Chapter 311 Warlord Commander vs. Pure Female Doctor (15)

Afraid that Zhou Qingshi would laugh at him again, Zhang Tiedan quickly changed the topic.

"I heard that Dr. Xiang had something to do at home and asked for leave to go home, so Dr. Jiang was replaced to check the Marshal's health. In addition, I also heard some gossip."

Seeing Zhou Qingshi's mysterious face, Zhang Tiedan looked at him curiously: "What kind of gossip?"

Zhou Qingshi waved to Zhang Tiedan, who obediently put his ear towards him.

"I heard that this Doctor Jiang was personally appointed by the commander-in-chief!"

"Huh, what's so mysterious about this, isn't it just the commander-in-chief himself..." Halfway through his words, Zhang Tiedan's eyes widened: "What? The commander-in-chief himself designated it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his mouth was covered by Zhou Qingshi.

Zhou Qingshi glanced at the office: "Shh, keep your voice down!"

Zhang Tiedan took Zhou Qingshi's hand off and pulled him towards the corridor.

"Really, are you sure Dr. Jiang was appointed by the Marshal himself?"

Zhang Tiedan's eyes were piercing, looking forward to hearing a positive answer from Zhou Qingshi.

Zhou Qingshi felt a little guilty, and his voice became softer and quieter: "That's what the gossip said, and we don't know whether it's true or not."

Zhang Tiedan slapped his thigh suddenly: "Since Dr. Jiang has appeared in the hospital, it must be!"

Zhou Qingshi frowned and said in confusion: "How can you be so sure?"

Zhang Tiegang raised his chin, imitating Zhou Qingshi and deliberately showing off.

"What do I need to do to check my body?"

Zhou Qingshi was stunned: "Just, just check your body, what else can you do?"

Seeing that Zhou Qingshi, a fool, had not yet reacted, Zhang Tiedan reminded him again.

"Does the physical examination require physical contact?"

Zhou Qingshi nodded, but still didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Tiedan's words.

"and then?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Tiedan was confused by Zhou Qingshi: "Are you stupid? When did you ever see the handsome man have physical contact with a woman?"

Zhou Qingshi's eyes lit up: "Oh~ I know!"

Zhang Tiedan blew his index finger and said, "What do you know?" Zhou Qingshi, who was pretending to be smart, was stopped by the question and instantly became discouraged: "You don't know anything."


Zhang Tiedan looked at Zhou Qingshi in disbelief. He didn't expect that he even hinted at this, but this idiot didn't know it yet! !

"I've never seen anyone stupider than you!"

Zhang Tiedan flicked his sleeves and turned back to the office door.

Zhou Qingshi saw this and chased after him: "Hey, Tiedan, don't be angry, Tiedan. We've already talked about it for this reason. Why don't you say it more carefully?"

Zhang Tiedan turned his head and ignored him: "Don't talk to me, I'm afraid of infection."

Zhou Qingshi: "..."

If you want to say he's stupid, just say it straight, why beat around the bush!

As a man, he should be able to bend...and bend again!
So Zhou Qingshi put a hot face on Tiedan's cold butt: "Tiedan, just say it."

Outside the office, Zhou Qingshi and Zhang Tiedan acted out a drama of moving and moving, while Jiang Li and Fu Wensheng in the lounge were exactly the opposite.

The two of you get together and I get together.

It wasn't until she came to Fu Wensheng's lounge that Jiang Li fully understood why Fu Wensheng said he was waiting for her yesterday.

She thought that Fu Wensheng went to the hospital to take a chest X-ray for her weekly physical check-up, but it turned out that she was wrong.

Big mistake!

Because there was actually a film camera in Fu Wensheng's lounge! !
In other words, Fu Wensheng didn't need to go to the hospital at all. He just called her and she had to come over to check him out? ?

Jiang Li became even more convinced about this.

Some people are born in Rome, while others are born as cows and horses.

Obviously, she is the cow horse.

"Dr. Jiang, I have a stomachache."

Seeing Jiang Li staring blankly at the camera, Fu Wensheng pretended to be sad and reminded him.

Jiang Li turned to look at him, opened her red lips lightly, and uttered five words.

"Take off your clothes."

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