Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 281 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 281 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (36)

After Chu Huaizhi finished speaking, he hugged Jiang Li and walked towards the Regent's Palace.

When the two figures appeared in the Regent's Palace without anyone noticing, the servants thought they were being deceived and quickly rubbed their eyes.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty? This slave is here to see Your Majesty!"

All the servants who saw Chu Huaizhi knelt on the ground.

Chu Huaizhi walked past the servants with Jiang Li in his arms. As he walked, his clothes flew and his black hair flew behind him.

After hearing the news of Chu Huaizhi's return, the butler of the palace hurriedly rushed from the accounting room to the front yard. Even though he was over fifty years old, the butler's legs and feet were still nimble and he walked with wind.

Since moving to Yunxiao Palace temporarily, Chu Huaizhi has not returned to the Regent's Palace for some days. The housekeeper who has watched him grow up is worried that something will happen to him outside, and he must see with his own eyes that he is unharmed. Peace of mind.

The housekeeper came to the front yard step by step, and finally saw the familiar figure on the other side across the corridor.

"My lord, you are finally back!"

The housekeeper was overjoyed and trotted towards the front corridor, and finally met Chu Huaizhi at the corner of the corridor.

The butler's body trembled, and his beard trembled.

"Your Majesty, this, this, this??"

The housekeeper first looked at Chu Huaizhi with a shocked expression, and then his eyes fell on the bulge covered by the cloak in front of him.

"Uncle Fu, go and ask the servants to buy some skirts."

After Chu Huaizhi finished his instructions, he hugged Jiang Li and continued towards the end of the corridor without explaining too much to Uncle Fu.

It wasn't until Chu Huaizhi's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor that the housekeeper suddenly came back to his senses.

He rubbed his eyes. Wasn't he just so dim?
He seemed to see the prince holding someone in his arms?

I don't know what he thought of, but the housekeeper suddenly slapped his thigh excitedly!
Luo Qun, yes, the prince just asked him to buy Luo Qun! !

After thinking of Chu Huaizhi's words just now, the housekeeper suddenly grinned.

The prince has returned with the girl, and their regent’s palace will soon have a regent!

Thinking of this, the little old man ran towards the front yard excitedly. He had to hurry up and get someone to buy clothes for the future princess!


Chu Huaizhi carried Jiang Li through the corridor, walked through the rows of courtyards, and finally came to his room.

"Prepare water."


The boy on duty in the courtyard agreed and hurried to the kitchen to prepare hot water.

"Put me down."

Jiang Li held Chu Huaizhi's neck with one hand and lifted the cloak covering her body with the other hand, revealing a small head.

Chu Huaizhi chuckled and put Jiang Li on the ground.

Jiang Li looked at him doubtfully: "Why are you laughing?"

Chu Huaizhi shook his head: "It's nothing. The prayer for the people of Dayan has not been completed yet. Li'er will stay in the palace for the past few days."

Chu Huaizhi had already arranged everything before setting off to Buddha Eucalyptus Temple, so no one would notice Jiang Li even if he came back halfway.

"You don't look good. Take a good rest later. If you need anything, just tell Uncle Fu."


"Are you hungry after traveling all the way? Let the kitchen prepare whatever you want to eat."

"it is good."

"Li'er can relax and recuperate here these days. If you feel uncomfortable, tell the doctor. Everyone in the house can be trusted. You don't have to worry about your identity being exposed here."

Listening to Chu Huai's instructions one after another, Jiang Li suddenly laughed out loud.

"Why did the emperor become as nagging as Aunt Zhou?"

Chu Huaizhi looked at Jiang Li helplessly and dotingly, and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms.

"Pear is a treasure that I have finally obtained with great difficulty. I always want to be more careful about your affairs, and be more careful. I am afraid that if I don't do something good enough, I will make Li'er feel disgusted." This is the first time Chu Huaizhi gets along with a woman. , I am afraid that something is not good enough, and I want to consider everything for Jiang Li.

The arrogant Dayan God of War has now become cautious in front of the woman he likes.

Jiang Li wrapped her arms around Chu Huaizhi's waist and pressed her face against his chest.

"I have been coveting the Emperor's uncle for a long time. Now that I finally got it, how can I dislike him? Besides, the Emperor's uncle has already done a good job and there is no need to make any changes for me."

Chu Huai put his chin on Jiang Li's head: "Some things still need to be changed, such as..."

Jiang Li looked up at him in confusion: "Like what?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the man's big palm on her back began to move down dishonestly, all the way to her waist.

Chu Huaizhi leaned over Jiang Li's ear and said, "For example, undressing Li'er and taking off her belt."

There are no maids in the palace, and the only woman is Grandma Wang in the kitchen. She thought that Chu Huaizhi would naturally do it herself when Jiang Li undressed and undressed.

Just when Chu Huaizhi was about to untie Jiang Li's belt, Jiang Li pushed his hand away!

Two words came to her mind instantly - nine inches and bath, bloody battle...

Jiang Li shuddered, and quickly crossed her hands on her chest, looking at Chu Huaizhi with a vigilant expression: "Uncle Huang, what are you, what are you going to do? I am inconvenienced now, so I can't..."

Chu Huai was stunned, but belatedly realized that Jiang Li had stopped talking.

Under Jiang Li's vigilant gaze, he explained: "There are no maids in the palace, so I can only do the dressing myself first."

Jiang Li choked, and put down the hand protecting her chest angrily, lowering her head to hide her embarrassment.


What kind of yellow waste are you thinking about every day? !

Just when Jiang Li was distracted, Chu Huai took two steps forward and approached her, leaned over Jiang Li, and spoke in an ambiguous tone.

"Or does Li'er want to have something happen with me?"

"No, I don't want to! Get out of here!"

Jiang Li shook her head quickly and pushed Chu Huaizhi out the door.

In the end, Chu Huaizhi was driven out of the room by her. At this time, people also prepared hot water.

"Li'er, you really don't need me to serve you?"

Chu Huaizhi stood outside the door with one hand behind his back, looking at the closed door in front of him.

Jiang Li squeezed out two words from between her teeth: "No!"

After driving the person away, Jiang Li took a comfortable hot bath and put on the long-lost skirt.

While Jiang Li was taking a bath, Chu Huaizhi asked Grandma Wang to make some meals for her to replenish her vitality and blood, and also boiled a bowl of ginger syrup for her.

As dusk fell, Chu Huaizhi stood in front of the door and looked at the full moon in the sky, his eyebrows were soft, and the corners of his mouth raised a vague arc.


The door behind him opened.

Chu Huaizhi turned around and looked over after hearing the sound.

The girl moved lightly with lotus steps and came in a graceful manner. Her colorful clothes were fluttering in the wind. She was graceful and graceful, just like the fairy who fell into the mortal world. She was so beautiful.

Chu Huaizhi's breath was stagnant, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Li who was walking towards him.

Jiang Li put on the long-lost skirt, with three thousand black hair hanging down, and her whole body exuded a faint fragrance.

When she came to Chu Huaizhi, she saw that Chu Huaizhi kept staring at her without saying a word. Jiang Li subconsciously touched her face.

"Why is your uncle staring at me like this?"

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight."

Chu Huaizhi looked at Jiang Li with burning eyes, the emotion in his eyes undisguised.

Hearing this, Jiang Li raised her eyes and glanced at the moon above her head. Just as she was about to speak, Chu Huai pulled her into his arms and said the following.

"Li'er too."

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