Her soft waist and semen make it easy to get pregnant, but it’s hard for the male protagonist to res

Chapter 287 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man

Chapter 287 The fake regent with cut sleeves vs the little emperor disguised as a man (42)

As soon as Chu Huaizhi arrived in front of the gate of Yangxin Palace, he was stopped by the palace officials.

He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Get out of the way."

The frightening coercion came over, and the palace people froze and stood in front of Chu Huaizhi.

"Please, Your Majesty, don't embarrass this villain. Your Majesty has ordered that Your Majesty cannot step into the Hall of Cultivation of Heart!"

After listening to the palace man's explanation, Chu Huaizhi became more certain that something had happened to Jiang Li and didn't want him to know.

"Get out of my way, everyone!"

His tone became more serious, as if he was going to push away the palace people and rush into the Yangxin Palace to find out what was going on!
At this moment, Grandma Zhou hurriedly walked out of the hall.

"My lord, please wait!"

Aunt Zhou stopped her with words, stepped down the steps quickly, and hurriedly walked towards Chu Huaizhi.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Your Majesty is fine. The reason why the Prince is not allowed in is because there is a folk custom that the groom and the bride cannot meet each other three days before the wedding."

Seeing Chu Huaizhi's serious expression, Nanny Zhou knew that he had misunderstood and explained with a smile.

After hearing Nanny Zhou's explanation, Chu Huaizhi breathed a sigh of relief: "Li'er is really fine?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with her. She is currently trying on makeup in the palace! You will be able to see Your Majesty at the wedding banquet in three days!"

Jiang Li and Chu Huaizhi agreed that their wedding would be arranged according to folk customs. There would be no emperor and regent at the wedding banquet, only a pair of newlyweds who were in love with each other.

Since there is this custom among the people, Chu Huaizhi naturally has to abide by it.

As the saying goes, "I miss you like crazy after not seeing you for a day." Chu Huaizhi has not seen Jiang Li for a whole day and night, and he misses her very much.

But now according to custom, he could not meet Jiang Li three days before the wedding, so Chu Huaizhi had no choice but to endure his longing and turn around and leave.

For Chu Huaizhi, three short days were like three autumns.

God knows how he survived these three days.

He was used to sleeping with Jiang Li in his arms, and he often had insomnia after tossing and turning for the past three days.

When he thought that the two of them were about to become husband and wife, and that from now on they would live and die in the same place, Chu Huaizhi was excited, looking forward to it, but also excited and nervous.

Various emotions were intertwined, and Chu Huaizhi had not had a good night's sleep in the past three days.

With Chu Huaizhi's expectation, their wedding day finally came.

The wedding of the emperor and the regent was unprecedentedly grand.

The welcoming team stood on both sides, and festive red lanterns were hung in front of every house.

People with smiles on their faces and brand-new clothes were waiting on both sides of the street, waiting to witness this moment of universal celebration.

Firecrackers crackled one after another, and the entire streets of the imperial city were aglow. Chu Huaizhi wore a bright red wedding dress, sat upright on horseback, and headed to the palace to meet the bride he longed for.

At that time, Jiang Li had already put on her phoenix robe and was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, letting the palace officials dress her up.

Grandma Zhou stood aside and looked at the stunning beauty in the bronze mirror, smiling without her eyes.

"Your Majesty, the wedding team has arrived!"

A father-in-law hurriedly came to report.

"Your Majesty, the prince is here. It's time for us to move to the Regent's Palace."

Aunt Zhou said as she took the red hijab and walked to Jiang Li's side.

Jiang Li stood up and looked at Grandma Zhou, smiled at her, and then lowered her head slightly.

Aunt Zhou put a red hijab on Jiang Li herself, then took her arm and walked out of the hall.

"Slave to see the prince!"

As soon as he walked out of the inner chamber, the sound of salutes from the palace people could be heard outside the courtyard.

Aunt Zhou smiled: "It seems that the prince can't wait any longer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Huaizhi's tall figure appeared at the door, blocking the light coming from outside the door.

After seeing Jiang Li wearing a phoenix robe, Chu Huaizhi's breath froze and he took a few strides to come to her.

"Leave it to me."

After he finished speaking, he took Jiang Li from Aunt Zhou and hugged her up.

The moment Jiang Li was picked up by him, the tassels on the red hijab began to sway around.

"Li'er, I have finally waited for this day."

Chu Huaizhi looked at the beauty in his arms with a smile. Although he couldn't see Jiang Li's face, the moment he felt her breath, his heart felt at home.

Jiang Li, whose face was covered by a red hijab, smiled and hugged Chu Huaizhi's neck tightly.

"Move to the Regent's Palace——"

The palace man shouted loudly, and Chu Huaizhi hugged Jiang Li and strode towards the wedding sedan outside the door.

Half an hour later, the welcoming team passed through the long street and finally arrived in front of the Prince Regent's Palace, standing on both sides of the Palace.

"Adhere to God's will, comply with Yin and Yang, please, new people come out——"

This small world should be over in two days. Baby, do you want to see the same as the previous article, a summary of the heroine spending her whole life in the small world, and then leaving after the hero dies? It is still the same as the previous small worlds. Stop everything at the most beautiful moment and it will be over

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