to Buddha Eucalyptus Temple on the outskirts of the city to pray for the people this time, and it took a whole day just to travel.

Nowadays, things are calm on the surface of Dayan, but in fact, the princes have never stopped thinking about the throne. This time Jiang Li leaves the palace, the few behind him may have been unable to hold it back for a long time!

"Don't worry, as long as your uncle is here, nothing will happen to me."

Jiang Li cast a relieved look at Nanny Zhou, and then walked towards the carriage in front of her.

"Your Majesty, be careful."

Eunuch Zhu bent down and stretched out his arm in front of Jiang Li. Jiang Li put her hand on his wrist and stepped on the bench in front of the carriage.

The moment Jiang Li opened the sedan curtain, she was stunned for a moment and looked at the figure sitting in the sedan in disbelief.

"Uncle Emperor?"

Chu Huai was wearing a black robe and sitting upright, his bottomless eyes filled with ripples when he saw Jiang Li.

"Why is the emperor here?" Jiang Li knew that Chu Huaizhi would go to Buddha Eucalyptus Temple with her, but she didn't expect that he would ride in a carriage with her.

Chu Huaizhi explained: "In case there is an accident on the road, I will protect Your Majesty personally."

"Thank you, Uncle Emperor!"

Jiang Li curled her lips, then bent down and got into the carriage.

The interior space of the carriage is huge, and the interior decoration is luxurious and restrained. There are seat panels on the left and right sides and in the front. Chu Huaizhi sat on the seat panel on the left side and gave up the main seat to Jiang Li.

After Jiang Li got into the carriage, she put on clean shoes and walked directly to the front seat on the soft cushions in the carriage.

There is a bookcase in the middle of the carriage. There are pens, inks, paper, inkstones, classical books and chessboards on the bookcase. Even if you sit there for three days, you will not feel bored at all.

After Jiang Li sat firmly, Eunuch Zhu shouted loudly, and the coachman immediately drove the carriage towards the outside of the palace.

The moment the carriage drove away, Chu Huaizhi closed his eyes and began to doze off. The atmosphere in the carriage was a little awkward for a moment.

Jiang Li looked at Chu Huaizhi's expression and knew that he was not asleep, so he asked tentatively: "Uncle, will you play a game of chess with me?"

Chu Huaizhi slowly opened his eyes, stood up and sat on the soft cushion in front of him.

Seeing this, Jiang Li also lifted up her robe and sat down. Because the sleeves of her robe were too wide, she accidentally knocked over the chess tube and the chess pieces fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty, do you need help from my servant?"

Eunuch Zhu who was outside the carriage asked after hearing the movement inside.

"No need, I can just pick it up."

After Jiang Li finished speaking, she started to pick up the chess pieces on the cushion, and Chu Huaizhi also helped to pick them up.

Jiang Li picked up and counted the number of chess pieces that fell into the chess tube. When the last one was left, she leaned forward.

She was about to pick up the last chess piece, when the other hand was one step ahead of her.

In the end, Chu Huaizhi held the chess piece, while Jiang Li held his hand...

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