Chapter 307 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (11)

Fu Wensheng ignored him and just stared at the two figures in front of him who were very close to each other.

Upon seeing this, the adjutant followed his gaze and looked confused when he saw Jiang Li and Gu Chengfeng in front of the test bench.

Why does the commander have any rivalry with these two doctors?
I never heard that the commander-in-chief had any issues with the doctors from Kangtai Hospital!
Before the adjutant could figure out the reason, Jiang Lina successfully prepared the potion.

"Brother, look!"

Jiang Li raised the volumetric flask containing the medicine in front of Gu Chengfeng and looked at him with bright eyes.

Gu Chengfeng stared at the volumetric flask in her hand in disbelief and exclaimed: "Xiao Jiang, we succeeded, great, we succeeded!"

Jiang Li smiled, showing eight standard teeth, and the dimples on her face were deeply sunken.

Her smile was beautiful and sweet, but it was particularly dazzling to Fu Wensheng.

Just because the person standing opposite her was not him.

Gu Chengfeng took the volumetric flask from Jiang Li's hand, looked at the medicine inside carefully, and finally laughed excitedly, put the volumetric flask aside and stretched out his hand towards Jiang Li.

"Great, our experiment was successful, Xiao Jiang, you are awesome!"

When Gu Chengfeng stretched out his hand, Jiang Li also raised her hand in a tacit understanding and gave him a high-five.

It seems that the two of them have done this action countless times, and they are extremely familiar with it.

Fu Wensheng almost broke his back teeth and his fist became hard instantly! !

He was about to rush forward when the adjutant beside him quickly hugged his waist.

"Commander, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, impulsive is the devil!"

The adjutant thought Fu Wensheng was going to beat him up, so he quickly hugged his waist and led him out of the laboratory.

Until the moment he was dragged out by the adjutant, Fu Wensheng was still kicking his long legs forward.

After Fu Wensheng left, the temperature in the laboratory finally returned to normal.

The soldiers also quickly completed the investigation work. There were ten Japanese soldiers who sneaked into Kangtai Hospital this time. Two of them had fainted because they were shot three times. The other eight were all captured by the soldiers. The danger in Kangtai Hospital has been completely eliminated, and everything is back to normal.

"Thankfully, Marshal Fu arrived in time to capture the Japanese, so the hospital did not suffer any casualties. Our hospital is grateful for Marshal Fu's kindness!"

As the dean spoke, he was about to bend down and bow to Fu Wensheng, but Fu Wensheng stopped him with quick eyes and hands.

"Dean, you don't have to be polite. This is what I should do."

The dean, the vice dean and the heads of departments all gathered to express their gratitude to Fu Wensheng. Just as a few people were talking, Gu Chengfeng's excited voice came over.

"Dean, Xiao Jiang has completed the experiment!"

The dean and others were startled and looked at Gu Chengfeng running opposite with wide eyes.

"Cheng Feng, what did you just say? Did Xiao Jiang complete the experiment?"

Gu Chengfeng ran up to the dean and others in one breath and nodded heavily: "That's right, Xiao Jiang just completed the experiment!"

"Hahaha, great, so great!"

"This is really better than the previous one. Only a few days later, Xiao Jiang actually completed the experiment that had failed more than ten times!"

The dean and others were all smiles and praised Jiang Li profusely.

After a while, Jiang Li also rushed over from the laboratory, and the dean and others praised her again in front of her.

Seeing the scene of stars holding the moon in front of him, Fu Wensheng curled his lips imperceptibly, feeling a sense of pride in his heart for no reason.

"I forgot to introduce you to the commander-in-chief. These two doctors are new to our hospital, Jiang Li and Gu Chengfeng. They are both young and promising talents. Despite their young age, they have made great achievements in medicine. Woolen cloth!"

"The last doctor who was responsible for examining Marshal had to take leave and went home because of family matters. From now on, Dr. Gu will be responsible for examining Marshal."

Hearing this, Gu Chengfeng looked at Fu Wensheng with a smile and nodded at him: "Commander, if you feel unwell in the future, you can call me. I promise to be on call."

Fu Wensheng said to the dean: "Thank you very much, dean, for your kindness, but that's no need. I already have a candidate in mind."

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