Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 278 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 278 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (33)

Although he knew this was not the behavior of a gentleman.

But in the end he could not defeat the evil thoughts in his heart.

Chu Huaizhi pursed his lips, and finally turned over the wish tablet in his hand that was facing away from him.

Two lines of elegant handwriting caught Chu Huaizhi's sight——

The south wind knows what I want, blowing dreams to Xizhou.

If the south wind knows my thoughts, I hope it can bring my dreams and my love to you.

Who is he telling his love to?
A wry smile flashed across Chu Huaizhi's eyes, and he hung Jiang Li's wish monument in its original position again.

He flew down and did not leave when he landed on the ground. Instead, he walked to the wish table aside and took down a wish tablet.

Chu Huaizhi bent down and wrote two lines of words on the wish tablet, then flew and hung the wish tablet on the top branch, which was higher than Jiang Li's.

She said that the higher the wish monument is, the easier it will be to achieve it.

Chu Huaizhi had never believed in ghosts and gods before.

but now.

He wanted to believe it for once.

What if... it comes true?
Chu Huaizhi glanced at the two wish monuments and disappeared into the front yard.

Early the next morning, Jiang Li stretched, and after washing herself, she came to the Buddhist hall as she did yesterday, but this time Chu Huaizhi also came with her.

It takes three days to chant sutras and pray for blessings. This is the second day that Jiang Li, the emperor of Dayan, prays for the people of Dayan.

dong dong dong-

The whole Buddhist hall was filled with the sound of banging wooden fish.

Jiang Li was beating the wooden fish when she felt a sudden cramp in her abdomen. She turned pale in pain and quickly stopped beating the wooden fish and covered her stomach.

After noticing the movement beside him, Chu Huaizhi suddenly opened his eyes, stood up quickly and came to Jiang Li's side.

"what happened?"

Chu Huaizhi knelt on one knee and bent down in front of Jiang Li, who was lowering his head with a solemn expression.

At this time, Jiang Li's face turned pale in pain, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? I'll ask the doctor in the temple to take a look at it for Your Majesty!"

Master Jingkong and others also stopped the wooden fish in their hands and looked at Jiang Li with worried faces.

"No, no need, I'm fine, just take a rest."

Jiang Li resisted the pain in her abdomen and refused Master Jingkong's kindness.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Huaizhi picked up Jiang Li and said, "Your Majesty is not feeling well. I will pray for you in advance, Master Jingkong. I will take your Majesty back first."

Chu Huaizhi hugged Jiang Li and left the Buddhist hall in the blink of an eye, leaving only a sharp cold wind behind. "Your Majesty, just hold on and we'll be in the meditation room soon."

Looking at the pale and weak Jiang Li in his arms, Chu Huaizhi frowned into a frown.

"Uncle Emperor, I, I want to return to the palace."

Jiang Li's eyes darkened and she fainted after leaving these words.

After Chu Huai made everything in the temple clear, he took Jiang Li and secretly left the Buddha Eucalyptus Temple.

Chu Huaizhi and Jiang Li got into a simple and inconspicuous carriage.

Jiang Li was lying on the cushions with her eyebrows furrowed, while Chu Huaizhi was sitting next to her with her eyebrows furrowed as well.


Chu Huaizhi gave instructions in a low voice.


The guard driving the horse responded quickly and waved the reins in his hands faster.

Half an hour later, Jiang Li's eyebrows gradually relaxed and she opened her eyes from the turbulence.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Chu Huaizhi's worried eyes and the river lines between his eyebrows that could kill flies.

"Uncle Emperor, where is this?"

"On the way back to the imperial city."

Even after Jiang Li woke up, the worry and anxiety in Chu Huai's eyes still didn't dissipate.

Seeing this, Jiang Li said with relief: "Uncle, don't worry, I'm fine."

But Chu Huaizhi was still the same, staring at her with a worried look on his face, and there was still a trace of unconcealable distress deep in his eyes.

Jiang Li twitched the corner of her mouth, smiled and joked: "I am obviously the one suffering from abdominal cramps, why does the emperor's uncle feel more uncomfortable than me?"

"Ginger pear."

Chu Huaizhi stared at Jiang Li and suddenly called her name.

Jiang Li looked confused: "Huh?"

"Looking at you feeling uncomfortable, I feel even more uncomfortable than you. Is I sick?"

Jiang Li looked at him blankly and subconsciously raised her hand to test the temperature of his forehead.

"What did the emperor say? Are you sick? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Jiang Li asked three times in a row. At this moment, Chu Huaiyi took her hand and stared at her with firm and gentle eyes.

"I said, I love you."

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